Patents by Inventor Olivier Chevassut

Olivier Chevassut has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20050157874
    Abstract: A method for generating a cryptographic key by players in a dynamic group, where: 1) a first player U1 initiates an upflow to the next player, the upflow based on a random value x1, a random value v1, and ā€œgā€, a generator of a finite cyclic group where a computational solution to a Diffie-Hellman problem is hard; 2) each player after the first Up sends an upflow Flp, comprising information based on a random value xp, a random value vp, and the previous upflow Flp?1; 3) the last player Up sends a downflow Fln to all other players in the dynamic group, where the downflow Fln comprises information based on a random value xn, a random value vn, and the previous upflow Fln?1. New players may join the dynamic group in a similar fashion. Players may be removed from the dynamic group by adjusting the downflow to the remaining players. The dynamic group may be refreshed by adjusting the downflow to establish a new cryptographic key.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 30, 2004
    Publication date: July 21, 2005
    Inventors: Emmanuel Bresson, Olivier Chevassut, David Pointcheval