Patents Represented by Attorney Ruth Moyerman
  • Patent number: 4426085
    Abstract: An automatic resetting target is disclosed. A box-like housing containing a target holder including a positioning arm which protrudes through the housing lid. A rotating plate with tripping means is linked to a motor. A normally open switch connects the motor and a power source. When the impact of a projectile against a target causes the holder to nutate from an upward to a downward position, the switch is closed causing the tripping means of the rotating plate to engage the target holder's arm returning the holder to an upward position and breaking the circuit.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 6, 1982
    Date of Patent: January 17, 1984
    Inventor: Lawrence Dixon
  • Patent number: 4416087
    Abstract: A door jamb reinforcer is disclosed which comprises at least one, and preferably two or more, reinforcing rods which are positioned internally along the depth of a door jamb adjacent the area of the bolt receiver or striker plate. The rods are used in conjunction with a brace bar which is positioned adjacent the striker plate, and extends above and below it on the edge of the door jamb. With the use of the bar and reinforcing rods of this invention, a door jamb's shear and tensile strength is increased to prevent the jamb from being splintered and broken during a potential forced entry.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 29, 1981
    Date of Patent: November 22, 1983
    Inventor: Paritosh K. Ghatak
  • Patent number: 4414716
    Abstract: A clasping device for releasably securing small articles of clothing such as socks is disclosed. In the clasping device of this invention, a device consisting of one or two small, flat, resilient members are utilized to pair socks or the like for washing and storage. The garments are secured by inserting them through a divisionary cut extending from an edge of the clasping device to an eliptical aperture.In one embodiment, two members are used, each intended to secure one sock and the members are held together by slipping an H-shaped arm of the H into a circular aperture of the second member by twisting and slipping the two together through a divisionary cut in the second member.An alternate embodiment contemplates one member having two or more divisionary cuts and apertures through which garments may be slipped and caught and later released for use.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 5, 1981
    Date of Patent: November 15, 1983
    Inventor: Frank Stastney
  • Patent number: 4373471
    Abstract: A method of measuring the liquid consumption of a laboratory animal is disclosed which does not involve passage of an electric current through its body. Instead, a drinking station is established within which the end of a drinking tube is located. The tube is supplied from a reservoir and a meniscus of liquid is present at its end. A photo-electric source and a photo-electric cell are provided as companion units. The beam emanating from the source is directed so that, en route to the cell, it passes the distal end of the tube. The tube and the beam are adjusted with respect to each other so that the beam of light is broken only when the animal is drinking, whether it is of a species which drinks by licking or by sucking. Output of the cell is linked to a counter thus enabling liquid consumption to be monitored.An apparatus for measuring the liquid consumption of a laboratory animal is also disclosed. This apparatus comprises a plate which generally defines a planar perimeter of a drinking station.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 27, 1981
    Date of Patent: February 15, 1983
    Inventor: John N. Coulbourn
  • Patent number: 4373381
    Abstract: An apparatus and method are disclosed which are suitable for detecting leakage from manholes. The apparatus of the invention comprises a rim upon which an inflatable tube is mounted, a pressure gauge for measuring gas pressure, and a valve through which air or a similar gas may be introduced through the apparatus into the manhole is included. The apparatus may further include a duct which passes entirely through the assembly and which includes a chain or cable attached to the apparatus or the cap of the duct and the other end of which may be secured within the manhole itself. In the practice of the method of this invention, the apparatus is inserted into the manhole with the safety cable attached (if such is provided) and the tube portion of the apparatus is inflated to provide an airtight seal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 29, 1981
    Date of Patent: February 15, 1983
    Inventors: Leon Kulp, Donald E. Noggle
  • Patent number: 4372315
    Abstract: An epilator for treating a hair follicle of a subject utilizes a probe into which an RF pulse is applied. Shortly after the pulse is initiated, a measure of the impedance seen by the probe is determined and utilized for the purpose of adjusting the duration of the pulse such that the energy absorbed by the subject is independent of the impedance seen by the probe. As a consequence, the energy absorbed by the subject will have a predetermined maximum value substantially independent of the impedance seen by the probe.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 3, 1980
    Date of Patent: February 8, 1983
    Assignee: Hair Free Centers
    Inventors: Julius Shapiro, Andrew Eliason
  • Patent number: 4364561
    Abstract: A party game for one or more couples. A male part is attached to the flat top of a first belt buckle, and a female part is attached to the second belt buckle. The male part includes a tongue. The female part includes a tunnel with U-shaped side slots that movably retain a double headed marker pin. When the male tongue part is inserted into the female tunnel and moves the marker pin from one slot end to the other, the game task is completed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 4, 1982
    Date of Patent: December 21, 1982
    Inventor: Robert E. Gill
  • Patent number: 4346746
    Abstract: A rotating cutter cuts rough lathe stock into finished dowels sized to the desired dimension. Collars of predetermined length vary the distance between the rotating cutter and the tool. The body of the tool opposes the thrust of the revolving work piece away from the rotating cutting blade and supports stock of small diameter which is flexible and may otherwise bow or whip as it revolves on the lathe between the lathe headstock and tailstock. By twisting the tool, dowels may be finished undersize as needs demand.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 11, 1980
    Date of Patent: August 31, 1982
    Inventor: Louis M. Busch
  • Patent number: 4336765
    Abstract: A vacuum operated work piece holder and method are disclosed for holding slides and the like during subsequent work operations. In the apparatus of this invention, an elongated and generally cylindrical vacuum chamber containing a plurality of ports is provided. When a vacuum is drawn through the chamber, biological laboratory slides or the like may be held in place on the port to enable gram staining and washing operations to be carried on in sequence. Multiple chambers may be used and each chamber is preferably mounted so as to be rotatable to allow the operator to rotate the chamber to aid in draining the wash water.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 12, 1981
