Patents Represented by Attorney Charles S. Guenzer
  • Patent number: 6743340
    Abstract: A magnetic dipole ring assembly positioned inside a vacuum chamber and around a wafer being sputter deposited with a ferromagnetic material such as NiFe or other magnetic materials so that the material is deposited with a predetermined magnetization direction in the plane of the wafer. The magnetic dipole ring may include 8 or more arc-shaped magnet segments arranged in a circle with the respective magnetization directions precessing by 720° around the ring. The dipole ring is preferably encapsulated in a vacuum-tight stainless steel carrier and placed inside the vacuum chamber. The carrier may be detachably mounted on a cover ring, on the shield, or on the interior of the chamber sidewall. In another embodiment, the magnet is a magnetic disk placed under the wafer. Such auxiliary magnets allow the magnetron sputter deposition of aligned magnetic layers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 5, 2002
    Date of Patent: June 1, 2004
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventor: Jianming Fu
  • Patent number: 6743342
    Abstract: A sputtering target having an annular vault with a throat between two sidewalls and facing a substrate to be sputter coated. The vault is partially closed by a plate placed in the annular throat between the sidewalls. Thereby, the plasma density is increased within the vault. Furthermore, the position of the annular gap in the plate between the two sidewalls may be chosen to increase uniformity of sputtering deposition arising from the two sidewalls. The plate may be formed of one or more annular rings attached to the walls or a single plate having apertures formed therein may bridge the throat. Alternatively, the target may be formed as a cylindrical hollow cathode with the plate partially closing the circular throat. A rotating asymmetric roof magnetron may be combined with a hollow cathode without the restricting plate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 12, 2002
    Date of Patent: June 1, 2004
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventor: Wei Wang
  • Patent number: 6730196
    Abstract: A magnetron sputter reactor having a complexly shaped target with a vault arranged about a central axis facing the wafer. The vault may be right cylindrical with axially magnetized magnets disposed in back of its sidewall or be annular with preferably opposed magnets disposed in back of its two sidewalls. One or two electromagnetic coils are disposed about the processing space between the target and the wafer to either promote extraction of metal ions from the vault, to defocus the ion beam extracted from the vault and focused towards the central axis, or to compensate for a magnetic shield surrounding the reactor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 1, 2002
    Date of Patent: May 4, 2004
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Wei D. Wang, Praburam Gopalraja, Jianming Fu
  • Patent number: 6705165
    Abstract: Pulse-width modulation (PWM) control and drive circuitry particularly applicable to an array of electrostatic actuators formed in a micro electromechanical system (MEMS), such as used for optical switching. The high-voltage portion may be incorporated in an integrated circuit having drive cells vertically aligned with the MEMS elements. A control cell associated with each actuator includes a register selectively stored with a desired pulse width. A clocked counter distributes its outputs to all control cells. When the counter matches the register, a polarity signal corresponding to a drive clock is latched and controls the voltage applied to the electrostatic cell. The MEMS element may be a tiltable plate supported in its middle by a torsion beam. Complementary binary signals may drive two capacitors formed across the axis of the beam. The register and comparison logic for each cell may be formed by a content addressable memory.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 21, 2003
    Date of Patent: March 16, 2004
    Assignee: Movaz Networks, Inc.
    Inventors: Steven L. Garverick, Michael L. Nagy
  • Patent number: 6694073
    Abstract: An optical cross connect, especially a wavelength cross connect, using free-space optics, a diffraction grating, and a micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) array of movable mirrors. A concentrator receives light from widely separated optical fibers and brings the beams together into a more closely spaced linear array. Free-space optics process all the beams. Front-end optics collimate the beams from the fibers and flatten their fields. The diffraction grating spectrally separates each beam into sub-beams. A long-focus lens focuses the sub-beams onto the 2-dimensional MEMS array. A fold mirror reflectively couples two such mirrors, whereby the switched signals propagate back through the same optics and are spectrally recombined onto the fibers. Other embodiments include white-color cross connects, multiple MEMS arrays, and parallel optics. Power dividers or wavelength interleavers can divide signals from the fibers, and multiple cross connects switch different wavelength groups.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 11, 2002
    Date of Patent: February 17, 2004
    Assignee: Movaz Networks, Inc.
