Patents by Inventor Amit Jain

Amit Jain has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20010026524
    Abstract: Disclosed is an optical system for an optical disk drive for reading/writing data from/in an optical disk. The optical system includes a light source emitting a parallel laser beam, a deflector having a rotatable mirror surface. The parallel laser beam emitted by the light source is incident on the mirror surface of the deflector and is deflected towards an objective lens system which faces the optical disk. A relay lens system is provided between the deflector and the objective lens system such that the mirror surface and a front principal plane of the objective lens system have a substantially conjugate relationship.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 1, 2001
    Publication date: October 4, 2001
    Inventors: Toshiyuki Kase, Hiroshi Nishikawa, Wataru Kubo, Ryoichi Nakanishi, Amit Jain
  • Patent number: 6270696
    Abstract: Several embodiments of a method for manufacturing an optical assembly for use in an optical flying head are provided. The optical assembly may include a solid immersion lens and a magnetic coil. Techniques are provided for fabricating the solid immersion lens and the magnetic coil. Techniques are also provided for installing the optical assembly into a slider for the optical flying head. Other embodiments are described in which a solid immersion lens is installed in or is integral with a transparent slider. A magnetic coil may also be installed in these embodiments.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 3, 1996
    Date of Patent: August 7, 2001
    Assignee: Terastor Corporation
    Inventors: Amit Jain, Gordon R. Knight, James M. McCoy, Allan Schwartz, Arnie O. Thornton
  • Publication number: 20010007547
    Abstract: There is provided a head of an optical data recording/reproducing device. The head is provided with a laser source, a deflector, a relay optical system and an objective lens system. The laser beam emitted by the laser source is incident on the objective lens system via the deflector and the relay optical system. The head is further provided with a rotation angle detecting system which includes a beam splitter provided between first and second relay lenses of the relay lens system, and a detector. The beam splitter divides the incident beam into a first beam directed to the second relay lens and a second beam directed to the detector. The detector has two light receiving areas, and a controller determines an amount of rotation of the deflector based on the amounts of light received by the two light receiving areas.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 20, 2001
    Publication date: July 12, 2001
    Applicant: Asahi Kogaku Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventors: Suguru Takishima, Hiroshi Nishikawa, Amit Jain
  • Patent number: 6243350
    Abstract: Optical storage systems based on air-bearing-suspended optical heads in a near-field configuration. Such a system comprises an optical head for reading and writing data and a head positioning system, an optics module including beam relay optics and signal detectors, and a medium holding and loading module to hold an optical medium. An electronic control system is also provided to control the system operation. The optical head includes a near-field lens with a high index of refraction and in a near-field configuration in which the near-field lens has a numerical aperture greater than unity when the spacing between an exit facet of the optical head and a recording layer in the optical medium is a fraction of one wavelength of optical beam.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 29, 1997
    Date of Patent: June 5, 2001
    Assignee: TeraStor Corporation
    Inventors: Gordon R. Knight, John Al-Samarrie, David Blankenbeckler, Brian Bonn, Alan Burroughs, Warren Dalziel, Roger Hajjar, Amit Jain, Guolin Ma, Brian Tremaine
  • Patent number: 6061322
    Abstract: A system for reading or writing data from or to a bilevel optical recording medium with a flying head. The system includes a head having a slider and a solid immersion lens mounted at least partially within the slider. The solid immersion lens has a partial spherical surface and a substantially flat surface. The head also has an objective lens mounted to the slider. The system also includes a multilevel recording medium. The medium has a first media layer and a first substrate layer adjacent to the first media layer. The medium also has at least one second media layer adjacent the side of the first substrate layer opposite from the first media layer, and a second substrate layer adjacent the side of the second media layer opposite from the first substrate layer. The total effective numerical aperture of the system is greater than one for all layers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 25, 1999
