Patents by Inventor David E. Newman

David E. Newman has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20230155796
    Abstract: Uplink messages in 5G and 6G are expected to arrive at the base station in alignment with the base station's resource grid, at the proper time and frequency. Disclosed are lean procedures and compact timing signals that can enable user devices to maintain synchronization with a base station's resource grid. Shaped timing signals are disclosed that, when measured by a receiver, can indicate whether the receiver's clock is synchronized with the transmitter's clock, or is in disagreement, and in which direction, and by how much. The receiver thereby determines the clock error by amplitude measurements only, since the timing signal is configured to convert the timing error into a readily determined amplitude value, which the receiver can quantify using normal amplitude-demodulation procedures. The receiver's amplitude resolution corresponds to the time resolution achievable. No special time-measurement signal processing is required. No synchronization messages or other legacy overhead are required.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 19, 2023
    Publication date: May 18, 2023
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill
  • Publication number: 20230155721
    Abstract: Message faults are likely to be common in the noisy, high-density wireless environments planned for 5G and 6G. Disclosed is a method for a receiver to recover the correct message from one or more corrupted message copies, by (a) measuring the modulation quality of each message element, and (b) determining which message elements of two corrupted copies are “inconsistent”, that is, the corresponding message elements are different. The modulation quality can be determined according to how close the message element's modulation is to the predetermined modulation levels of the modulation scheme. The receiver can assemble a merged message by selecting whichever message elements of the two copies have the best modulation quality, and determine whether the merged message is still corrupted. If so, the receiver can sequentially replace the inconsistent message elements with those of the other copy, singly or in a comprehensive nested search, testing each version until successful.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 18, 2023
    Publication date: May 18, 2023
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill
  • Patent number: 11652533
    Abstract: Currently, user devices in a 5G/6G wireless network must perform a complex iteration procedure to align their directional transmission/reception beams toward the base station. Disclosed is a faster, simpler procedure to enable users with beamforming capability to align their beams. The base station transmits a series of sequential signals, all with the same amplitude, modulation, and spatial distribution. A user device can receive the signals using directional reception beams oriented in various directions, measuring the signal quality for each of the reception beams. The user device can then select the reception beam with the best signal quality, or it can interpolate between the two best beams to determine the optimal alignment direction toward the base station. A single user device (such as a new arrival) can align its beam, or all of the user devices in the network can optimize their beams simultaneously, saving time at very low resource cost.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 30, 2022
    Date of Patent: May 16, 2023
    Assignee: ULTRALOGIC 6G, LLC
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill
  • Patent number: 11644522
    Abstract: In 5G and 6G, beam alignment remains an arduous, time-consuming process. Procedures are disclosed herein for rapid and efficient beam alignment, by configuring a phased-array antenna to emit a “triangular beam”, which is a wide beam that varies in angle from a high power at angle-1 to a low power at angle-2, with a ramp-like intensity variation in the region between the two angles. Then a second signal is emitted, with the triangular distribution reversed (higher power at angle-2). A receiver can then measure the as-received amplitudes from the two triangular beams, calculate the ratio of signal reception from the two beams, and thereby determine the alignment angle. In another version, the transmitter transmits two non-directional pulses, and the receiver detects them using a triangular sensitivity distribution versus angle. By either method, the devices can align their beams using just two triangle beam pulses, saving substantial time, resources, and background generation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 16, 2022
    Date of Patent: May 9, 2023
    Assignee: Ultralogic 6G, LLC
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill
  • Publication number: 20230129333
    Abstract: Currently in 5G and 6G, user devices are required to search a large number of possible combinations of frequencies, start times, message lengths, and error-codes to find their downlink control messages. Disclosed is a faster and much simpler method for user devices to determine which downlink messages are intended for which user device, and also to determine the beginning and ending of each message within a stream of arriving data. The base station can affix a predetermined demarcation bit-sequence to the beginning of each message, and a different demarcation to the ending of the message. As an option, the demarcations may also serve as a demodulation reference, including predetermined amplitudes of the modulation scheme, immediately proximate to the message. Downlink demarcations may also include a characteristic feature, such as a gap of no transmission, for easy recognition and for evaluating noise.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 20, 2022