    Inventors: John E. Golub, David A. Smith, Harry Presley, Zhuoyu Bao
  • Patent number: 6692617
    Abstract: A plasma reactor for physical vapor deposition (PVD), also known as sputtering, which is adapted so that the atomic species sputtered from the target can self-sustain the plasma without the need of a working gas such as argon. The self-sustained sputtering (SSS), which is particularly applicable to copper sputtering, is enabled by several means. The density of the plasma in the region of the magnet assembly of the magnetron is intensified for a fixed target power by reducing the size of the magnets. To provide more uniform sputtering, the small magnetron is scanned in one or two dimensions over the back of the target. The density of the plasma next to the target is also intensified by positioning an anode grid between the target and the substrate, which provides a more planar geometry. Additionally, the substrate can then be biased to more effectively control the energy and directionality of the flux of sputtered particles incident on the wafer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 8, 1997
    Date of Patent: February 17, 2004
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Jianming Fu, Peijun Ding, Zheng Xu
  • Patent number: 6688375
    Abstract: The invention is directed a vacuum processing system having improved substrate heating and cooling facilities. An evacuable chamber of the system includes a first section in which a temperature of a substrate to be processed may be increased and a second section in which the temperature of a processed substrate may be decreased. A barrier may be provided to thermally isolate the first and second sections from each other.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 14, 1997
    Date of Patent: February 10, 2004
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Norman L. Turner, John M. White, Alan D'Entremont
  • Patent number: 6663754
    Abstract: A DC magnetron sputter reactor capable of creating a self-ionized plasma and including a small unbalanced magnetron rotating about the back of the target. The magnetron includes an outer pole of one magnetic polarity in a closed band shape surrounding an inner pole of the opposed magnetic polarity and of lesser total magnetic intensity. The inner pole, for example, including a tubular magnet has a central, magnet free passage allowing magnetic field to pass therethrough from one side to the other of the inner pole. The outer band may be generally triangular with the base and apex composed of circular segments smoothly joined to straight sides. The pole face of the inner pole may be cantilevered away from the inner pole towards the apex of the outer pole.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 13, 2001
    Date of Patent: December 16, 2003
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventor: Tza-Jing Gung
  • Patent number: 6660622
    Abstract: A method of forming barrier layers in a via hole extending through an inter-level dielectric layer and including a preformed first barrier coated onto the bottom and sidewalls of the via holes. In a single plasma sputter reactor, a first step sputters the wafer rather than the target with high energy ions to remove the barrier layer from the bottom of the via but not from the sidewalls and a second step sputter deposits a second barrier layer, for example of Ta/TaN, onto the via bottom and sidewalls. The two steps may be differentiated by power applied to the target, by chamber pressure, or by wafer bias. The second step may include the simultaneous removal of the first barrier layer from the via bottom and sputter deposition of the second barrier layer onto the via sidewalls.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 7, 2002
    Date of Patent: December 9, 2003
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Ling Chen, Seshadri Ganguli, Wei Cao, Christophe Marcadal
  • Patent number: 6645357
    Abstract: A sputtering shield for use in a plasma sputter reactor and formed of one or more layers of mesh bent into a desired shield shape is disclosed. The multiple layers are arranged to minimize overlap of mesh apertures to thereby decrease line-of-sight holes through the mesh assembly. A foil may be placed between the outermost two mesh layers to further increase opacity. The mesh may be fixed to solid metal parts, such as flanges, grommets, hemming, or complex parts of the overall shield. The mesh shield provides better adhesion of sputter coated layers, thereby allowing longer use before replacement, and is less expensive to fabricate so that it can be treated as a consumable.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 5, 2001
    Date of Patent: November 11, 2003
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventor: Earl G. Powell
  • Patent number: 6642539