    Date of Patent: May 9, 2000
    Assignee: TeraStor Corporation
    Inventors: Amit Jain, Gordon R. Knight
  • Patent number: 5936928
    Abstract: A system for reading or writing data from or to a bilevel optical recording medium with a flying head. The system includes a head having a slider and a solid immersion lens mounted at least partially within the slider. The solid immersion lens has a partial spherical surface and a substantially flat surface. The head also has an objective lens mounted to the slider. The system also includes a multilevel recording medium. The medium has a first media layer and a first substrate layer adjacent to the first media layer. The medium also has at least one second media layer adjacent the side of the first substrate layer opposite from the first media layer, and a second substrate layer adjacent the side of the second media layer opposite from the first substrate layer. The total effective numerical aperture of the system is greater than one for all layers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 1, 1996
    Date of Patent: August 10, 1999
    Assignee: TeraStor Corporation
    Inventors: Amit Jain, Gordon R. Knight
  • Patent number: 5872663
    Abstract: A deflection mirror tower (DMT) of a multiple-disk array, optical storage system includes a plurality of prism members, each having an angular mirror surface, arranged along a vertical axis of the DMT and configured at a predetermined angular orientation to deflect a laser beam to a respective disk surface. The DMT is generally fabricated using a two-level partitioning process. Several prepared glass substrates, i.e., one for each mirror type, are initially sliced into bars having predetermined geometries. A bar from each substrate is sequentially aligned to a master reference and bonded to adjacent bars to form an intermediate bar stack. The stack is then segmented into a plurality of DMT components, each having a plurality of prism members.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 16, 1994
    Date of Patent: February 16, 1999
    Assignee: Quantum Corporation
    Inventors: Neville K. Lee, Amit Jain, Roy E. Martin
  • Patent number: 5838503
    Abstract: A deflection mirror tower (DMT) of a multiple-disk array, optical storage system includes a plurality of prism members, each having an angular mirror surface, arranged along a vertical axis of the DMT and configured at a predetermined angular orientation to deflect a laser beam to a respective disk surface. The DMT is generally fabricated using a two-level partitioning process. Several prepared glass substrates, i.e., one for each mirror type, are initially sliced into bars having predetermined geometries. A bar from each substrate is sequentially aligned to a master reference and bonded to adjacent bars to form an intermediate bar stack. The stack is then segmented into a plurality of DMT components, each having a plurality of prism members.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 9, 1997
    Date of Patent: November 17, 1998
    Assignee: Quantum Corporation
    Inventors: Neville K. Lee, Amit Jain, Roy E. Martin
  • Patent number: 5835290
    Abstract: A deflection mirror tower (DMT) of a multiple-disk array, optical storage system includes a plurality of prism members, each having an angular mirror surface, arranged along a vertical axis of the DMT and configured at a predetermined angular orientation to deflect a laser beam to a respective disk surface.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 7, 1995
    Date of Patent: November 10, 1998
    Assignee: Quantum Corporation
    Inventors: Neville K. Lee, Amit Jain, Roy E. Martin
  • Patent number: 5828482
    Abstract: An apparatus is used with an optical disk drive for directing a beam of light to a surface of an optical disk. The apparatus has a beam shifter configured to direct the beam from a first path (along which the beam is generated) to a second path which is substantially parallel to the first path. An imaging lens is configured to direct the beam from the second path along a third path which passes near the front focal point of an objective lens (located near the surface of the disk). The third path and the first path diverge at an angle based on the distance separating the first and second paths.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 5, 1997
    Date of Patent: October 27, 1998
    Assignee: TeraStor Corporation
    Inventor: Amit Jain
  • Patent number: 5793584
