Patents by Inventor James Riddell Ferguson

James Riddell Ferguson has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 8510863
    Abstract: The invention is shock absorbing material to be incorporated into protective gear or clothing. The impact shock absorbing material is a laminated material, having a shear-thickening layer and a shock absorbing layer. The shock absorbing layer is a honeycomb material with cell walls. The shear-thickening layer shunts the local impact forces over a greater area of the underlying shock absorbing layer, thereby reducing the force at the point of impact. The vertical walls of the honeycomb layer buckle under the incoming force, thereby diffusing the direction of force away from direct alignment with the body wearing the impact-shock-absorbing material. Protective gear made of the impact shock absorbing material significantly reduces forces imparted to the body as a result of a fall, blow, or other sudden impact.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 6, 2011
    Date of Patent: August 20, 2013
    Inventor: James Riddell Ferguson
  • Publication number: 20120096630
    Abstract: The invention is shock absorbing material to be incorporated into protective gear or clothing. The impact shock absorbing material is a laminated material, having a shear-thickening layer and a shock absorbing layer. The shock absorbing layer is a honeycomb material with cell walls. The shear-thickening layer shunts the local impact forces over a greater area of the underlying shock absorbing layer, thereby reducing the force at the point of impact. The vertical walls of the honeycomb layer buckle under the incoming force, thereby diffusing the direction of force away from direct alignment with the body wearing the impact-shock-absorbing material. Protective gear made of the impact shock absorbing material significantly reduces forces imparted to the body as a result of a fall, blow, or other sudden impact.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 6, 2011
    Publication date: April 26, 2012
    Inventor: James Riddell Ferguson
  • Patent number: 8087101
    Abstract: Impact shock absorbing material to be incorporated into protective gear or clothing. The impact shock absorbing material is a laminated material, having a shear-thickening layer and a shock absorbing layer, that is a honeycomb material. The laminated material is incorporated into protective headgear, sports gear, clothing, and a host of other articles that are worn for protection against impact shock. The shear-thickening layer shunts the local impact forces over a greater area of the underlying shock absorbing layer, thereby reducing the force at the point of impact. The vertical walls of the honeycomb layer buckle under the incoming force, thereby diffusing the direction of force away from direct alignment with the body wearing the impact-shock-absorbing material. Protective gear made of the impact shock absorbing material significantly reduces forces imparted to the body as a result of a fall, blow, or other sudden impact.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 14, 2007
    Date of Patent: January 3, 2012
    Inventor: James Riddell Ferguson
  • Publication number: 20080172779
    Abstract: Impact shock absorbing material to be incorporated into protective gear or clothing. The impact shock absorbing material is a laminated material, having a shear-thickening layer and a shock absorbing layer, that is a honeycomb material. The laminated material is incorporated into protective headgear, sports gear, clothing, and a host of other articles that are worn for protection against impact shock. The shear-thickening layer shunts the local impact forces over a greater area of the underlying shock absorbing layer, thereby reducing the force at the point of impact. The vertical walls of the honeycomb layer buckle under the incoming force, thereby diffusing the direction of force away from direct alignment with the body wearing the impact-shock-absorbing material. Protective gear made of the impact shock absorbing material significantly reduces forces imparted to the body as a result of a fall, blow, or other sudden impact.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 14, 2007
    Publication date: July 24, 2008
    Inventor: James Riddell Ferguson