    Publication date: April 27, 2023
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill
  • Patent number: 11637649
    Abstract: As 5G, and especially 6G, push into ever-higher frequencies, phase noise presents an increasing problem. Disclosed are procedures and modulation schemes to mitigate phase noise and permit messaging at higher frequencies. Each modulation scheme provides phase-noise immunity by configuring modulation states with large phase acceptance regions. A message element is faulted if its sum-signal amplitude or phase is in an exclusion zone. Modulation schemes with fewer phase levels, more amplitude levels, and very broad phase acceptance regions are necessary for high frequency operation where phase noise dominates. Using allowed states with the maximum amplitude modulation in both branches can provide nearly 90-degree phase acceptance. Requiring that the two branches be equal provides nearly 180-degree phase acceptance. Further requiring that the amplitude levels be positive can provide total phase-noise immunity, with a 360-degree allowable phase range.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 19, 2022
    Date of Patent: April 25, 2023
    Assignee: ULTRALOGIC 6G, LLC
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill
  • Publication number: 20230124684
    Abstract: A user device in 5G/6G is required to search for its downlink control messages across a vast array of frequencies, times, and message length variations, costing substantial computational energy that can stress many reduced-capability devices. A simpler procedure is disclosed in which the user device requests a custom search space consisting of just one (or a small number of) resource elements, recurring periodically. The user device can then receive its downlink control messages, and optionally its downlink data messages as well, starting in the custom search space. In addition, the user device can request that its identification code be placed at the beginning of each downlink control and/or data message, to further ease reception. Optionally, the length of the downlink control and/or data message may be inserted as a header or footer to each message, thereby enabling the user device to identify its messages in a stream of ongoing data.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 20, 2022
    Publication date: April 20, 2023
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill
  • Publication number: 20230122574
    Abstract: Autonomous vehicles, and user-driven vehicles with an emergency intervention capability, can communicate to avoid collisions using 5G/6G technology, but this level of cooperation is possible only if the threatened vehicles have already determined the relative location and wireless address of the other vehicle. Disclosed is a method for wireless vehicles in traffic to exchange distance and angular information of the other vehicles in view, from which a position map can be prepared indicating the relative locations of each participating and non-participating vehicle. In addition, the traffic map can be annotated with the wireless addresses of the participating vehicles, thereby enabling them to communicate instantly in an emergency. The traffic map may be prepared or updated by one of the vehicles in traffic, or by a roadside access point. Satellite data is not necessary for the relative localization, but may be included if available.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 20, 2022
    Publication date: April 20, 2023
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill
  • Publication number: 20230110599
    Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) can rapidly evaluate a faulted message in 5G or 6G, calculate a likelihood that each message element is faulted, and optionally suggest a most probable corrected version for each of the likely faulted message elements. To do so, the AI takes in numerous factors besides the message itself, such as the modulation quality of each message element, the proximity and quality of a nearest demodulation reference, a signal-to-noise ratio of the message element, a measure of current electromagnetic noise during the message element, an expected format or expected codewords based on prior messages or convention, and other factors. The AI model can then provide guidance as to mitigation, such as choosing whether to request a retransmission or attempting to vary the likely faulted message elements. The AI model can be adapted to fixed-site computers or to the more limited computers of a mobile user device.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 21, 2022
    Publication date: April 13, 2023
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill
  • Publication number: 20230110812
    Abstract: Vehicles in traffic are expected to communicate wirelessly, to avoid collisions and facilitate the flow of traffic. Unfortunately, in 5G and 6G, the process of finding a wireless address of a specific vehicle is slow and difficult. Disclosed is a “connectivity matrix”, an emblem that vehicles can display, showing a pattern of black and white squares that forms a unique code. Another vehicle can autonomously read the code and look up the wireless address in a tabulation. The tabulation relates each code to the relevant wireless address, and optionally other information about the vehicle. The two vehicles can then transfer messages, including emergency messages, without delay. At freeway speeds, this can save lives. A central entity maintains the tabulation, ensuring that each wireless address is associated with a unique connectivity matrix code. Roadside companies and access points can also display a connectivity matrix, promote communication with prospective customers.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 28, 2022