    Abstract: A disk cartridge assembly includes an enclosure, a recording disk mounted for rotation in the enclosure, and an electrostatic cleaning element positioned on an interior surface of the enclosure. The cleaning element engages one side of the disk at least when the disk is at rest and when the disk is rotated at a low speed, and the cleaning element is charged to a high voltage.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 13, 1996
    Date of Patent: August 11, 1998
    Assignee: TeraStor Corporation
    Inventors: Gordon R. Knight, Amit Jain, Brian Bonn
  • Patent number: 5793731
    Abstract: A deflection mirror tower (DMT) of a multiple-disk array, optical storage system includes a plurality of prism members, each having an angular mirror surface, arranged along a vertical axis of the DMT and configured at a predetermined angular orientation to deflect a laser beam to a respective disk surface.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 7, 1995
    Date of Patent: August 11, 1998
    Assignee: Quantum Corporation
    Inventors: Neville K. Lee, Amit Jain, Roy E. Martin
  • Patent number: 5790327
    Abstract: A deflection mirror tower (DMT) of a multiple-disk array, optical storage system includes a plurality of prism members, each having an angular mirror surface, arranged along a vertical axis of the DMT and configured at a predetermined angular orientation to deflect a laser beam to a respective disk surface. The DMT is generally fabricated using a two-level partitioning process. Several prepared glass substrates, i.e., one for each mirror type, are initially sliced into bars having predetermined geometries. A bar from each substrate is sequentially aligned to a master reference and bonded to adjacent bars to form an intermediate bar stack. The stack is then segmented into a plurality of DMT components, each having a plurality of prism members.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 7, 1995
    Date of Patent: August 4, 1998
    Assignee: Quantum Corporation
    Inventors: Neville K. Lee, Amit Jain, Roy E. Martin
  • Patent number: 5601758
    Abstract: A lens/mirror tower (LMT) of a multiple-disk array, optical storage system includes a plurality of lens and mirror elements integrally formed on a monolithic, optically-clear substrate. There is a specific lens/mirror set for each recording disk surface of the optical storage device; however, the mirror elements are preferably configured as one reflective surface of the substrate. The lenses are molded onto the opposite surface in a single operation that fixes their relative positions. The LMT is generally fabricated using a lens replication process. Initially, a glass substrate is formed with a trapezoidal configuration. A lens array mold is also formed with a plurality of cavities arranged in overlapping pairs. The cavities are filled with optical-quality resin and the mold is applied to the surface of the substrate opposing the reflective angular, e.g.,, surface. Once cured, the resin serves as an array of lenses that are aligned with the optical paths to the objective lenses of the disk array.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 1, 1994
    Date of Patent: February 11, 1997
    Assignee: Quantum Corporation
    Inventors: Neville K. Lee, Amit Jain, Erwin Keppeler
  • Patent number: 5532884
    Abstract: A deflection mirror tower (DMT) of a multiple-disk array, optical storage system includes a plurality of prism members, each having an angular mirror surface, arranged along a vertical axis of the DMT and configured at a predetermined angular orientation to deflect a laser beam to a respective disk surface. The DMT is generally fabricated using a two-level partitioning process. Several prepared glass substrates, i.e., one for each mirror type, are initially sliced into bars having predetermined geometries. A bar from each substrate is sequentially aligned to a master reference and bonded to adjacent bars to form an intermediate bar stack. The stack is then segmented into a plurality of DMT components, each having a plurality of prism members.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 7, 1995
    Date of Patent: July 2, 1996
    Assignee: Quantum Corporation
    Inventors: Neville K. Lee, Amit Jain, Roy E. Martin
  • Patent number: 5504731
    Abstract: A remote fine positioning mechanism of an optical storage device includes a stationary galvanometer-controlled mirror (galvo mirror) and an imaging lens, the imaging lens positioned to provide an image of the galvo mirror at the front focal point of an objective lens mounted to an optical head assembly. The galvo mirror functions as a beam steering element that is rotated about a steering axis to change the angle of incidence of a collimated laser beam with respect to the objective lens during track selection operations. Thus, for rotation of the galvo mirror to change the direction of the laser beam, the system operates as though the mirror were physically located at that focal point. To perform the imaging function, the imaging lens decollimates the beam. A collimation-correction lens is therefore provided to ensure, in combination with the imaging lens, that the laser beam remains collimated when it reaches the objective lens.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 6, 1992
