Patents Assigned to Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
  • Patent number: 6672158
    Abstract: In a method and an apparatus for balancing a motor vehicle wheel comprising a pneumatic tire and a disk wheel, the wheel is clamped on a measuring spindle and geometrical data of the wheel are sensed and stored. Wheel unbalance is ascertained in at least one measuring run and at least one balancing vector for balancing mass and balancing position is calculated in accordance with a balancing program selected in dependence on the disk wheel type and material, in at least one balancing plane. At least one balancing weight is fixed to the wheel in dependence on the balancing vector. When sensing a rim region of the wheel a sensor detects whether a rim portion extending substantially perpendicularly to the measuring spindle is or is not present in the rim region being sensed and the balancing program is selected in dependence on the signal obtained in the sensing operation with the sensor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 17, 1999
    Date of Patent: January 6, 2004
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventors: Eickhart Goebel, Bernhard Hoffmann, Karl Rothamel, Walter Hollube
  • Patent number: 6414304
    Abstract: A method and an apparatus for determining the position of a wheel mounted on a vehicle, wherein at least two target locations on the wheel are irradiated by a transmitter from a given location. The beams are reflected at the target locations and received by a receiver at a given location. The wheel position is ascertained from the measurement values produced by that arrangement, with signals associated with the respective target locations being emitted at given times and the periods of time from emission to reception of the signals reflected at the respective target locations being measured so the wheel position is determined from the measured times.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 24, 1998
    Date of Patent: July 2, 2002
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventors: Walter Boess, Simone Longa
  • Patent number: 6408528
    Abstract: In a method and apparatus for determining the impressing depth of a tire on a motor vehicle disk wheel, the impressing depth is determined using a wheel balancing machine structure from the wheel rim width, the axial spacing of an abutment surface on the main mounting shaft of the machine from a reference plane of the machine, and the axial spacing of one of the two measurement points for the wheel rim width from the reference plane.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 12, 1999
    Date of Patent: June 25, 2002
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventor: Ulrich Diez
  • Patent number: 6179032
    Abstract: A bead depressor for use upon fitting or removal of a tire whereby a tire bead is held in a well base of a wheel comprises a plurality of depressor elements connected together by a cable, and a clamping bar which can be arrested in a centering bore in the wheel. The first depressor element which in use is fixed on the rim flange of the wheel is connected to the clamping bar by a holding rod member and an additional elastic clamping element is operative between the clamping bar and the first depressor element to urge the latter substantially radially against the rim flange and to tilt the clamping bar to arrest it in the centering bore in the wheel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 9, 1998
    Date of Patent: January 30, 2001
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventor: Ulrich Diez
  • Patent number: 6138366
    Abstract: In an adaptor for fixing at least one measuring means to a motor vehicle wheel, for example when measuring the wheel position, a carrier carrying the measuring means is centered on the vehicle wheel by way of fixing means mounted displaceably with respect to the carrier, upon displacement of the fixing means.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 16, 1998
    Date of Patent: October 31, 2000
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventor: Walter Boess
  • Patent number: 5983717
    Abstract: In a method and apparatus for balancing a motor vehicle wheel comprising a wheel with pneumatic tire thereon, the wheel is clamped on to a measuring shaft of a balancing machine, and geometrical data of the wheel are sensed and stored. A measuring run is conducted for ascertaining an unbalance, and for determining at least one balancing vector in accordance with a balancing program selected depending on the type of wheel. The material of the wheel is detected with a sensor. The balancing program for determining the nature of balancing weight and its positioning in a balancing plane on the wheel is selected depending on the signal obtained in the sensing operation using the sensor. The balancing vector is determined in the electronic system of the machine for the balancing program. At least one balancing weight is then fixed to the wheel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 23, 1997
    Date of Patent: November 16, 1999
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventor: Ulrich Diez
  • Patent number: 5959204
    Abstract: A motor vehicle wheel balancing machine holds a motor vehicle wheel by clamping it on a balancing machine measuring spindle. After an operation to measure the unbalance of the the wheel has been preformed, a balancing weight is attached to the wheel using a sensor, and the measuring spindle is stopped with a holding brake which is activated when the sensor is activated.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 14, 1996
    Date of Patent: September 28, 1999
