Patents by Inventor Andrew J. Looney

Andrew J. Looney has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 6474650
    Abstract: Although traveling through time is impossible, the idea can still be examined in works of fiction, including card games. A Timeline of events is presented, arranged in chronological order, on two-sided playing cards. During the course of a game, players representing “time travelers” may alter the outcome of past events. This is simulated by turning over specific cards on the Timeline, called Linchpins, which represent pivotal moments in history. Symbols on these and other cards indicate how history becomes different as a result of these changes. Other cards, called Ripplepoints, are follow-on events that change when dependent prior events are altered, and are also turned over when Linchpin cards are changed. The method of associating past and future events with icons on the cards allows for easy upkeep of the ever-changing Timeline without needing to grasp the complex logic behind the imagined reasons for the cascading alternate realities.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 11, 2001
    Date of Patent: November 5, 2002
    Inventor: Andrew J. Looney
  • Patent number: 6352262
    Abstract: A strategy game utilizing a stackable playing piece. Each player is assigned a multiplicity of such playing pieces, which begin the game standing individually in a random arrangement on a featureless playing field. During the course of the game, players stack the pieces up on one another, forming them into towers. Other game actions permit players to move pieces from one tower to another, and to divide larger towers into pairs of smaller towers. Participants may conduct these game actions at any time they choose, without adhering to any turn order. Play continues until no more game actions can or will be made. The object of the game is to be the player with the top piece on as many towers as possible, since points are awarded for each piece in a tower to the player who's piece is on top. The winner is the player with the highest total score.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 28, 2000
    Date of Patent: March 5, 2002
    Inventor: Andrew J. Looney
  • Patent number: 4936585
    Abstract: A strategy game utilizing two forms of a playing piece, one indicating direction and representing attack, the other indicating position and representing defense. Each player has a plurality of playing pieces. The game begins with all pieces held in storage During the game, playing pieces are put into play and either take up defensive positions or attack defensive pieces already in place. The game ends when all pieces have been played. Participants may make plays at any time they choose. The object of the game is to protect one's defensive pieces while attacking the defensive pieces of one's opponents. The winner is determined through a method of interpreting the success of attacks by examining placement of pieces relative to each other.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 27, 1989
    Date of Patent: June 26, 1990
    Inventors: Andrew J. Looney, John W. Cooper