Patents Assigned to Heberlein Maschinenfabrik AG.
  • Patent number: 4040244
    Abstract: A friction drive for a twist-tube for false-twist texturing of textile yarns is described wherein a continuously running belt rotates a pair of driving rolls, maintained at a constant pressure against the belt, to which rollers for rotating the twist tube are co-axially fixed. The driving rolls are carried at the end of a rod, mounted to slide through a fixed holder and subjected to an axial force by a weight hanging on a cord passing over a pulley having a fixed axis to a pin on the rod. The rolls are so mounted on the rod that they can be arranged to engage either face of the belt. Therefore, the force necessary to press the driving rolls against the belt is reversible. This is achieved by providing the rod with two pins, either of which can be chosen for attachment of the cord and from which the cord will hang in opposite directions over the pulley. This gravity mechanism can be replaced by fluid or electromagnetic means for exerting the force on the rod.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 2, 1976
    Date of Patent: August 9, 1977
    Assignee: Heberlein Maschinenfabrik AG
    Inventor: Josef Raschle
  • Patent number: 4027466
    Abstract: An installation and process for false-twisting thermoplastic yarn are described werein the heat treating units are arranged in double rows along opposite sides of an inspection passage and within a closed chamber. The double row on one side is arranged as a mirror image of that on the other side. Each heating unit consists of a vertical, electrically heated guide for the yarn and these are arranged in vertical hot air ducts. Hot air is admitted centrally at the bottom of the chamber, and passes upwards and then downwards through the ducts to be sucked out of the chamber beneath the heating units. This exhausted air passes through devices for removing sizing agents, as by burning these, and the air then passes through a heat exchanger to a suction fan.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 25, 1976
    Date of Patent: June 7, 1977
    Assignee: Heberlein Maschinenfabrik AG
    Inventor: Gustav Brehm
  • Patent number: 4010599
    Abstract: Apparatus and a process for texturing textile yarn of thermoplastic material are described wherein the yarn is fed through input guide means including a yarn tension sensing unit to the surface of a continuously rotating cylinder having equidistantly spaced annular grooves distributed along its length with an annular friction surface between each pair of adjacent grooves. A series of rod-shaped thread guides, one for each groove, project from a support element into the grooves at points located on a notional helical curve extending along the cylinder. Thus, the yarn is constrained to travel along a helical path in contact with at least a portion of the series of thread guides while in contact with rotating annular surfaces. The yarn leaves the cylinder by way of output guide means including a yarn tension sensing unit.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 9, 1976
    Date of Patent: March 8, 1977
    Assignee: Heberlein Maschinenfabrik AG
    Inventor: Walter Luthi
  • Patent number: 4008560
    Abstract: A false-twist texturing machine of reduced height having along one side a series of vertical contact heating devices for yarns and on the other, or service side, wind-up devices for the treated yarn, is provided for each heating device with an individual thread guide channel enabling an operator to thread the heating device while he remains on the service side of the machine. The channel is tubular with a slot along its length. The operator attaches a weight to a thread emerging from a delivery device and puts it into an upper end of the channel inclined downwards above upper thread guide means to a vertical portion of the channel extending downwards past the remote side of the heating device to an inclined portion of the channel extending beneath further thread guide means to a point at which the weight emerges and is detached by the operator, who then threads it through a false-twist imparter and a delivery device on the service side to a wind-up device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 23, 1976
    Date of Patent: February 22, 1977
    Assignee: Heberlein Maschinenfabrik AG
    Inventors: Max Schnetzer, Risto Merimaki
  • Patent number: 4002018
    Abstract: A friction false-twist device for texturing textile yarns of thermoplastic synthetic material comprises a main friction element mounted to rotate about a first fixed axis and formed as a sphere or ellipsoid with at least one circular groove centered on the axis, into which projects the rim of a friction disc rotatable about a second fixed axis parallel to the first. Yarn to be twisted is wrapped partially over the curved surface of the main friction element and past the edge of the friction disc to a yarn-guide unit adjustable over substantially half the curved surface of the main friction element at a constant distance from that surface. The yarn-guide unit includes a guiding disc which causes the yarn to deviate after leaving the main friction element. To avoid excessive yarn tension the guide unit is adjusted to provide a comparatively small wrap angle over the curved surface during threading, and is then adjusted to provide a larger wrap angle for effective twisting.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 27, 1976
    Date of Patent: January 11, 1977
    Assignee: Heberlein Maschinenfabrik AG
    Inventor: Arnold Steck
  • Patent number: 3986325
    Abstract: Pneumatic yarn aspirating device includes at least one tube, a vacuum source connected to the tube, openings and filament aspirating elements spaced along the tube, and means for controlling the size of the openings.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 22, 1974
    Date of Patent: October 19, 1976
    Assignee: Heberlein Maschinenfabrik AG
    Inventors: Helmut Ritter, Emil Jung
  • Patent number: 3943693
    Abstract: A false-twist device comprises two axially parallel rollers rotatable about their axis for supporting a twist tube in the cuneal throat formed thereby, driving means for simultaneously driving the rollers, at least one yarn deviating element for feeding a yarn end to, or removing it from, the twist tube at a predetermined angle relatively to the tube axis, and means for holding the tube in place when no yarn is present in the tube.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 27, 1974
    Date of Patent: March 16, 1976
    Assignee: Heberlein Maschinenfabrik AG.
    Inventor: Josef Raschle