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventors: Karl Rothamel, Lorenz Lenhardt
  • Patent number: 5948980
    Abstract: A method and an arrangement for releasably clamping a motor vehicle wheel to a shaft of a balancing machine, in which when clamping the wheel on the shaft a clamping nut is held fast and the shaft is driven in rotation by the drive motor of the machine. The nut is thereby tightened on the main shaft to clamp the wheel in position thereon. The nut can be released by reversing the procedure.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 27, 1998
    Date of Patent: September 7, 1999
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventor: Gerhard Rossteuscher
  • Patent number: 5909097
    Abstract: A method of stopping an electric motor-driven balancing machine main shaft after an unbalance measuring run in a specific rotary angle stoppage position corresponding to a desired balancing rotary angle position provides that in the course of retardation of the main shaft, a timer is switched on at a short angular spacing of for example before the main shaft reaches the desired rotary angle stoppage position. The timer predetermines a time interval which is determined from the rotary speed and the rotary angle position of the main shaft at the time of the timer being switched on, with the retardation operation being stopped at the end of that time interval, with the main shaft stationary. The retardation operation can be effected by torque reversal of the motor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 4, 1997
    Date of Patent: June 1, 1999
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventors: Karl Rothamel, Wolfgang Rowe
  • Patent number: 5847277
    Abstract: In a method of rotating a rotary member on a balancing machine into balancing positions in first and second balancing planes, after the unbalance measuring run the rotary member is braked and thus rotated into the balancing position in the first balancing plane, with the braking deceleration being measured. The rotary member is then accelerated to a rotary speed of at most 80 rpm for rotation into the balancing position in the second balancing plane. The rotary member is then braked so that the braking travel resulting from the measured deceleration corresponds to the differential angle still remaining as far as the balancing position in the second balancing plane.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 4, 1997
    Date of Patent: December 8, 1998
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventors: Karl Rothamel, Wolfgang Rowe
  • Patent number: 5831152
    Abstract: A wheel balancing machine that includes a lighting device to illuminate the inside of the wheel or rim bowl facing the wheel balancing machine. Illumination preferably occurs in an area above the shaft on which the wheel is mounted and improves the task of correctly positioning and attaching balancing weights.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 16, 1997
    Date of Patent: November 3, 1998
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventor: Karl Rothamel
  • Patent number: 5717138
    Abstract: An arrangement for driving a measuring spindle of a balancing machine has a friction wheel which is drivable by an electric motor and which can be brought into and out of a condition of driving relationship with the measuring spindle. The electric motor and the friction wheel form a motion unit supported movably about a mounting assembly which is disposed on the machine frame structure and which is arranged in displaced relationship with the axis of the rotor of the electric motor. A torque which is produced about the mounting assembly when the rotor of the electric motor is accelerated causes movement of the motion unit thereby to produce the driving connection between the friction wheel and the measuring spindle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 6, 1996
    Date of Patent: February 10, 1998
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventor: Eickhart Goebel
  • Patent number: 5703291
    Abstract: A clamping arrangement for clamping a rotary member to be balanced on a main shaft of a balancing machine comprises a centering cone which is axially resiliently supported on the shaft for centering the rotary member with respect to the shaft. A pressure element can be fixed on the shaft for pressing the rotary member against the centering cone into a centering position, and a support flange holds the rotary member against the pressure element. The support flange is non-rotatably and axially displaceably mounted on the shaft and can be pressed by an actuating means against the rotary member which is held in a centered condition, whereby the rotary member is clamped against the pressure element on the shaft.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 12, 1996
    Date of Patent: December 30, 1997
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventor: Gerhard Rossteuscher
  • Patent number: 5615574
    Abstract: An unbalance measuring machine has an arrangement for clamping and release a motor vehicle wheel or other rotary member on a motor-driven shaft. The machine has a bar which is guided movably in the shaft in its axial direction. The bar is engaged at one end with the rotary member and at the other end with a belt pulley via interengaged screw threads. When the belt pulley is driven by the drive motor in one direction of rotation, the bar axially clamps the rotary member on the shaft to hold it fast. When the belt pulley is driven by the drive motor in the other direction, the bar moves in the opposite direction to release the rotary member.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 8, 1994
