Patents by Inventor Ingrid Kempova Lopez

Ingrid Kempova Lopez has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20090089910
    Abstract: The Burp Cloth (4) with Strap (1) was invented to ensures that the burp cloth used by people when burping an infants or toddlers stays in place and does not fall off the shoulder to the ground. The Burp Cloth with Strap is designed to fit on either shoulder of a person and protect clothing when burping or feeding a baby. That the person wearing Burp Cloth with Strap can move burp cloth with strap easily from one shoulder to the another for comfort or convenience without burp cloth falling off when handling a baby. To use the invention, one places the Burp cloth on one's shoulder and then attaches the Strap. Many forms of fastening the strap to the burp cloth are included in the invention. These are buttons, snaps (2) and velcro adhesives.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 8, 2008
    Publication date: April 9, 2009
    Inventor: Ingrid Kempova Lopez