Patents by Inventor James Struck

James Struck has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20060079187
    Abstract: Astronomical crises come in the form of galactic collisions, stellar collisions, collisions with asteroids, solar storms and collisions of many other types. There also can be increases in ultraviolet, microwave, gamma, or infrared radiation. This device and method is somewhat different in that it is a way to locate people or books when the GPS system or other location systems are damaged or down. Audio tapes of the person's name or name of the book, a cell phone to provide communication with someone else or provide psychotherapy, and an infrasonic transmitter, to emit radiation when one does not want to make noise, accompany the GPS device if the GPS transmitter or receiver fails. An armband provides the support and housing for these devices to assist with location. The armband could also be used to locate books with an electromagnetic wave trigger mechanism and a timer trigger mechanism.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 12, 2005
    Publication date: April 13, 2006
    Inventor: James Struck
  • Publication number: 20060068364
    Abstract: According to the Merck Manual of Medical Information (2003, 2nd Home Edition), “Recession usually occurs in response to overaggressive brushing but can also result from injury or as the natural progression of thin, delicate gum tissue.” (p. 622) Grafting or other surgeries involve complications, pain, bleeding, possible infections and missed work. This invention involves the use of gauze to remove plaque and other pathogens from the crown or tooth surfaces. This invention only involves possible use of saliva, hydroxyl ions as a base, and cold water depending on the needs of the specific gingival issue. If the gums are acidic, the gauze could include hydroxyl ions. If the gums are infected with campylobacter germs, Ebola, HIV, influenza or other exotic pathogens, cold water can decrease the growth of these pathogens. Saliva can fight against candida, fungus, polio, colds, herpes, and HIV.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 23, 2005
    Publication date: March 30, 2006
    Inventor: James Struck