Patents by Inventor Walter M. Weber

Walter M. Weber has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20150351697
    Abstract: A variable indication estimator which determines an output value representative of a set of input data. For example, the estimator can reduce input data to estimates of a desired signal, select a time, and determine an output value from the estimates and the time. In one embodiment, the time is selected using one or more adjustable signal confidence parameters determine where along the estimates the output value will be computed. By varying the parameters, the characteristics of the output value are variable. For example, when input signal confidence is low, the parameters are adjusted so that the output value is a smoothed representation of the input signal. When input signal confidence is high, the parameters are adjusted so that the output value has a faster and more accurate response to the input signal.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 19, 2015
    Publication date: December 10, 2015
    Inventors: Walter M. Weber, Ammar Al-Ali, Lorenzo Cazzoli
  • Patent number: 9161713
    Abstract: A patient monitoring system comprises a plurality of emitters configured to transmit light into a tissue site and a detector configured to receive the light after tissue absorption. The detector generates a signal responsive to the intensity of the light and communicates the signal to a monitor. An information element is readable by the monitor so as to identify an environment of use. An actuator may preset at least one user-selectable operational parameter of the monitor in response to the information element.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 20, 2012
    Date of Patent: October 20, 2015
    Inventors: Ammar Al-Ali, Massi Joe E. Kiani, Walter M. Weber
  • Patent number: 9138192
    Abstract: A variable indication estimator which determines an output value representative of a set of input data. For example, the estimator can reduce input data to estimates of a desired signal, select a time, and determine an output value from the estimates and the time. In one embodiment, the time is selected using one or more adjustable signal confidence parameters determine where along the estimates the output value will be computed. By varying the parameters, the characteristics of the output value are variable. For example, when input signal confidence is low, the parameters are adjusted so that the output value is a smoothed representation of the input signal. When input signal confidence is high, the parameters are adjusted so that the output value has a faster and more accurate response to the input signal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 15, 2013
    Date of Patent: September 22, 2015
    Assignee: Masimo Corporation
    Inventors: Walter M. Weber, Ammar Al-Ali, Lorenzo Cazzoli
  • Patent number: 9107626
    Abstract: Aspects of the present disclosure include a sensor configured to store in memory indications of sensor use information and formulas or indications of formulas for determining the useful life of a sensor from the indications of sensor use information. A monitor connected to the sensor monitors sensor use and stores indications of the use on sensor memory. The monitor and/or sensor compute the useful life of the sensor from the indications of use and the formulas. When the useful life of the sensor is reached, an indication is given to replace the sensor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 17, 2014
    Date of Patent: August 18, 2015
    Assignee: Masimo Corporation
    Inventors: Ammar Al-Ali, Walter M. Weber, Ryan Timothy McHale
  • Patent number: 9084569
    Abstract: A method and an apparatus for separating a composite signal into a plurality of signals is described. A signal processor receives a composite signal and separates a composite signal in to separate output signals. Pre-demodulation signal values are used to adjust the demodulation scheme.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 17, 2014
    Date of Patent: July 21, 2015
    Assignee: Cercacor Laboratories, Inc.
