Patents by Inventor Gregory J. Soderberg

Gregory J. Soderberg has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20100079291
    Abstract: A weight management system comprised of a body worn device which interfaces periodically with a computer. The established weight goals of the user are translated by the computer into daily activity targets and downloaded into the device. The device monitors the user's activity, offering progress status toward the daily activity target. Further, the device alerts the user of excessive sedentary periods which depress metabolic indicators. The activity targets, allowed length of sedentary periods and suggested activities to reach goal are specific to the individual based on their biometrics and living environment. The computer provides historical tracking of activity for motivational and coaching purposes.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 1, 2009
    Publication date: April 1, 2010
    Applicant: Muve, Inc.
    Inventors: Ryan Kroll, Elise P. Everett, James P. Meyer, John P. Montague, Bret R. Otzenberger, Marc A. Seaberg, Joel M. Silverman, Gregory J. Soderberg, Thomas G. Hudson, E. Andrew Wood, Gary A. Stein