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Browse Patents by U.S. Classification
- Apparel (Class 2)
- Baths, closets, sinks, and spittoons (Class 4)
- Beds (Class 5)
- Compound tools (Class 7)
- Bleaching and dyeing; fluid treatment and chemical modification of textiles and fibers (Class 8)
- Boot and shoe making (Class 12)
- Bridges (Class 14)
- Brushing, scrubbing, and general cleaning (Class 15)
- Miscellaneous hardware (e.g., bushing, carpet fastener, caster, door closer, panel hanger, attachable or adjunct handle, hinge, window sash balance, etc.) (Class 16)
- Textiles: fiber preparation (Class 19)
- Chemistry: physical processes (Class 23)
- Buckles, buttons, clasps, etc. (Class 24)
- Textiles: cloth finishing (Class 26)
- Undertaking (Class 27)
- Textiles: manufacturing (Class 28)
- Metal working (Class 29)
- Cutlery (Class 30)
- Geometrical instruments (Class 33)
- Drying and gas or vapor contact with solids (Class 34)
- Boots, shoes, and leggings (Class 36)
- Excavating (Class 37)
- Textiles: ironing or smoothing (Class 38)
- Card, picture, or sign exhibiting (Class 40)
- Firearms (Class 42)
- Fishing, trapping, and vermin destroying (Class 43)
- Fuel and related compositions (Class 44)
- Plant husbandry (Class 47)
- Gas: heating and illuminating (Class 48)
- Movable or removable closures (Class 49)
- Abrasive tool making process, material, or composition (Class 51)
- Static structures (e.g., buildings) (Class 52)
- Package making (Class 53)
- Harness for working animal (Class 54)
- Gas separation (Class 55)
- Harvesters (Class 56)
- Textiles: spinning, twisting, and twining (Class 57)
- Chain, staple, and horseshoe making (Class 59)
- Power plants (Class 60)
- Refrigeration (Class 62)
- Jewelry (Class 63)
- Glass manufacturing (Class 65)
- Textiles: knitting (Class 66)
- Textiles: fluid treating apparatus (Class 68)
- Leather manufactures (Class 69)
- Locks (Class 70)
- Chemistry: fertilizers (Class 71)
- Metal deforming (Class 72)
- Measuring and testing (Class 73)
- Machine element or mechanism (Class 74)
- Specialized metallurgical processes, compositions for use therein, consolidated metal powder compositions, and loose metal particulate mixtures (Class 75)
- Metal tools and implements, making (Class 76)
- Button making (Class 79)
- Tools (Class 81)
- Turning (Class 82)
- Cutting (Class 83)
- Music (Class 84)
- Ammunition and explosive-charge making (Class 86)
- Textiles: braiding, netting, and lace making (Class 87)
- Ordnance (Class 89)
- Motors: expansible chamber type (Class 91)
- Expansible chamber devices (Class 92)
- Gas separation: processes (Class 95)
- Gas separation: apparatus (Class 96)
- Foods and beverages: apparatus (Class 99)
- Presses (Class 100)
- Printing (Class 101)
- Ammunition and explosives (Class 102)
- Railways (Class 104)
- Railway rolling stock (Class 105)
- Compositions: coating or plastic (Class 106)
- Horizontally supported planar surfaces (Class 108)
- Safes, bank protection, or a related device (Class 109)
- Furnaces (Class 110)
- Planting (Class 111)
- Sewing (Class 112)
- Ships (Class 114)
- Signals and indicators (Class 116)
- Single-crystal, oriented-crystal, and epitaxy growth processes; non-coating apparatus therefor (Class 117)
- Coating apparatus (Class 118)
- Animal husbandry (Class 119)
- Liquid heaters and vaporizers (Class 122)
- Internal-combustion engines (Class 123)
- Mechanical guns and projectors (Class 124)
- Stone working (Class 125)
- Stoves and furnaces (Class 126)
- Sugar, starch, and carbohydrates (Class 127)
- Surgery (Class 128)
- Tobacco (Class 131)
- Toilet (Class 132)
- Cleaning and liquid contact with solids (Class 134)
- Tent, canopy, umbrella, or cane (Class 135)
- Batteries: thermoelectric and photoelectric (Class 136)
- Fluid handling (Class 137)
- Pipes and tubular conduits (Class 138)
- Textiles: weaving (Class 139)
- Wireworking (Class 140)