    Publication date: April 13, 2023
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill
  • Patent number: 11626955
    Abstract: Disclosed are short-form demodulation reference signals configured to indicate certain modulation levels of a modulation scheme, from which a receiver can measure phase noise and amplitude noise in 5G/6G. A key feature of short-form demodulation references is resource efficiency. Examples include a demodulation reference occupying just one resource element, while providing the information needed to determine all of the modulation states of the modulation scheme, as well as the current noise factors. In one embodiment, the short-form demodulation reference may include two component signals with orthogonal phase, both being amplitude modulated by the transmitter according to a maximum amplitude level. The receiver can determine the phase noise from a ratio of the two received signal amplitudes, and the amplitude noise from the magnitude of the received waveform, thereby mitigating both amplitude noise and phase noise.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 31, 2022
    Date of Patent: April 11, 2023
    Assignee: ULTRALOGIC 6G, LLC
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill
  • Patent number: 11627592
    Abstract: Polling to determine which user devices wish to transmit, is a time-consuming and resource-intensive process in 5G and 6G. Procedures disclosed herein can provide a fast, extremely compact sequence whereby the base station can determine which users are ready to transmit. First, the base station divides the users into a number of sections, and assigns each user a position in its section. Then, in a “section poll”, the user devices indicate which sections include at least one ready user, and the base station broadcasts a terse listing of these section numbers. Then, in a subsequent “user poll”, the ready users specifically identify themselves, with another compact format. For example, the section poll may use just a single resource element per section, and the user poll may include only those sections that have at least one ready user. These resource-efficient protocols can thereby save energy and time while minimizing background generation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 9, 2022
    Date of Patent: April 11, 2023
    Assignee: ULTRALOGIC 6G, LLC
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill
  • Patent number: 11627524
    Abstract: A new user seeking a base station to join must first implement a grueling series of complex steps, which may be especially challenging for the majority of devices expected in next-generation 5G and 6G systems. If the user has a real emergency, such as an imminent traffic collision, then the time wasted in locating (“discovering”) a nearby base station and finally logging on may make the difference between life and death. Disclosed herein are procedures for new users to transmit a “hailing” message on an allocated frequency that multiple base stations continuously monitor. The base stations can then reply at a standard amplitude, so that the new user can determine which base station is closer (or provides the best signal reception) according to the received amplitude. In addition, the reply messages can include a characteristic frequency of the replying base station, such as its entry frequency.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 25, 2022
    Date of Patent: April 11, 2023
    Assignee: ULTRALOGIC 6G, LLC
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill
  • Publication number: 20230103924
    Abstract: A faulted message element in 5G or 6G can often be identified according to its modulation parameters, including a large deviation of the branch amplitudes from the predetermined amplitude levels of the modulation scheme, and/or the SNR of the branch amplitudes, and/or an amplitude variation of the raw signal or the branches during the message element, and/or an inconsistency between the modulation state as determined by the amplitude and phase of the raw waveform versus the amplitudes of the orthogonal branch signals, among other measures of modulation quality. An AI model may be necessary to correlate the various quality measures, and optionally to determine the correct demodulation of faulted message elements. Costly, time-consuming retransmissions may be avoided by determining the correct demodulation of each message element at the receiver, thereby improving throughput and reliability with fewer delays.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 29, 2022
    Publication date: April 6, 2023
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill
  • Publication number: 20230103266
    Abstract: In addition to the normal modulation states of 5G and 6G (BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, etc.), the modulation scheme may include one or more zero-power states in which an amplitude is transmitted with very low or zero power. The receiver can detect the zero-power state and treat that state as an additional modulation state of the modulation scheme, thereby increasing the information content of each message element due to the additional number of modulation states available for encoding. Alternatively, the zero-power state or states may be used for special options, such as indicating a beginning or an ending of the message. Zero-power states may also be used to separate the message from an associated demodulation reference or to separate sequential messages. Substantial power may be saved since the zero-power states require very little (or no) transmitter power.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 6, 2022
    Publication date: March 30, 2023
