Patents by Inventor Ivan Korchagin

Ivan Korchagin has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20080011546
    Abstract: A hoisting system for high-rise buildings which incorporates upright rails mounted on outer walls of the building, a lifting block for each rail. A truss section attached to two lifting blocks to form a loading platform for people or hardware. Doors and windows provide access from the building to the platform, which may be enclosed. The rails are secured on metallic trusses mounted in upright position inside the building structure. The metallic truss can have stairs or elevators for transporting people. The platform can be divided into compartments for holding trays. Guide rollers on the sides of the trays and drive wheels under the trays move the trays into and between the compartments. In this manner cars may be parked in limited space by being lifted to a floor and moved to an open compartment. The platform can be used for emergency evacuation, for construction, parking, or fire fighting.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 6, 2007
    Publication date: January 17, 2008
    Inventors: Pavel Korchagin, Marina Korchagina, Andrey Tirsky, Ivan Korchagin
  • Publication number: 20050006177
    Abstract: An elevator system for traveling on a rail attached to the outside of a high-rise building. One elevator has a telescopic arm attached for reaching any position on or above the building. The telescopic arm consists of two parts, which are interconnected with a pivoting mechanism. The telescopic arm has a pivot at its end attached to a cramp, with the help of a vertical rotating mechanism. The cramp is pivoted to an outside platform with a barrier, a cabin is hanged onto the platform and can make a full rotation. The elevator portion has a passenger compartment with sliding doors and a vertical aperture with a staircase connecting with an autonomous rescue elevator. Elastic elements are used for contacting surfaces of the elevator portion and of the autonomous rescue elevator. Elevator portion and the autonomous rescue elevator are provided with compartments for foam, liquids and auxiliary equipment. The passenger compartment has additional control panel.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 16, 2003
    Publication date: January 13, 2005
    Inventors: Pavel Korchagin, Ivan Korchagin, Vladimir Bararushkin, Leonid Feoktistov, Igor Kazimov, Tetyana Yakovleva