    Inventors: Walter M. Weber, Ammar Al-Ali
  • Publication number: 20150157245
    Abstract: Aspects of the present disclosure include a sensor configured to store in memory indications of sensor use information and formulas or indications of formulas for determining the useful life of a sensor from the indications of sensor use information. A monitor connected to the sensor monitors sensor use and stores indications of the use on sensor memory. The monitor and/or sensor compute the useful life of the sensor from the indications of use and the formulas. When the useful life of the sensor is reached, an indication is given to replace the sensor.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 17, 2014
    Publication date: June 11, 2015
    Inventors: Ammar Al-Ali, Walter M. Weber, Ryan Timothy McHale
  • Publication number: 20150141781
    Abstract: A transform for determining a physiological measurement is disclosed. The transform determines a basis function index from a physiological signal obtained through a physiological sensor. A basis function waveform is generated based on basis function index. The basis function waveform is then used to determine an optimized basis function waveform. The optimized basis function waveform is used to calculate a physiological measurement.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 17, 2014
    Publication date: May 21, 2015
    Inventors: Walter M. Weber, Ammar Al-Ali, Lorenzo Cazzoli
  • Publication number: 20150099950
    Abstract: A regional oximetry sensor has a sensor head attachable to a patient skin surface so as to transmit optical radiation into the skin and receive that optical radiation after attenuation by blood flow within the skin. The sensor includes windows that press into the skin to maximize optical transmission. A stem extending from the sensor head transmits electrical signals between the sensor head and an attached cable. In a peel resistant configuration, the stem is terminated interior to the sensor head and away from a sensor head edge so as to define feet along either side of the stem distal the stem termination. The stem interior termination transforms a peel load on a sensor head adhesive to less challenging tension and shear loads on the sensor head adhesive.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 6, 2014
    Publication date: April 9, 2015
    Inventors: Ammar Al-Ali, Kevin Forrest, Yassir Abdul-Hafiz, Walter M. Weber, Pete Mangosing, Sujin Hwang
  • Publication number: 20150099951
    Abstract: A regional oximetry pod drives optical emitters on regional oximetry sensors and receives the corresponding detector signals in response. The sensor pod has a dual sensor connector configured to physically attach and electrically connect one or two regional oximetry sensors. The pod housing has a first housing end and a second housing end. The dual sensor connector is disposed proximate the first housing end. The housing at least partially encloses the dual sensor connector. A monitor connector is disposed proximate a second housing end. An analog board is disposed within the pod housing and is in communications with the dual sensor connector. A digital board is disposed within the pod housing in communications with the monitor connector.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 6, 2014
    Publication date: April 9, 2015
    Inventors: Ammar Al-Ali, Kevin Forrest, David Dalke, Walter M. Weber, Chad A. DeJong, Sujin Hwang
  • Patent number: 8948834
    Abstract: The present invention involves a method and an apparatus for analyzing measured signals, including the determination of a measurement of correlation in the measured signals during a calculation of a physiological parameter of a monitored patient. Use of this invention is described in particular detail with respect to blood oximetry measurements.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 2, 2005
    Date of Patent: February 3, 2015
    Assignee: Masimo Corporation
    Inventors: Mohamed K. Diab, Esmaiel Kiani-Azarbayjany, Walter M. Weber
  • Publication number: 20150032029
    Abstract: A physiological monitor is provided for determining a physiological parameter of a medical patient with a multi-stage sensor assembly. The monitor includes a signal processor configured to receive a signal indicative of a physiological parameter of a medical patient from a multi-stage sensor assembly. The multi-stage sensor assembly is configured to be attached to the physiological monitor and the medical patient. The monitor of certain embodiments also includes an information element query module configured to obtain calibration information from an information element provided in a plurality of stages of the multi-stage sensor assembly. In some embodiments, the signal processor is configured to determine the physiological parameter of the medical patient based upon said signal and said calibration information.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 1, 2014
    Publication date: January 29, 2015
    Inventors: Ammar Al-Ali, Walter M. Weber, Valery G. Telfort
  • Patent number: 8942777
    Abstract: The present invention involves a method and an apparatus for analyzing measured signals, including the determination of a measurement of correlation in the measured signals during a calculation of a physiological parameter of a monitored patient. Use of this invention is described in particular detail with respect to blood oximetry measurements.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 25, 2007
    Date of Patent: January 27, 2015
    Assignee: Masimo Corporation
    Inventors: Mohamed K. Diab, Esmaiel Kiani-Azarbayjany, Walter M. Weber
  • Patent number: 8922382
