Abstract: A latch mechanism for an apparatus having a rotatable member, a cabinet enclosing the rotatable member and an access door on the cabinet. The latch mechanism includes a first portion on the access door and a second portion on the cabinet which cooperate to lock the access door in the closed position at predetermined times in a cycle of operations. The second portion of the latch mechanism is controlled through a bimetal actuator which is heated by a low voltage current inductively generated in an auxiliary winding associated with a pump motor.
Abstract: A coin slide apparatus which includes a housing for mounting the apparatus to a machine, a coin slide assembly, and a guideway in the housing for the coin slide assembly to operate within. The coin slide assembly is reciprocally operable in the guideway from an extended coin receiving position through coin measuring and coin ejection positions to a position for initiating operation of the machine. The movable slide assembly comprises two main members: an upper slide plate and a center slide plate. The upper slide plate is formed to include the operating handle at one end and has coin receiving slots of a predetermined size tandemly aligned one behind the other. The center slide plate has downwardly projecting fingerlike members defining between them coin pockets also tandemly aligned for supporting coins on edge and further defining coin pushers. The center slide plate also serves as a storage area for blanking members which are used to convert the apparatus from one combination of coins to another.
Abstract: A coin slide apparatus which includes a housing for mounting the apparatus to a machine, a coin slide assembly, and a guideway in the housing for the coin slide assembly to operate within. The coin slide assembly is reciprocally operable in the guideway from an extended coin receiving position through coin measuring and coin ejection positions to a position for initiating operation of the machine. The movable slide assembly comprises two main members: an upper slide plate and a center slide plate. The upper slide plate is formed to include the operating handle at one end and has coin receiving slots of a predetermined size. The center slide plate has downwardly projecting fingerlike members defining between them coin pockets subjacent the slots in the upper slide plate for supporting coins on edge and further defining coin pushers. The center slide plate also serves as a storage area for blanking members which are used to convert the apparatus from one combination of coins to another.
Abstract: A coupler assembly for a portable washing machine which includes a locking ring or locking means having a plurality of arcuate segments connected by intermediate web sections. The locking ring assembles onto a coupler body with the arcuate segments at least partially extending through slots in the coupler body and is cooperable with an encircling retaining ring for locking engagement with a faucet.
Abstract: A coupler assembly for a portable washing machine which includes a mechanism associated with an operating lever and a pressure relief means to provide automatic sequential depressurization and then decoupling of the assembly from the faucet when the operating lever is moved in an axial direction.
Abstract: A selectively operable latch mechanism for the access door of an apparatus having a rotatable member provides a positive latching of the access door when the rotatable member is operating. An associated unbalance-responsive mechanism will unlatch said access door when an unbalance condition has occurred and will stop the rotation of said rotatable member.
Abstract: A drive system for a laundry apparatus including a torque sensing drive mechanism for determining the presence of washing fluid in the cavity of a rotary positive displacement pump by means of the different resistive torque responses of relatively full and empty pump cavities. A clutch mechanism joins two driving pulleys that are belt-connected to two driven pulleys on the transmission and pump units. The presence of washing fluid in the pump cavity effects separation of the driving pulleys and actuates only the pump unit. Absence of washing fluid in the pump cavity causes the driving pulleys to remain coupled and a centrifugal extraction operation is initiated through the transmission and spin clutch.
Abstract: An assembly for passing an elongated member or members through an aperture in a wall or panel including a collar and a split ring retainer for locking the collar into the panel aperture. In a preferred embodiment the split ring retainer is assembled into an annular groove adjacent the panel for preventing axial movement of the conduit relative to the panel.
Abstract: A coin slide apparatus which includes a housing for mounting the apparatus to a machine, a coin slide assembly, and a guideway in the housing for the coin slide assembly to operate within. The coin slide assembly is reciprocally operable in the guideway from an extended coin receiving position through coin authenticating and coin ejection positions to a position for operation of the machine. The coin side assembly provides a first coin authenticating means through the size and shape of the coin slots. Further authentication or measuring means are provided through provisions for washer or magnetic coin rejection means. The coins are secondarily measured for proper diameter within the apparatus by a cam and abutment arrangement which cooperates with a plurality of latch arms to prevent full insertion of the slide assembly if a coin is not of proper diameter.
Abstract: A coin slide apparatus which includes a housing for mounting the apparatus to a machine, a coin slide assembly, and a guideway in the housing for the coin slide assembly to operate within. The coin slide assembly is reciprocally operable in the guideway from an extended coin receiving position through coin measuring and coin ejection positions to a position for initiating operation of the machine. The movable slide assembly comprises three main members: an upper slide plate, a center body portion, and a latch plate. The upper slide plate is formed to include the operating handle at one end and has coin receiving slots of a predetermined size. The center body portion gives the slide assembly the necessary thickness to support coins on edge, serves as a storage area for blanking members which are used to convert the apparatus from one combination of coins to another, and mounts a ratchet pawl which prevents the slide from being withdrawn without a complete reciprocation.
Abstract: A dishwasher construction including a generally concentric pump and covered sump construction disposed on a generally vertical axis and driven by a drive belt that is in turn driven by a motor spaced laterally from the axis of the concentric pump. The pump and sump assembly may be placed into the washing chamber or removed as a unit independent of the motor. The motor may be mounted in a first position relatively adjacent the rear of the dishwasher and generally opposite the access door whereby the weight of the motor opposes the weight of the door in the open position when the dishwasher is used as a freestanding appliance and may be mounted in a second location relatively adjacent the front of the dishwasher whereby the drive motor is easily accessible when the dishwasher is installed as a built-in appliance. The pump and sump assembly is isolated vibrationally from the motor by the combination of a polyurethane drive belt and resilient motor mounts.