    Date of Patent: June 29, 1982
    Inventor: Vincent D. Coughlin
  • Patent number: 4335913
    Abstract: A ceiling tile replacing and positioning apparatus is disclosed in which a frustum-shaped frame is provided. An encircling flange on the larger base end of the frustum provides a platform upon which the ceiling tile may be rested. Pins project perpendicular to the flange to hold the tile in place. A handle including a sleeve which is pivotally and releasably attached to the frustum-shaped frame at the frustum smaller base makes the apparatus usable from various angles.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 11, 1980
    Date of Patent: June 22, 1982
    Inventor: George R. Lick
  • Patent number: 4330917
    Abstract: A hand-held tool to use in extracting ring seats from housings such as small engine carburetor needle inlet valves is disclosed. The tool has a generally cylindrical handle means. From one end of the handle means a helical or threaded arm projects, ending in a tip. By inserting the extracting arm into the housing, pressing the arm end opposite the seal and turning the tool, the seal threads itself on and up the arm. Withdrawing the tool with the threaded seal on it from the housing thus removes the seal. A further embodiment combines with the foregoing a tamping member which projects from the other end of the handle means. The tamper, with its tip, aids in inserting a fresh seal in the housing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 20, 1980
    Date of Patent: May 25, 1982
    Inventor: Damon Dzurkovich
  • Patent number: 4326761
    Abstract: A key and lock core container suitable for a multiplicity of cores is disclosed.The key and lock core container of this invention contains one or more rigid frames containing a series of individual lock core holders and key hooks. The frame is intended to be vertically mounted on a wall or in a wall hung cabinet. The lock core holders are large enough to contain only the cores and are provided, where needed, with a cutout portion through which a detent portion of the core may extend. Associated with each core holder is a hook means on which the key(s) of that particular core may be suspended.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 10, 1979
    Date of Patent: April 27, 1982
    Inventor: Samuel Schwartz
  • Patent number: 4319378
    Abstract: A chimney cleaner of universal application and especially suitable for cleaning heavy wood resin residue is disclosed. An A-frame assembly capable of expansion and contraction to accommodate various chimney sizes is held together by pivot connections. The manual reciprocation of the cleaner by a user through a rod which forms the cross bar of the A-frame produces a longitudinal reciprocation of the A-frame. A right angled brush may be removably mounted on the A-frame along its top and fits into a chimney outwardly from a corner. The legs of the A-frame end in wheels which ride up and down the chimney corner opposite the brush. The chimney cleaner's overall dimensions may be increased or decreased by applying a torque to the rod which, through a threaded connection with a leg, will cause the legs to spread or contract.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 7, 1980
    Date of Patent: March 16, 1982
    Inventors: Samuel J. Bowman, William F. Bowman
  • Patent number: 4317239
    Abstract: A protective helmet for persons with severe mental or motor disabilities is disclosed.The helmet includes padded front, side, front chin and under chin pieces. Alternate embodiments include a reinforced face frame and, most importantly, a removable lightweight transparent face cover. The underchin area is also supplied with a reinforced edging or rim to fit securely against the wearer's neck to prevent the user from pulling the helmet from his head.The face covering and the securing of the helmet around the head is preferably by lacing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 5, 1980
    Date of Patent: March 2, 1982
    Inventor: Nicholas Bryksa
  • Patent number: 4294387
    Abstract: An improved, convertible ski carrier in which a retainer for the skis is utilized is disclosed. The retainer includes a shelf for ski poles and is hingeably mounted to the carrier. The carrier itself is provided with a transverse opening to enable more versatility in the mounting of the carrier on a vehicle. An additional shank has been added to a locking mechanism to improve stability and anti-theft properties and an auxiliary locking mechanism including a bracket plate similar to the bracket plate intended for use with a vehicle has been added. The bracket, e.g. the assembly intended to be affixed to a vehicle, has been modified to utilize only a single vertical plate from which two bracket plates extend at right angles in opposite directions from each other.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 25, 1979
    Date of Patent: October 13, 1981
    Inventor: Kenneth A. Wnek
  • Patent number: 4237638
    Abstract: A two-part replacement magazine kit for rifles is disclosed. One part is a removable magazine chamber in which cartridges are intended to be inserted in stacked position. The magazine has a recess in the rear wall into which a detent portion of a latching means fits and thereby secures the magazine in the magazine housing.A magazine housing forms a second part of the kit. The magazine housing includes, as a latching means, a detent which pivots by means of a horizontally positioned spring toward the recess in the magazine rear wall where it catches and holds the magazine. A finger piece at the other end of the detent extends below the housing. Forward pressure by the hunter's finger on the finger piece causes release of the magazine.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 4, 1978
    Date of Patent: December 9, 1980
    Inventor: Gene D. Trexler
  • Patent number: 4218152
    Abstract: An electric hand-held resist pen with an improved font and holder is disclosed. The font holder includes arcuate prongs for slidably engaging the font. By sliding the font up and down in the font holder, the heat eminating from the resistance heat to the font to its contained materials is varied and, thus, the flow rate of the material from the pen is controlled.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 28, 1978
    Date of Patent: August 19, 1980
    Inventor: Leila C. Sloan
  • Patent number: D265468
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 14, 1980
    Date of Patent: July 20, 1982
    Inventor: William Yeager
  • Patent number: D269063
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 18, 1980
    Date of Patent: May 24, 1983
    Inventor: Robert Gill
  • Patent number: D269209
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 5, 1981
    Date of Patent: May 31, 1983
    Inventor: Bernard L. Hegarty