Patents Examined by Angela M Ditrani
  • Patent number: 10563484
    Abstract: Some metal surfaces are often unable to be contacted effectively with fluids containing hydrofluoric acid or acidic fluoride ions due to significant corrosion issues. Metal surfaces comprising titanium or a titanium alloy represent but one example. Corrosion inhibitor compositions comprising boric acid and other boron-containing compounds may at least partially suppress corrosion of titanium and titanium alloy surfaces.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 5, 2015
    Date of Patent: February 18, 2020
    Assignee: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.
    Inventors: Enrique Antonio Reyes, Aaron M. Beuterbaugh
  • Patent number: 10557076
    Abstract: Portland cement clinker LCMs that include Portland cement clinker to mitigate or prevent lost circulation in a well are provided. A Portland cement clinker LCM may include Portland cement clinker, Portland cement, a carrier fluid, and an inorganic consolidation activator. Another Portland cement clinker LCM may include Portland cement clinker and a crosslinked fluid, such as a polyuronide crosslinked via calcium ions or a polysaccharide crosslinked via divinyl sulfone. Yet another Portland cement clinker LCM may include Portland cement clinker and polymer fibers or particulate glass. Methods of lost circulation control using a Portland cement clinker LCM are also provided.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 22, 2019
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2020
    Assignee: Saudi Arabian Oil Company
    Inventor: B. Raghava Reddy
  • Patent number: 10550691
    Abstract: Methods of evaluating formation stabilization treatments for subterranean formations are provided. In some embodiments, the methods comprise: providing; adding a portion of test fluid to each of a first and second portion of a material from a subterranean formation and agitating to form a first mixture and a second mixture; measuring capillary suction time of the first mixture and turbidity of the second mixture; placing a sandpack comprising another portion of the formation material in a column; passing another portion of the test fluid through the sandpack to collect an effluent; measuring a differential pressure across the sandpack and a turbidity of the effluent; and selecting a formation stabilization treatment for the subterranean formation based at least in part on one or more of the capillary suction time of the first mixture, the turbidity of the second mixture, the differential pressure across the sandpack, and the turbidity of the effluent.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 31, 2017
    Date of Patent: February 4, 2020
    Assignee: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.
    Inventors: Denise Nicole Benoit, Antonio Recio, III, Kurt William Hoeman
  • Patent number: 10544344
    Abstract: A method to neutralize hydrogen sulfide in a wellbore during drilling operations is provided. The method comprising the steps of mixing an amount of scavenger into a drilling mud to produce a scavenger-containing drilling mud such that the scavenger-containing drilling mud has a scavenging capacity, wherein the drilling mud is at a target pH, and introducing the scavenger-containing drilling mud into the wellbore during drilling operations, where the scavenger-containing drilling mud is operable to work with a drill bit to drill the wellbore, where the amount of scavenger in the scavenger-containing drilling mud is operable to irreversibly react with hydrogen sulfide present in the drilling mud to produce a scavenged hydrogen sulfide.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 9, 2016
    Date of Patent: January 28, 2020
    Assignee: Saudi Arabian Oil Company
    Inventors: Ossama Sehsah, Ihab Elhabrouk
  • Patent number: 10533123
    Abstract: A method includes introducing a cementing composition into a subterranean formation, the cementing composition including a pumpable slurry of cement including an epoxy resin, an epoxy resin hardening agent, and a compatibilizer, where the compatibilizer is a lignite grafted copolymer; and allowing at least a portion of the cementing composition to harden. A composition includes a pumpable slurry of cement including an epoxy resin, an epoxy resin hardening agent, and a compatibilizer, where the compatibilizer is a lignite grafted copolymer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 5, 2015
    Date of Patent: January 14, 2020
    Assignee: Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.
    Inventors: Mahesh P. Kulkarni, Vandana N. Pandey, Abhimanyu Pramod Deshpande, Ganesh S. Pangu, Paul Joseph Jones, Ronnie Morgan
  • Patent number: 10526531
    Abstract: A method for treating a subterranean formation penetrated by a wellbore, comprising: providing a treatment slurry comprising a carrying fluid, a solid particulate and an agglomerant; injecting the treatment slurry into a fracture to form a substantially uniformly distributed mixture of the solid particulate and the agglomerant; and transforming the substantially uniform mixture into areas that are rich in solid particulate and areas that are substantially free of solid particulate, wherein the solid particulate and the agglomerant have substantially dissimilar velocities in the fracture and wherein said transforming results from said substantially dissimilar velocities is provided.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 15, 2013
    Date of Patent: January 7, 2020
    Assignee: Schlumberger Technology Corporation
    Inventors: Dmitriy Ivanovich Potapenko, Leland Ramsey, Timothy M. Lesko, Dean M. Willberg, Theodore Lafferty, John W. Still
  • Patent number: 10513653
    Abstract: A flow conveyed plugging device for use in a well, the device can include a body, and one or more lines extending outwardly from the body, each of the lines having a lateral dimension that is substantially smaller than a size of the body. A method of plugging an opening in a well can include deploying at least one flow conveyed plugging device into the well, the flow conveyed plugging device including a body and, extending outwardly from the body, at least one of the group consisting of: a) one or more fibers and b) one or more lines, the flow conveyed plugging device being conveyed by flow in the well into sealing engagement with the opening. Another flow conveyed plugging device can include a body, and fibers extending outwardly from the body. The flow conveyed plugging device degrades and thereby permits flow through an opening in the well.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 13, 2017
    Date of Patent: December 24, 2019
    Assignee: Thru Tubing Solutions, Inc.