    Date of Patent: April 1, 1997
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventors: Josef Drechsler, Eickhart Goebel, Gottfried Kuhn, Karl Rothamel, Jorg Wowes
  • Patent number: 5606127
    Abstract: In a method of setting a displayable machine function of a wheel balancing machine, machine functions stored in a function setting device are addressed and simultaneously displayed and identified at a display device by means of a movably mounted sensing member which senses dimensions of a wheel to be balanced.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 20, 1995
    Date of Patent: February 25, 1997
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventor: Kurt Humber
  • Patent number: 5591909
    Abstract: A method and device for balancing an unbalance on a motor vehicle wheel, including a tire mounting portion that is provided with a stylized design. Such a wheel can include a supporting disk with openings therein defining radially extending, spaced apart support members, such as struts or spokes, in the main area of the wheel. In particular such a tire supporting disk can comprise light metal. The angular positions of the radially extending support members are determined and are stored in storage 2 and the measurement values determined in the measurement procedure are divided into balancing corresponding to the angular positions of the radially extending support members. Weights for balancing the wheel are determined and are attached to the supporting disk at angular positions corresponding to the locations of the support members.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 5, 1995
    Date of Patent: January 7, 1997
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventors: Karl Rothamel, Kurt Humber, Ulrich Diez
  • Patent number: 5587528
    Abstract: An apparatus and method for correcting unbalance of a motor vehicle wheel by at least one balancing weight has a sensor for sensing at least one predetermined position on the wheel, a position detector connected to the sensor for detecting the position thereof, and a storage device connected to the position detector for storing position data determining actual balancing positions on the wheel. An electronic evaluator is connected to a measuring arrangement for measuring wheel unbalance requiring correction and to the storage device for determining the balancing position and the magnitude of the respective balancing weight to be fixed to the wheel. A comparator is connected to the storage device and the position detector. In a retrieval mode, when the sensor reaches a position which corresponds to a stored balancing position a clamping device receives a clamping signal from the comparator for at least partially blocking displacement of the sensor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 26, 1995
    Date of Patent: December 24, 1996
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventors: Karl Rothamel, Lorenz Lenhardt, Gottfried Kuhn
  • Patent number: 5563342
    Abstract: A balancing machine for vehicle wheels of different sizes and types includes a main shaft, structure for mounting a wheel on the main shaft, and for unbalance measurement which is related to at least one compensating plane of the wheel, sensing structure for detecting a spacing of the at least one compensating plane relative to the machine and for detecting a compensating radius on the wheel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 4, 1995
    Date of Patent: October 8, 1996
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventors: Josef Drechsler, Klaus Ruhl, Lorenz Lenhardt
  • Patent number: 5557043
    Abstract: An apparatus for fixing a balancing weight having an adhesive layer thereon to a vehicle wheel at a balancing position comprises a holder having at least first and second holding portions for holding a balancing weight under a spring force. The holder is guided to a balancing position on the wheel by a guide so that an edge of the adhesive-bearing surface of the balancing weight is applied to or contacts the wheel at the desired balancing position. Pressure is then directed towards the balancing position and applied to the balancing weight causing the balancing weight to be released from the holder and pivoted about the edge that bears against the wheel at the balancing position so that the whole adhesive layer is pressed against the wheel surface.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 4, 1995
    Date of Patent: September 17, 1996
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventor: Josef Drechsler
  • Patent number: 5526686
    Abstract: In a balancing machine having an apparatus for sensing geometrical data of a rotary member to be balanced such as a motor vehicle wheel which can be clamped on a main shaft of the balancing machine, the apparatus has a measuring sensor arranged on a support bar of the balancing machine, which is parallel to the main shaft and fixed in its longitudinal direction. The measuring sensor is rotatable about the longitudinal axis of the support bar and has a pivot head which is arranged on the support bar rotatably about the longitudinal axis of the support bar. The sensor also has a measuring sensing lever having a positively guided sensing head, wherein the measuring sensing lever is mounted pivotably on the pivot head and a sensing finger on the sensing head is movable toward and away from the wheel to be sensed, upon a pivotal movement of the measuring sensing lever, in parallel orientation with respect to the main shaft.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 7, 1994
    Date of Patent: June 18, 1996
    Assignee: Hofmann Werkstatt-Technik GmbH
    Inventors: Andreas Fuchs, Klaus Ruhl, Karl Rothamel