- Fluent material handling, with receiver or receiver coacting means (Class 141)
- Wood turning (Class 142)
- Woodworking (Class 144)
- Coopering (Class 147)
- Metal treatment (Class 148)
- Explosive and thermic compositions or charges (Class 149)
- Purses, wallets, and protective covers (Class 150)
- Resilient tires and wheels (Class 152)
- Adhesive bonding and miscellaneous chemical manufacture (Class 156)
- Wheelwright machines (Class 157)
- Concentrating evaporators (Class 159)
- Flexible or portable closure, partition, or panel (Class 160)
- Paper making and fiber liberation (Class 162)
- Needle and pin making (Class 163)
- Metal founding (Class 164)
- Heat exchange (Class 165)
- Wells (Class 166)
- Farriery (Class 168)
- Fire extinguishers (Class 169)
- Unearthing plants or buried objects (Class 171)
- Earth working (Class 172)
- Tool driving or impacting (Class 173)
- Electricity: conductors and insulators (Class 174)
- Boring or penetrating the earth (Class 175)
- Weighing scales (Class 177)
- Telegraphy (Class 178)
- Motor vehicles (Class 180)
- Acoustics (Class 181)
- Fire escape, ladder, or scaffold (Class 182)
- Lubrication (Class 184)
- Motors: spring, weight, or animal powered (Class 185)
- Merchandising (Class 186)
- Elevator, industrial lift truck, or stationary lift for vehicle (Class 187)
- Brakes (Class 188)
- Trunks and hand-carried luggage (Class 190)
- Electricity: transmission to vehicles (Class 191)
- 192 clutches and power-stop control (Class 192)
- Conveyors, chutes, skids, guides, and ways (Class 193)
- Check-actuated control mechanisms (Class 194)
- Mineral oils: apparatus (Class 196)
- Conveyors: power-driven (Class 198)
- Type casting (Class 199)
- Electricity: circuit makers and breakers (Class 200)
- Distillation: processes, thermolytic (Class 201)
- Distillation: apparatus (Class 202)
- Distillation: processes, separatory (Class 203)
- Chemistry: electrical and wave energy (Class 204)
- Electrolysis: processes, compositions used therein, and methods of preparing the compositions (Class 205)
- Special receptacle or package (Class 206)
- Mineral oils: processes and products (Class 208)
- Classifying, separating, and assorting solids (Class 209)
- Liquid purification or separation (Class 210)
- Supports: racks (Class 211)
- Traversing hoists (Class 212)
- Railway draft appliances (Class 213)
- Bottles and jars (Class 215)
- Etching a substrate: processes (Class 216)
- Wooden receptacles (Class 217)
- High-voltage switches with arc preventing or extinguishing devices (Class 218)
- Electric heating (Class 219)
- Receptacles (Class 220)
- Article dispensing (Class 221)
- Dispensing (Class 222)
- Apparel apparatus (Class 223)
- Package and article carriers (Class 224)
- Severing by tearing or breaking (Class 225)
- Advancing material of indeterminate length (Class 226)
- Elongated-member-driving apparatus (Class 227)
- Metal fusion bonding (Class 228)
- Envelopes, wrappers, and paperboard boxes (Class 229)
- Whips and whip apparatus (Class 231)
- Deposit and collection receptacles (Class 232)
- Selective cutting (e.g., punching) (Class 234)
- Registers (Class 235)
- Automatic temperature and humidity regulation (Class 236)
- Heating systems (Class 237)
- Railways: surface track (Class 238)
- Fluid sprinkling, spraying, and diffusing (Class 239)
- Solid material comminution or disintegration (Class 241)
- Winding, tensioning, or guiding (Class 242)
- Aeronautics and astronautics (Class 244)
- Wire fabrics and structure (Class 245)
- Railway switches and signals (Class 246)
- Supports (Class 248)
- Static molds (Class 249)
- Radiant energy (Class 250)
- Valves and valve actuation (Class 251)
- Compositions (Class 252)
- Implements or apparatus for applying pushing or pulling force (Class 254)
- Fences (Class 256)
- Active solid-state devices (e.g., transistors, solid-state diodes) (Class 257)
- Railway mail delivery (Class 258)
- Chemistry of carbon compounds (Class 260)