    Inventors: Roger L. Schultz, Brock W. Watson, Andrew M. Ferguson, Gary P. Funkhouser
  • Patent number: 10508048
    Abstract: Methods and systems for processing production fluid include embodiments for removal of injected chemicals from the production fluid. An embodiment of a method includes receiving production fluid from a borehole in an earth formation, the production fluid including surfactants injected into the earth formation to stimulate production of hydrocarbons therefrom. The method also includes processing the production fluid to separate the production fluid into at least an oil phase and produced water, introducing a treatment fluid from a treatment fluid source into at least one of the production fluid and the produced water, and removing the surfactants from at least the produced water. The treatment fluid includes a concentration of multivalent cations, the multivalent cations configured to reduce water solubility of the surfactants.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 7, 2016
    Date of Patent: December 17, 2019
    Assignee: ConocoPhillips Company
    Inventors: William G. McLelland, Sally Ann Thomas
  • Patent number: 10508517
    Abstract: Supercritical carbon dioxide is directed into a wellbore to a specified depth. The supercritical carbon dioxide is directed at an inner surface of the wellbore at the specified depth. Scale is removed from the wall of the wellbore with the supercritical carbon dioxide.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 7, 2018
    Date of Patent: December 17, 2019
    Assignee: Saudi Arabian Oil Company
    Inventors: Aslan Bulekbay, Sultan Attiah, Talal Al-Mutairi, Abdulrahman Alsousy
  • Patent number: 10494566
    Abstract: Embodiments of the invention provide methods and composition for stimulating a hydrocarbon-bearing, heavy oil containing formation, a deep oil reservoir, or a tight oil reservoir, whereby exothermic reactants are utilized to generate in-situ steam and nitrogen gas downhole in the formation or the reservoir as an enhanced oil recovery process. An oil well stimulation method is provided, which includes injecting, into the one of the formation and the reservoir, an aqueous composition including an ammonium containing compound and a nitrite containing compound. The method further includes injecting, into the one of the formation and the reservoir, an activator. The activator initiates a reaction between the ammonium containing compound and the nitrite containing compound, such that the reaction generates steam and nitrogen gas, increasing localized pressure and improving oil mobility, in the one of the formation and the reservoir, thereby enhancing oil recovery from the one of the formation and the reservoir.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 25, 2017
    Date of Patent: December 3, 2019
    Assignee: Saudi Arabian Oil Company
    Inventors: Ayman Raja Al-Nakhli, Michael J. Black
  • Patent number: 10494561
    Abstract: Portland cement clinker LCMs that include Portland cement clinker to mitigate or prevent lost circulation in a well. A Portland cement clinker may include Portland cement clinker, Portland cement, a carrier fluid, and an inorganic consolidation activator. Another Portland cement clinker LCM may include Portland cement choker and a crosslinked fluid, such as a polyuronide crosslinked via calcium ions or a polysaccharide crosslinked via divinyl sulfone. Yet another Portland cement clinker may include Portland cement clinker and polymer fibers or particulate glass. Methods of lost circulation control using a Portland cement clinker LCM are also provided.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 3, 2019
    Date of Patent: December 3, 2019
    Assignee: Saudi Arabian Oil Company
    Inventor: B. Raghava Reddy
  • Patent number: 10472552
    Abstract: Spacer fluids are provided for use in cementing liners in oil and gas wells. The fluids comprise pumice and a suspending agent. Pumice is the first-in weighting agent and is added in amounts sufficient to stabilize the rheology of the fluid over time and temperature.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 8, 2017
    Date of Patent: November 12, 2019
    Assignee: BJ Services, LLC
    Inventors: Roderick B. Pernites, Angel Gonzalez, Felipe Padilla Florencia
  • Patent number: 10472942
    Abstract: A method and system in which foams are used (instead of, or in addition to, NCG) to maintain pressure in a mature chamber during blowdown operations of a SAGD process or other enhanced oil recovery process. The foam occupies the depleted void space within the mature chamber after injection ceases, maintaining pressure, and improving blowdown performance. This use of the foam in the method and system also improves the performance of less mature chambers that are being operated at higher pressure adjacent to the mature chamber in blowdown. Foaming agents, such as metal carbonates, bicarbonates, and hydroxides, surfactants or any other colloidal foams, aerosols, hydrosols, emulsions or dispersions can be utilized. The method and system can be utilized in conjunction with other known art, such as heat scavenging in the chamber, or enhanced oil recovery utilizing foams, to displace oil in the chamber.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 16, 2017
    Date of Patent: November 12, 2019
    Assignees: ConocoPhillips Company, Cenovus Energy, Inc.
