Patents Assigned to I.C.P.-Industria Componenti Prefabbricati S.r.l.
  • Patent number: 5381634
    Abstract: The covering structure has retention members for location beside a surface to be covered. A suspension member, having a plurality of mutually hinged segments, is pivotally connected at its ends to the retention members. Locking pins are provided for locking the segments to each other and to the retention members. A covering membrane is coupled to the segments by suspension members.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 14, 1992
    Date of Patent: January 17, 1995
    Assignee: I.C.P.-Industria Componenti Prefabbricati S.r.l.
    Inventors: Stefano Pietrogrande, deceased, Marco Attanasio, Paolo Bisogni, Sandro Lomoro