Abstract: An encryption system and method for generating encryption keys between sender and receiver for a symmetric-key encryption system begins with an initialization step on both ends of the communication channel, in which a initialization string is exchanged between sender and receiver by secure methods. Thereafter, a pseudo-random-function generator operating on the initialization string is used to generate a master recovery key at both ends. The master recovery key is operated on by a succession of pseudo-random-function generators to produce an encryption key, which is used to encrypt data at the sender, creating ciphertext, and decrypt at the receiver. After a block of ciphertext is transmitted and received, a new encryption key is generated by subjecting the master recovery key to another pseudo-random-function, and adding entropy by means of still another pseudo-random function operating on the current ciphertext.
December 7, 2001
Publication date:
October 31, 2002
KeyGen Corporation
Itzhak I. Rubinstein, Daniel L. Randall