Patents by Inventor David J. Pinckney

David J. Pinckney has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20040027551
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for clamping a semiconductor mask to a carrier device is taught. The apparatus is comprised of a base member to which is attached an elongated spring. Both the base and the spring have affixed to them a means for compressively contacting the mask surface when the mask is put in place. In the preferred embodiment, that contact means is made of sapphire shaped in the form of a dome. The clamp further includes an adjustment screw that can be used to adjust the height of the contact means affixed to the base member. In this manner, the surface of the mask can be adjusted so that it is planarized to the right orientation relative to an e-Beam or laser source that will be used to scribe a pattern on the mask. Finally, the clamp includes electrical contacts, and the materials out of which the clamp is made are deliberately selected, so that no electrical or magnetic forces can build up on the clamp or the wafer that might adversely affect the scribing process.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 9, 2002
    Publication date: February 12, 2004
    Applicant: International Business Machines Corporation
    Inventors: Wayne A. Barringer, David J. Pinckney, Joseph E. Santilli, Maris A. Sturans
  • Patent number: 6615481
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a method of fabricating electromagnetic coil vanes. The method utilizes laser machining to provide high resolution, dense coil wire patterns on both sides of a ceramic vane substrate. A firing operation is first performed that eutectically bonds the copper to the ceramic. Laser machining is then used to produce a coil pattern in the copper. The substrate is drilled to provide a through hole which, when filled or partially filled with a conducting material, forms an electrical connection between the two coil patterns.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 8, 2000
    Date of Patent: September 9, 2003
    Assignee: Nikon Corporation
    Inventors: Mark J. LaPlante, David J. Pinckney
  • Patent number: 6461680
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a method and apparatus of fabricating electromagnetic coil vanes. The method involves photolithographically exposing high resolution, dense wire patterns in a flash coat of copper, on both sides of a ceramic vane substrate. The substrate can be pre-drilled with a through hole to connect the two copper coil patterns. Additional copper is then deposited on both high resolution patterns and in the through hole by plating until the desired thickness is obtained. A firing operation is then performed that eutectically bonds the copper to the ceramic.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 23, 1999
    Date of Patent: October 8, 2002
    Assignee: Nikon Corporation
    Inventor: David J. Pinckney
  • Patent number: 6414313
    Abstract: A beam-limiting aperture truncates selected portions of a charged particle beam illuminating portions such as subfields of a patterned reticle of a charged particle beam projection lithography tool and then projects a pattern of charged particles onto a target in a charged particle beam lithography tool. The respective portions of the reticle are patterned in accordance with respective portions of an integrated circuit or other desired pattern and may have differing transmissivities; altering beam current at the target even when source beam current remains substantially constant. The portion of the beam which is truncated, thus altering the particle trajectory semi-angle and numerical aperture of the tool is controlled in accordance with the transmissivity of the reticle portion to enhance resolution to near optimal limits.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 1, 1999
    Date of Patent: July 2, 2002
    Assignee: Nikon Corporation
    Inventors: Michael S. Gordon, Rodney A. Kendall, David J. Pinckney
  • Publication number: 20020074506
    Abstract: A beam-limiting aperture truncates selected portions of a charged particle beam illuminating portions such as subfields of a patterned reticle of a charged particle beam projection lithography tool and then projects a pattern of charged particles onto a target in a charged particle beam lithography tool. The respective portions of the reticle are patterned in accordance with respective portions of an integrated circuit or other desired pattern and may have differing transmissivities; altering beam current at the target even when source beam current remains substantially constant. The portion of the beam which is truncated, thus altering the particle trajectory semi-angle and numerical aperture of the tool is controlled in accordance with the transmissivity of the reticle portion to enhance resolution to near optimal limits.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 1, 1999
    Publication date: June 20, 2002
  • Publication number: 20010052467
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a method and apparatus of fabricating electromagnetic coil vanes. The method involves photolithographically exposing high resolution, dense wire patterns in a flash coat of copper, on both sides of a ceramic vane substrate. The substrate can be pre-drilled with a through hole to connect the two copper coil patterns. Additional copper is then deposited on both high resolution patterns and in the through hole by plating until the desired thickness is obtained. A firing operation is then performed that eutectically bonds the copper to the ceramic.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 23, 1999
    Publication date: December 20, 2001
    Inventor: DAVID J. PINCKNEY
  • Patent number: 6246053
    Abstract: In a particle beam lithography system, focus adjustment is controlled by a measurement of the gap between the workpiece being processed and a reference surface, such as the bottom surface of the focus lens, using a pair of capacitive sensors mounted on an arm that rotates to place one sensor on the beam axis to measure the workpiece height and the other displaced from the beam aperture to measure the height of the reference surface. The sum of the two readings is constant (for a given gap dimension), so that the accuracy of the measurement is not affected by the position of the arm within the gap.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 22, 1999
    Date of Patent: June 12, 2001
    Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
    Inventors: Rodney Arthur Kendall, Gary J. Johnson, David J. Pinckney
  • Patent number: 5843623
    Abstract: According to the preferred embodiment, the invention is a simplified, low profile, adjustable substrate ground probe used in electron beam photolithography processing. The low profile substrate ground probe is compatible with state-of-the-art, electron beam lithographic processing tools that require minimal clearance. The ground contact base incorporates a flexure, an adjustable ground contact base, and an adjustment screw which allows the height of the ground contact relative to the surface of the workpiece to be accurately and easily set, without using shims. The flexure is a one-piece probe body with a flame sprayed tungsten carbide ground contact surface.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 10, 1996
    Date of Patent: December 1, 1998
    Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
    Inventor: David J. Pinckney