    Abstract: Aspects of the present disclosure include a sensor configured to store in memory indications of sensor use information and formulas or indications of formulas for determining the useful life of a sensor from the indications of sensor use information. A monitor connected to the sensor monitors sensor use and stores indications of the use on sensor memory. The monitor and/or sensor compute the useful life of the sensor from the indications of use and the formulas. When the useful life of the sensor is reached, an indication is given to replace the sensor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 27, 2011
    Date of Patent: December 30, 2014
    Assignee: Masimo Corporation
    Inventors: Ammar Al-Ali, Walter M. Weber, Ryan Timothy McHale
  • Patent number: 8892180
    Abstract: A transform for determining a physiological measurement is disclosed. The transform determines a basis function index from a physiological signal obtained through a physiological sensor. A basis function waveform is generated based on basis function index. The basis function waveform is then used to determine an optimized basis function waveform. The optimized basis function waveform is used to calculate a physiological measurement.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 29, 2013
    Date of Patent: November 18, 2014
    Assignee: Masimo Corporation
    Inventors: Walter M. Weber, Ammar Al-Ali, Lorenzo Cazzoli
  • Publication number: 20140243627
    Abstract: A method and an apparatus measure blood oxygenation in a subject. A light source is activated to cause a first emission at a first wavelength and a second emission at a second wavelength. A detector detects a composite signal indicative of an attenuation of the first and second wavelengths by tissue of a patient. The composite signal is demodulated into a first intensity signal and a second intensity signal. Blood oxygenation in the subject is determined from the first and second intensity signals.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 5, 2014
    Publication date: August 28, 2014
    Applicant: Masimo Corporation
    Inventors: Mohamed K. Diab, Walter M. Weber, Ammar Al-Ali
  • Patent number: 8801613
    Abstract: A physiological monitor is provided for determining a physiological parameter of a medical patient with a multi-stage sensor assembly. The monitor includes a signal processor configured to receive a signal indicative of a physiological parameter of a medical patient from a multi-stage sensor assembly. The multi-stage sensor assembly is configured to be attached to the physiological monitor and the medical patient. The monitor of certain embodiments also includes an information element query module configured to obtain calibration information from an information element provided in a plurality of stages of the multi-stage sensor assembly. In some embodiments, the signal processor is configured to determine the physiological parameter of the medical patient based upon said signal and said calibration information.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 3, 2010
    Date of Patent: August 12, 2014
    Assignee: Masimo Corporation
    Inventors: Ammar Al-Ali, Walter M. Weber, Valery G. Telfort
  • Publication number: 20140200422
    Abstract: A method and an apparatus for separating a composite signal into a plurality of signals is described. A signal processor receives a composite signal and separates a composite signal in to separate output signals. Pre-demodulation signal values are used to adjust the demodulation scheme.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 17, 2014
    Publication date: July 17, 2014
    Inventors: Walter M. Weber, Ammar Al-Ali
  • Publication number: 20140194709
    Abstract: A physiological measurement system has a sensor, a processor, a communications link and information elements. The sensor is configured to transmit light having a plurality of wavelengths into a tissue site and to generate a sensor signal responsive to the transmitted light after tissue attenuation. The attenuated light can be used by the system to determine a plurality of physiological measurements. The processor is configured to operate on the sensor signal so as to derive at least one physiological parameter after which of the plurality of physiological measurements the system is configured to or capable of measuring.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 11, 2013
    Publication date: July 10, 2014
    Applicant: Cercacor Laboratories, Inc.
    Inventors: Ammar Al-Ali, Massi Joe E. Kiani, Walter M. Weber
  • Patent number: 8755856
    Abstract: The present disclosure describes a method and an apparatus for analyzing measured signals using various processing techniques. In certain embodiments, the measured signals are physiological signals. In certain embodiments, the measurements relate to blood constituent measurements including blood oxygen saturation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 22, 2012
    Date of Patent: June 17, 2014
    Assignee: Masimo Corporation
    Inventors: Mohamed K. Diab, Esmaiel Kiani-Azarbayjany, Ibrahim M. Elfadel, Rex J. McCarthy, Walter M. Weber, Robert A. Smith
  • Patent number: 8718737
    Abstract: A method and an apparatus measure blood oxygenation in a subject. A light source is activated to cause a first emission at a first wavelength and a second emission at a second wavelength. A detector detects a composite signal indicative of an attenuation of the first and second wavelengths by tissue of a patient. The composite signal is demodulated into a first intensity signal and a second intensity signal. Blood oxygenation in the subject is determined from the first and second intensity signals.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 2, 2012
    Date of Patent: May 6, 2014
    Assignee: Masimo Corporation
    Inventors: Mohamed K. Diab, Walter M. Weber, Ammar Al-Ali