    Abstract: A ferroelectric memory cell formed on a monocrystalline silicon underlayer, either an epitaxial silicon contact plug to a transistor source or drain or silicon gate region for which the memory cell forms a non-volatile gate. A conductive barrier layer of doped strontium titanate, whether cationically substituted, such by lanthanum or niobium for strontium and titanium respectively, or anionically deficient, is epitaxially grown over the silicon, and a lower metal oxide electrode layer, a ferroelectric layer and an upper metal oxide electrode layer are epitaxially grown on the barrier layer. No platinum barrier is needed beneath the ferroelectric stack. The invention can be applied to many other functional oxide materials of the Ruddlesden-Popper and devices including micromachined electromechanical (MEM) devices and ferromagnetic tri-layer devices.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 29, 2002
    Date of Patent: November 4, 2003
    Assignees: University of Maryland, The Penn State Research Foundation
    Inventors: Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Darrell G. Schlom
  • Patent number: 6627050
    Abstract: A method of forming a tantalum-containing layer on a substrate is described. The tantalum-containing layer is formed using a physical vapor deposition technique wherein a magnetic field in conjunction with an electric field function to confine material sputtered from a tantalum-containing target within a reaction zone of a deposition chamber. The electric field is generated by applying a power of at least 8 kilowatts to the tantalum-containing target. The magnetic field is generated from a magnetron including a first magnetic pole of a first magnetic polarity surrounded by a second magnetic pole of a second magnetic polarity opposite the first magnetic polarity. The first magnetic pole preferably has a magnetic flux at least about 30% greater than a magnetic flux of the second magnetic pole. The tantalum-containing layer deposition method is compatible with integrated circuit fabrication processes. In one integrated circuit fabrication process, an interconnect structure is formed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 26, 2001
    Date of Patent: September 30, 2003
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Michael Andrew Miller, Peijun Ding, Howard Tang, Tony Chiang, Jianming Fu
  • Patent number: 6623595
    Abstract: A ceramic dome for in a plasma processing chamber having an RF coil disposed outside of said dome. The interior of the dome is formed with macroscopic grooves, and the grooves are roughened into a microscopic structure. The roughening provides increased adhesion to a residue film deposited on the dome during plasma processing. The macroscopic grooves increase the effective area of the dome and thus decreases the thickness of deposited film. The grooves may be formed by machining a green form of the ceramic material cast prior to sintering. The roughening may be formed by bead blasting the machined green form. Thereafter, the green form is fired to form a sintered ceramic dome.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 27, 2000
    Date of Patent: September 23, 2003
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Nianci Han, Hong Shih, Li Xu, Yan Ye
  • Patent number: 6617225
    Abstract: A method of fabricating parts of silicon, preferably virgin polysilicon formed by chemical vapor deposition of silane, and assembling them into a complex structure, such as a silicon tower or boat for removably supporting a plurality of silicon wafers during thermal processing. The virgin polysilicon is annealed to above 1025° C. before it is machined into a predetermined shape. After machining, the silicon parts are annealed in an oxygen ambient. The machined parts are then assembled and joined together followed by another anneal of the assembled structure. A preferred embodiment of the tower includes four legs secured on their ends to two bases. A plurality of slots are cut in the legs allowing slidable insertion of the wafers and support for them. The bases may be either virgin poly or monocrystalline silicon and be either integral or composed of multiple parts.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 22, 2002
    Date of Patent: September 9, 2003
    Assignee: Integrated Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: James E. Boyle, Robert L. Davis, Laurence D. Delaney, Raanan Y. Zehavi
  • Patent number: 6617540
    Abstract: A silicon wafer process fixture having various silicon members secured together. The fixture may include a plurality of generally elongate silicon support member secured to a generally planar silicon base. The silicon members may be made of monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, or virgin polysilicon.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 23, 2001
    Date of Patent: September 9, 2003
    Assignee: Integrated Materials, Inc.