- Gas and liquid contact apparatus (Class 261)
- Plastic and nonmetallic article shaping or treating: processes (Class 264)
- Metallurgical apparatus (Class 266)
- Spring devices (Class 267)
- Work holders (Class 269)
- Sheet-material associating (Class 270)
- Sheet feeding or delivering (Class 271)
- Amusement devices: games (Class 273)
- Typesetting (Class 276)
- Seal for a joint or juncture (Class 277)
- Land vehicles: animal draft appliances (Class 278)
- Chucks or sockets (Class 279)
- Land vehicles (Class 280)
- Books, strips, and leaves (Class 281)
- Printed matter (Class 283)
- Pipe joints or couplings (Class 285)
- Knots and knot tying (Class 289)
- Prime-mover dynamo plants (Class 290)
- Track sanders (Class 291)
- Closure fasteners (Class 292)
- Vehicle fenders (Class 293)
- Handling: hand and hoist-line implements (Class 294)
- Railway wheels and axles (Class 295)
- Land vehicles: bodies and tops (Class 296)
- Chairs and seats (Class 297)
- Land vehicles: dumping (Class 298)
- Mining or in situ disintegration of hard material (Class 299)
- Brush, broom, and mop making (Class 300)
- Land vehicles: wheels and axles (Class 301)
- Fluid-pressure and analogous brake systems (Class 303)
- Wheel substitutes for land vehicles (Class 305)
- Electrical transmission or interconnection systems (Class 307)
- Electrical generator or motor structure (Class 310)
- Supports: cabinet structure (Class 312)
- Electric lamp and discharge devices (Class 313)
- Electric lamp and discharge devices: consumable electrodes (Class 314)
- Electric lamp and discharge devices: systems (Class 315)
- Electricity: motive power systems (Class 318)
- Electricity: battery or capacitor charging or discharging (Class 320)
- Electricity: single generator systems (Class 322)
- Electricity: power supply or regulation systems (Class 323)
- Electricity: measuring and testing (Class 324)
- Electronic digital logic circuitry (Class 326)
- Miscellaneous active electrical nonlinear devices, circuits, and systems (Class 327)
- Demodulators (Class 329)
- Amplifiers (Class 330)
- Oscillators (Class 331)
- Modulators (Class 332)
- Wave transmission lines and networks (Class 333)
- Tuners (Class 334)
- Electricity: magnetically operated switches, magnets, and electromagnets (Class 335)
- Inductor devices (Class 336)
- Electricity: electrothermally or thermally actuated switches (Class 337)
- Electrical resistors (Class 338)
- Communications: electrical (Class 340)
- Coded data generation or conversion (Class 341)
- Communications: directive radio wave systems and devices (e.g., radar, radio navigation) (Class 342)
- Communications: radio wave antennas (Class 343)
- Computer graphics processing and selective visual display systems (Class 345)
- Recorders (Class 346)
- Incremental printing of symbolic information (Class 347)
- Television (Class 348)
- Liquid crystal cells, elements and systems (Class 349)
- Optics: eye examining, vision testing and correcting (Class 351)
- Optics: motion pictures (Class 352)
- Optics: image projectors (Class 353)
- Photocopying (Class 355)
- Optics: measuring and testing (Class 356)
- Facsimile and static presentation processing (Class 358)
- Optical: systems and elements (Class 359)
- Dynamic magnetic information storage or retrieval (Class 360)
- Electricity: electrical systems and devices (Class 361)
- Illumination (Class 362)
- Electric power conversion systems (Class 363)
- Static information storage and retrieval (Class 365)
- Agitating (Class 366)
- Communications, electrical: acoustic wave systems and devices (Class 367)
- Horology: time measuring systems or devices (Class 368)
- Dynamic information storage or retrieval (Class 369)
- Multiplex communications (Class 370)
- Coherent light generators (Class 372)
- Industrial electric heating furnaces (Class 373)
- Thermal measuring and testing (Class 374)
- Pulse or digital communications (Class 375)