    Inventors: Amos Ben-Zvi, Jason Abbate, Thomas J. Wheeler, Siluni L. Gamage, Harbir Chhina, Alexander E. Filstein, Brent D. Seib
  • Patent number: 10472554
    Abstract: A cement for use in wells in which hydrogen sulfide is present, comprises polymer particles. In the event of cement-matrix failure, or bonding failure between the cement/casing interface or the cement/borehole-wall interface, the polymer particles swell when contacted by hydrogen sulfide. The swelling seals voids in the cement matrix, or along the bonding interfaces, thereby restoring zonal isolation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 22, 2014
    Date of Patent: November 12, 2019
    Inventors: Helene Bulte-Loyer, Loic Regnault de la Mothe
  • Patent number: 10465107
    Abstract: A process includes (a) injecting a steam composition into a subterranean location containing heavy hydrocarbons, preferably bitumen, wherein the steam composition comprises (i) steam and (ii) a hydroxyalkyl ammonium carboxylate and (b) recovering the heavy hydrocarbon from the subterranean location to above the ground. The process is preferably a cyclic steam stimulation (CSS) process, a steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD), or a combination thereof.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 8, 2016
    Date of Patent: November 5, 2019
    Assignee: Dow Global Technologies LLC
    Inventor: Alexander Williamson
  • Patent number: 10457847
    Abstract: Provided here are various invert emulsion drilling fluid compositions. One such invert emulsion drilling fluid is a water in oil emulsion, which can include an invert emulsifier to stabilize the water in oil emulsion, a fatty acid, a 36 carbon fatty dimer diamine, a filtration control agent; and an inorganic mineral including one or more of lime, calcium chloride, and barite. The invert emulsion drilling fluids can be formulated to be substantially free of clay.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 30, 2017
    Date of Patent: October 29, 2019
    Inventors: Vikrant Wagle, Abdullah Al-Yami
  • Patent number: 10456729
    Abstract: A process for purification of a carbon dioxide feedstock that includes carbon dioxide and gaseous and liquid C1+ hydrocarbons. Specifically, a carbon dioxide feedstream is passed through one or more separation unit, each separation unit removing one or more C1+ hydrocarbon from the carbon dioxide feedstream to provide a richer carbon dioxide gas stream. The one or more separation unit employs an adsorption media and has an adsorption step and a media regeneration step.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 5, 2014
    Date of Patent: October 29, 2019
    Assignee: Dow Global Technologies LLC
    Inventors: Scott T. Matteucci, Ajay N. Badhwar, H. Robert Goltz, Jonathan W. Leister, Nicholas J. Shurgott
  • Patent number: 10457857
    Abstract: Methods for fracking, particularly dry fracking, comprising the use of surfactants for preparation of substantially water-free carbon dioxide in oil foams are presented.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 11, 2016
    Date of Patent: October 29, 2019
    Assignee: General Electric Company
    Inventors: Robert James Perry, Robert Michael Enick, Jason Jiwoo Lee, Eric Beckman
  • Patent number: 10457849
    Abstract: The present invention provides, a method of controlling scale formation in a hydrocarbon producing system, comprising; (i) injecting nanoparticles into said system to function as nuclei for scale growth; (if) allowing scale growth to occur on said nanoparticles to produce nanoparticles comprising scale; and. (in) optionally recovering said nanoparticles comprising scale.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 16, 2014
    Date of Patent: October 29, 2019
    Inventors: Nasser Ghorbani, Tore Tjomsland, Arnd Wilhelms
  • Patent number: 10450497
    Abstract: Portland cement clinker LCMs that include Portland cement clinker to mitigate or prevent lost circulation in a well are provided. A Portland cement clinker LCM may include Portland cement clinker, Portland cement, a carrier fluid, and an inorganic consolidation activator. Another Portland cement clinker LCM may include Portland cement clinker and a crosslinked fluid, such as a polyuronide crosslinked via calcium ions or a polysaccharide crosslinked via divinyl sulfone. Yet another Portland cement clinker LCM may include Portland cement clinker and polymer fibers or particulate glass. Methods of lost circulation control using a Portland cement clinker LCM are also provided.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 13, 2019
    Date of Patent: October 22, 2019
    Assignee: Saudi Arabian Oil Company
    Inventor: B. Raghava Reddy