Abstract: The present invention relates to an apparatus for rapidly analyzing frame(s) of digitized video data which may include objects of interest randomly distributed throughout the video data and wherein said objects are susceptible to detection, classification, and ultimately identification by filtering said video data for certain differentiable characteristics of said objects. The present invention may be practiced on pre-existing sequences of image data or may be integrated into an imaging device for real-time, dynamic, object identification, classification, logging/counting, cataloging, retention (with links to stored bitmaps of said object), retrieval, and the like. The present invention readily lends itself to the problem of automatic and semi-automatic cataloging of vast numbers of objects such as traffic control signs and utility poles disposed in myriad settings.
September 16, 2002
Publication date:
January 23, 2003
Facet Technology Corp.
Robert Anthony Laumeyer, James Eugene Retterath
Abstract: The present invention relates to an apparatus for rapidly analyzing frame(s) of digitized video data which may include objects of interest randomly distributed throughout the video data and wherein said objects are susceptible to detection, classification, and ultimately identification by filtering said video data for certain differentiable characteristics of said objects. The present invention may be practiced on pre-existing sequences of image data or may be integrated into an imaging device for real time, dynamic, object identification, classification, logging/counting, cataloging, retention (with links to stored bitmaps of said object), retrieval, and the like. The present invention readily lends itself to the problem of automatic and semi-automatic cataloging of vast numbers of objects such as traffic control signs and utility poles disposed in myriad settings.
January 29, 2001
Date of Patent:
September 10, 2002
Facet Technology Corp.
Robert Anthony Laumeyer, James Eugene Retterath
Abstract: A system for automatically generating a database of images and positions of objects of interest identified from video images depicting roadside scenes that are recorded from a vehicle navigating a road and having a system that stores location metrics for the video images.
June 18, 2001
Date of Patent:
March 26, 2002
Facet Technology Corp.
Robert Anthony Laumeyer, James Eugene Retterath
Abstract: The present invention relates to an apparatus for rapidly analyzing frame(s) of digitized video data which may include objects of interest randomly distributed throughout the video data and wherein said objects are susceptible to detection, classification, and ultimately identification by filtering said video data for certain differentiable characteristics of said objects. The present invention may be practiced on pre-existing sequences of image data or may be integrated into an imaging device for real time, dynamic, object identification, classification, logging/counting, cataloging, retention (with links to stored bitmaps of said object), retrieval, and the like. The present invention readily lends itself to the problem of automatic and semi-automatic cataloging of vast numbers of objects such as traffic control signs and utility poles disposed in myriad settings.
October 23, 1998
Date of Patent:
July 24, 2001
Facet Technology Corp.
Robert Anthony Laumeyer, James Eugene Retterath