- Induced nuclear reactions: processes, systems, and elements (Class 376)
- Electrical pulse counters, pulse dividers, or shift registers: circuits and systems (Class 377)
- X-ray or gamma ray systems or devices (Class 378)
- Telephonic communications (Class 379)
- Cryptography (Class 380)
- Electrical audio signal processing systems and devices (Class 381)
- Image analysis (Class 382)
- Flexible bags (Class 383)
- Bearings (Class 384)
- Optical waveguides (Class 385)
- Motion video signal processing for recording or reproducing (Class 386)
- Electricity: motor control systems (Class 388)
- Electric resistance heating devices (Class 392)
- Photography (Class 396)
- Optical communications (Class 398)
- Electrophotography (Class 399)
- Typewriting machines (Class 400)
- Coating implements with material supply (Class 401)
- Binder device releasably engaging aperture or notch of sheet (Class 402)
- Joints and connections (Class 403)
- Road structure, process, or apparatus (Class 404)
- Hydraulic and earth engineering (Class 405)
- Conveyors: fluid current (Class 406)
- Cutters, for shaping (Class 407)
- Cutting by use of rotating axially moving tool (Class 408)
- Gear cutting, milling, or planing (Class 409)
- Freight accommodation on freight carrier (Class 410)
- Expanded, threaded, driven, headed, tool-deformed, or locked-threaded fastener (Class 411)
- Bookbinding: process and apparatus (Class 412)
- Sheet metal container making (Class 413)
- Material or article handling (Class 414)
- Rotary kinetic fluid motors or pumps (Class 415)
- Fluid reaction surfaces (i.e., impellers) (Class 416)
- Pumps (Class 417)
- Rotary expansible chamber devices (Class 418)
- Powder metallurgy processes (Class 419)
- Alloys or metallic compositions (Class 420)
- Chemical apparatus and process disinfecting, deodorizing, preserving, or sterilizing (Class 422)
- Chemistry of inorganic compounds (Class 423)
- Drug, bio-affecting and body treating compositions (Class 424)
- Plastic article or earthenware shaping or treating: apparatus (Class 425)
- Food or edible material: processes, compositions, and products (Class 426)
- Coating processes (Class 427)
- Stock material or miscellaneous articles (Class 428)
- Chemistry: electrical current producing apparatus, product, and process (Class 429)
- Radiation imagery chemistry: process, composition, or product thereof (Class 430)
- Combustion (Class 431)
- Heating (Class 432)
- Dentistry (Class 433)
- Education and demonstration (Class 434)
- Chemistry: molecular biology and microbiology (Class 435)
- Chemistry: analytical and immunological testing (Class 436)
- Semiconductor device manufacturing: process (Class 438)
- Electrical connectors (Class 439)
- Marine propulsion (Class 440)
- Buoys, rafts, and aquatic devices (Class 441)
- Fabric (woven, knitted, or nonwoven textile or cloth, etc.) (Class 442)
- Electric lamp or space discharge component or device manufacturing (Class 445)
- Amusement devices: toys (Class 446)
- Bee culture (Class 449)
- Foundation garments (Class 450)
- Abrading (Class 451)
- Butchering (Class 452)
- Coin handling (Class 453)
- Ventilation (Class 454)
- Telecommunications (Class 455)
- Crop threshing or separating (Class 460)
- Books, strips, and leaves for manifolding (Class 462)
- Amusement devices: games (Class 463)
- Rotary shafts, gudgeons, housings, and flexible couplings for rotary shafts (Class 464)
- Threaded, headed fastener, or washer making: process and apparatus (Class 470)
- Amusement devices (Class 472)
- Games using tangible projectile (Class 473)
- Endless belt power transmission systems or components (Class 474)
- Planetary gear transmission systems or components (Class 475)
- Friction gear transmission systems or components (Class 476)
- Interrelated power delivery controls, including engine control (Class 477)
- Exercise devices (Class 482)
- Tool changing (Class 483)
- Roll or roller (Class 492)