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill
  • Publication number: 20230096827
    Abstract: Messages are transmitted in closely-spaced subcarriers in 5G and 6G, configured so that each subcarrier signal is orthogonal to the adjacent subcarrier signals. However, many effects can penetrate that orthogonality—distortion, interference, frequency variations, amplitude variations, crosstalk, etc.—collectively termed energy spill-over. To combat this problem, a receiver can determine the total energy spill-over into adjacent subcarriers by measuring a residual signal in a subcarrier with no transmission, adjacent to another subcarrier with a known transmission. The receiver can measure the amplitude, phase, temporal or spectral properties, and so forth of the residual signal. The receiver can then correct the message during signal processing, by calculating a function of the residual signal and subtracting it from each digitized subcarrier signal of a message.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 21, 2022
    Publication date: March 30, 2023
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill
  • Publication number: 20230100826
    Abstract: The transmission power level is an important parameter in 5G/6G networking because it affects the failure rate if too low, background interference if too high, and battery life of user devices if retransmissions are required, among many other aspects of communications. Disclosed is an AI (artificial intelligence) model to recommend a transmission power level, based on inputs including: current network parameters such as the current throughput or message failure rate or average delay per message; parameters of the planned parameters such as the length and priority of the planned message; and environmental parameters such as the current noise or background interference level. In addition, the AI model adjusts for the distance between the transmitter and receiver, plus any known obscurations, among other inputs. The AI model then provides a recommended power setting for each message, adjusted to provide reliable reception but without wasting excess power.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 7, 2022
    Publication date: March 30, 2023
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill
  • Patent number: 11616679
    Abstract: In current practice, faulted messages are typically discarded and a retransmission is requested. Forward error-correction codes (FEC) in 5G and 6G are bulky, resource-expensive, and often unable to resolve the problem. Disclosed are systems and methods for determining which specific message elements are faulted, so that just the faulted portion can be retransmitted, instead of the entire message. For example, the amplitudes of the I and Q branches, of each message element, can be compared to the calibrated amplitude levels of the modulation scheme. Any message element with a large amplitude deviation is suspect. Other factors, such as the SNR, can also be considered in evaluating the validity of each message element. Usually, all of the faulted message elements occupy just a portion of the message. Compact formats are disclosed specifying which portion of the message is to be retransmitted, thereby saving time, power, and background generation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 1, 2022
    Date of Patent: March 28, 2023
    Assignee: ULTRALOGIC 6G, LLC
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill
  • Patent number: 11616668
    Abstract: With rapid increases in the number and spatial density of wireless messages as 5G and 6G are rolled out, it is essential that improved methods for fault-tolerant demodulation and error mitigation be developed. Disclosed herein are methods for receiving a message concatenated with a demodulation reference, determining the predetermined modulation levels of a modulation scheme, and demodulating the message by measuring the amplitude mad/or phase modulation values of each message element. The measured modulation values are then compared with the predetermined modulation levels of the modulation scheme to demodulate the message. Importantly, the message can be demodulated by determining an amplitude and phase of the raw signal for each message element, or by separating the raw signal into two orthogonal “branches” and determining the amplitudes of the two branches. By demodulating the message both ways, message faults may be identified and mitigated, according to some embodiments.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 5, 2022
    Date of Patent: March 28, 2023
    Assignee: ULTRALOGIC 6G, LLC
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill
  • Publication number: 20230086221
    Abstract: When two different messages are transmitted at the same time in 5G or 6G, the message is “collided”. The resulting interference causes a message fault, necessitating a costly retransmission. Disclosed is a modulation scheme in which the modulation states are configured so that a message element can be collided by an intruder message, yet the receiver can still recover the original message element. In other cases, depending on the colliding states, the receiver can narrow the possible values of each faulted message element to just two or three possibilities, thereby greatly reducing the amount of time required for testing each combination against an error-detection code. Especially under high-noise conditions, the collision-proof modulation scheme may enable enhanced throughput by identifying and mitigating the faulted message element, and may thereby avoid unnecessary retransmissions.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 29, 2022
    Publication date: March 23, 2023
    Inventors: David E. Newman, R. Kemp Massengill