    Inventor: Raanan Zehavi
  • Patent number: 6613691
    Abstract: An oxide etching process, particular useful for selectively etching oxide over a feature having a non-oxide composition, such as silicon nitride and especially when that feature has a corner that is prone to faceting during the oxide etch. The invention preferably uses the unsaturated 4-carbon fluorocarbons, specifically hexafluorobutadiene (C4F6), which has a below 10°C. and is commercially available. The hexafluorobutadiene together with argon is excited into a high-density plasma in a reactor which inductively couples plasma source power into the chamber and RF biases the pedestal electrode supporting the wafer. Preferably, a two-step etch is used process is used in which the above etching gas is used in the main step to provide a good vertical profile and a more strongly polymerizing fluorocarbon such as difluoromethane (CH2F2) is added in the over etch to protect the nitride corner.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 29, 2000
    Date of Patent: September 2, 2003
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Raymond Hung, Joseph P. Caulfield, Hongching Shan, Ruiping Wang, Gerald Z. Yin
  • Patent number: 6613689
    Abstract: An oxide etch process practiced in a plasma etch reactor, such as a magnetically enhanced reactive ion etch (MERIE) reactor. The etching gas includes approximately equal amounts of a hydrogen-free fluorocarbon, most preferably C4F6, and oxygen and a much larger amount of argon diluent gas. The magnetic field is preferably maintained above about 50 gauss and the pressure at 40 milliTorr or above with chamber residence times of less than 70 milliseconds. A two-step process may be used for etching holes with very high aspect ratios. In the second step, the magnetic filed and the oxygen flow are reduced. Other fluorocarbons may be substituted which have F/C ratios of less than 2 and more preferably no more than 1.6 or 1.5.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 13, 2002
    Date of Patent: September 2, 2003
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc
    Inventors: Jingbao Liu, Takehiko Komatsu, Hongqing Shan, Keji Horioka, Bryan Y Pu
  • Patent number: 6610184
    Abstract: An array of auxiliary magnets is disclosed that is positioned along sidewalls of a magnetron sputter reactor on a side towards the wafer from the target. The magnetron preferably is a small, strong one having a stronger outer pole of a first magnetic polarity surrounding a weaker outer pole of a second magnetic polarity and rotates about the central axis of the chamber. The auxiliary magnets preferably have the first magnetic polarity to draw the unbalanced magnetic field component toward the wafer. The auxiliary magnets may be either permanent magnets or electromagnets.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 14, 2001
    Date of Patent: August 26, 2003
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Peijun Ding, Rong Tao, Zheng Xu
  • Patent number: 6602434
    Abstract: An oxide etching process, particularly useful for selectively etching oxide over a feature having a non-oxide composition, such as silicon nitride and especially when that feature has a corner that is prone to faceting during the oxide etch. One aspect of the invention uses one of four hydrogen-free fluorocarbons having a low F/C ratio, specifically hexafluorobutadiene (C4F6), octafluoropentadiene (C5F8), hexafluorocyclobutene (C4F6), and hexafluorobenzene (C6F6). At least hexafluorobutadiene has a boiling point below 10° C. and is commercially available. Another aspect of the invention, uses an unsaturated fluorocarbon such as pentafluoropropylene (C3HF5), and trifluoropropyne (C3HF3), both of which have boiling points below 10° C. and are commercially available.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 15, 1999
    Date of Patent: August 5, 2003
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Hoiman (Raymond) Hung, Joseph P. Caulfield, Hongqing Shan, Ruiping Wang, Gerald Z. Yin
  • Patent number: 6589879
    Abstract: A nitride etch process particularly useful when integrated with a silicon trench etch needing a sloping silicon surface adjacent to the interface between the silicon and an oxide layer intermediate the silicon and nitride. The nitride etch process is a plasma process having an etching gas mixture of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and trifluoromethane (CHF3) although nitrogen or oxygen may be added for additional controls. The trifluoromethane is believed to create a polymer passivation on the sidewalls of the hole being etched which, when the etch reaches the oxide-silicon interface, protects the interface and underlying silicon. The nitride etch may proceed through the oxide or a separate fluorocarbon-based oxide etching step may be performed before a bromine-based etch of the silicon starts.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 18, 2001
    Date of Patent: July 8, 2003
    Assignee: Applied Materials, Inc.
    Inventors: Scott M. Williams, Wei Liu, David Mui