- Manufacturing container or tube from paper; or other manufacturing from a sheet or web (Class 493)
- Imperforate bowl: centrifugal separators (Class 494)
- Compositions: ceramic (Class 501)
- Catalyst, solid sorbent, or support therefor: product or process of making (Class 502)
- Record receiver having plural interactive leaves or a colorless color former, method of use, or developer therefor (Class 503)
- Plant protecting and regulating compositions (Class 504)
- Superconductor technology: apparatus, material, process (Class 505)
- Combinatorial chemistry technology: method, library, apparatus (Class 506)
- Earth boring, well treating, and oil field chemistry (Class 507)
- Solid anti-friction devices, materials therefor, lubricant or separant compositions for moving solid surfaces, and miscellaneous mineral oil compositions (Class 508)
- Cleaning compositions for solid surfaces, auxiliary compositions therefor, or processes of preparing the compositions (Class 510)
- Perfume compositions (Class 512)
- Drug, bio-affecting and body treating compositions (Class 514)
- Colloid systems and wetting agents; subcombinations thereof; processes of (Class 516)
- Chemistry: fischer-tropsch processes; or purification or recovery of products thereof (Class 518)
- Synthetic resins or natural rubbers -- part of the class 520 series (Class 520)
- Synthetic resins or natural rubbers -- part of the class 520 series (Class 521)
- Synthetic resins or natural rubbers -- part of the class 520 series (Class 522)
- Synthetic resins or natural rubbers -- part of the class 520 series (Class 523)
- Synthetic resins or natural rubbers -- part of the class 520 series (Class 524)
- Synthetic resins or natural rubbers -- part of the class 520 series (Class 525)
- Synthetic resins or natural rubbers -- part of the class 520 series (Class 526)
- Synthetic resins or natural rubbers -- part of the class 520 series (Class 527)
- Synthetic resins or natural rubbers -- part of the class 520 series (Class 528)
- Chemistry: natural resins or derivatives; peptides or proteins; lignins or reaction products thereof (Class 530)
- Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 532)
- Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 534)
- Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 536)
- Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 540)
- Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 544)
- Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 546)
- Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 548)
- Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 549)
- Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 552)
- Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 554)
- Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 556)
- Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 558)
- Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 560)
- Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 562)
- Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 564)
- Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 568)
- Organic compounds -- part of the class 532-570 series (Class 570)
- Chemistry of hydrocarbon compounds (Class 585)
- Hazardous or toxic waste destruction or containment (Class 588)
- Surgery (Class 600)
- Surgery: kinesitherapy (Class 601)
- Surgery: splint, brace, or bandage (Class 602)
- Surgery (Class 604)
- Surgery (Class 606)
- Surgery: light, thermal, and electrical application (Class 607)
- Prosthesis (i.e., artificial body members), parts thereof, or aids and accessories therefor (Class 623)
- Data processing: generic control systems or specific applications (Class 700)
- Data processing: vehicles, navigation, and relative location (Class 701)
- Data processing: measuring, calibrating, or testing (Class 702)
- Data processing: structural design, modeling, simulation, and emulation (Class 703)