    Date of Patent: April 2, 1996
    Assignee: Quantum Corporation
    Inventors: Neville K. Lee, Amit Jain, Erwin Keppeler
  • Patent number: 5452283
    Abstract: A lens/mirror tower (LMT) of a multiple-disk array, optical storage system includes a plurality of lens and mirror elements integrally formed on a monolithic, optically-clear substrate. There is a specific lens/mirror set for each recording disk surface of the optical storage device; however, the mirror elements are preferably configured as one reflective surface of the substrate. The lenses are molded onto the opposite surface in a single operation that fixes their relative positions. The LMT is generally fabricated using a lens replication process. Initially, a glass substrate is formed with a trapezoidal configuration. A lens array mold is also formed with a plurality of cavities arranged in overlapping pairs. The cavities are filled with optical-quality resin and the mold is applied to the surface of the substrate opposing the reflective angular, e.g.,, surface. Once cured, the resin serves as an array of lenses that are aligned with the optical paths to the objective lenses of the disk array.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 18, 1993
    Date of Patent: September 19, 1995
    Assignee: Quantum Corporation
    Inventors: Neville K. Lee, Amit Jain, Erwin Keppeler
  • Patent number: 5381402
    Abstract: A removable disk cartridge for use with a rotary actuated disk drive includes an enclosure having a top, a bottom, and a side connecting the top and bottom. The enclosure has a cutout formed by removal of a portion of the top, removal of a facing portion of the bottom, and removal of a portion of the side connecting the removed top and bottom portions. A disk is mounted for rotation inside the enclosure. The disk is exposed at a top surface, a bottom surface, and an edge. A door is pivotally mounted on the enclosure. The door has a top surface to shield the top surface of the disk, a lower surface to shield the bottom surface of the disk, and a side surface to shield the edge of the disk. The door has a closed position to fully seal the cutout, and the door has an open position to fully expose the cutout. Access to the top surface, bottom surface, and edge of the disk is provided by the exposed cutout.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 7, 1993
    Date of Patent: January 10, 1995
    Assignee: Digital Equipment Corporation
    Inventors: Neville K. Lee, Amit Jain, Hisashi Katao
  • Patent number: 5327416
    Abstract: A surface selection mechanism is disclosed for an optical disk storage system. The mechanism comprises a linearly movable slider having a first and second mirror mounted side by side thereon. The first and second mirrors have reflective mirrors positioned at right angles with respect to each other. The mechanism includes apparatus for positioning the slider so that either the first or second mirror is positioned at the optical axis of a light beam to direct the light beam at either a first or a second recording surface of a double sided disc.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 22, 1993
    Date of Patent: July 5, 1994
    Inventors: Neville K. Lee, Amit Jain, Alina L. Gutierrez
  • Patent number: 5307336
    Abstract: An optical storage system comprises a disk assembly, an optical assembly and a carriage assembly arranged to provide a high-performance, multiple-disk storage device. The disk assembly includes a plurality of disks axially spaced on a rotatably mounted spindle and configured to record data on pairs of opposing facing recording surfaces. The optical assembly includes a static optics package for generating a collimated optical beam used to store and retrieve data from the disks, and a beam distribution system for directing the optical beam to a selected recording disk surface. The carriage assembly includes a plurality of carriage arms supporting head assemblies that are arranged for insertion between the pairs of opposing recording disk surfaces. The head assemblies are further arranged in facing relation to the recording disk surfaces to receive the optical beam from the beam distribution system and direct the beam onto the disk surface.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 6, 1992
    Date of Patent: April 26, 1994
    Assignee: Digital Equipment Corporation
    Inventors: Neville K. Lee, Amit Jain, Erwin Keppeler, Mark Bouchard