- Data processing: speech signal processing, linguistics, language translation, and audio compression/decompression (Class 704)
- Data processing: financial, business practice, management, or cost/price determination (Class 705)
- Data processing: artificial intelligence (Class 706)
- Data processing: database and file management or data structures (Class 707)
- Electrical computers: arithmetic processing and calculating (Class 708)
- Electrical computers and digital processing systems: multicomputer data transferring (Class 709)
- Electrical computers and digital data processing systems: input/output (Class 710)
- Electrical computers and digital processing systems: memory (Class 711)
- Electrical computers and digital processing systems: processing architectures and instruction processing (e.g., processors) (Class 712)
- Electrical computers and digital processing systems: support (Class 713)
- Error detection/correction and fault detection/recovery (Class 714)
- Data processing: presentation processing of document, operator interface processing, and screen saver display processing (Class 715)
- Computer-aided design and analysis of circuits and semiconductor masks (Class 716)
- Data processing: software development, installation, and management (Class 717)
- Electrical computers and digital processing systems: virtual machine task or process management or task management/control (Class 718)
- Electrical computers and digital processing systems: interprogram communication or interprocess communication (ipc) (Class 719)
- Dynamic optical information storage or retrieval (Class 720)
- Interactive video distribution systems (Class 725)
- Information security (Class 726)
- Multicellular living organisms and unmodified parts thereof and related processes (Class 800)
- Scanning-probe techniques or apparatus; applications of scanning-probe techniques, e.g., scanning probe microscopy [spm] (Class 850)
- Robots (Class 901)
- Electronic funds transfer (Class 902)
- Hybrid electric vehicles (hevs) (Class 903)
- Peptide or protein sequence (Class 930)
- Horology (Class 968)
- Nuclear technology (Class 976)
- Nanotechnology (Class 977)
- Musical instruments (Class 984)
- Organic compounds containing a bi, sb, as, or p atom or containing a metal atom of the 6th to 8th group of the periodic system (Class 987)
- Edible products (Class D01)
- Apparel and haberdashery (Class D02)
- Travel goods and personal belongings (Class D03)
- Brushware (Class D04)
- Textile or paper yard goods; sheet material (Class D05)
- Furnishings (Class D06)
- Equipment for preparing or serving food or drink not elsewhere specified (Class D07)
- Tools and hardware (Class D08)
- Packages and containers for goods (Class D09)
- Measuring, testing, or signalling instruments (Class D10)
- Jewelry, symbolic insignia, and ornaments (Class D11)
- Transportation (Class D12)
- Equipment for production, distribution, or transformation of energy (Class D13)
- Recording, communication, or information retrieval equipment (Class D14)
- Machines not elsewhere specified (Class D15)
- Photography and optical equipment (Class D16)
- Musical instruments (Class D17)
- Printing and office machinery (Class D18)
- Office supplies; artists and teachers materials (Class D19)
- Sales and advertising equipment (Class D20)
- Games, toys, and sports goods (Class D21)
- Arms, pyrotechnics, hunting and fishing equipment (Class D22)
- Environmental heating and cooling; fluid handling and sanitary equipment (Class D23)
- Medical and laboratory equipment (Class D24)
- Building units and construction elements (Class D25)
- Lighting (Class D26)
- Tobacco and smokers' supplies (Class D27)
- Cosmetic products and toilet articles (Class D28)
- Equipment for safety, protection, and rescue (Class D29)
- Animal husbandry (Class D30)
- Washing, cleaning, or drying machine (Class D32)
- Material or article handling equipment (Class D34)
- Miscellaneous (Class D99)
- Plants (Class PLT)