Patents by Inventor John Ivsan

John Ivsan has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20050113115
    Abstract: A method for practice in a system in which broadcasts are transmitted from wireless transmitters includes the steps of: receiving with the mobile device broadcasts from the wireless transmitters, wherein each broadcast includes informational content for presentation to a person; selecting a particular broadcast, which includes the steps of determining a proximity indicator for a wireless transmitter from which a broadcast is received, and determining whether the type of the informational content of a received broadcast is presentable according to the preferences profile; and, using the mobile device, presenting to the person the informational content of the selected particular broadcast. Determining a proximity indicator may include: measuring a signal strength; or comparing GPS data related to the position of the mobile device to positional data from the wireless transmitter. In this regard, the positional data may include GPS data related to the position of the wireless transmitter.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 1, 2004
    Publication date: May 26, 2005
    Inventors: William Haberman, John Ivsan, Chad Tillman, Brian MacDonald
  • Publication number: 20050113075
    Abstract: A method for practice in a system for presenting informational content to a person using a mobile device includes the steps of transmitting, with a wireless transmitter, a transmission containing a broadcast without regard to whether a mobile device actually is within a transmission range, wherein the broadcast includes informational content for presentation to a person; receiving, with a mobile device, the transmission when the mobile device is within the transmission range; and storing, within the mobile device, the informational content for presentation to a person using the mobile device.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 1, 2004
    Publication date: May 26, 2005
    Inventors: William Haberman, John Ivsan, Chad Tillman, Brian MacDonald
  • Publication number: 20050096044
    Abstract: A method for presenting to a person using a mobile device informational content pertaining to a specific address when the mobile device is within proximity to the specific address includes the step of transmitting from the specific address a transmission containing a broadcast, wherein the broadcast includes informational content that pertains to the specific address for presenting to a person using the mobile device.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 1, 2004
    Publication date: May 5, 2005
    Inventors: William Haberman, John Ivsan, Chad Tillman, Brian MacDonald
  • Publication number: 20050096037
    Abstract: A method for practice in a system for presenting informational content to a person using a mobile device includes the steps of unilaterally transmitting, with a wireless transmitter, a transmission containing a broadcast for receipt by mobile devices that are within a transmission range of the transmitter, wherein the broadcast includes informational content for presentation to people using the mobile devices; receiving, with a mobile device, the transmission when the mobile device is within the transmission range; and storing, within the mobile device, the informational content for presentation to a person using the mobile device.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 1, 2004
    Publication date: May 5, 2005
    Inventors: William Haberman, John Ivsan, Chad Tillman, Brian MacDonald
  • Publication number: 20050096047
    Abstract: A method for presenting informational content stored in a mobile device includes the steps of: receiving a plurality of broadcasts, wherein each broadcast includes both informational content for presentation to a person and broadcast-identifying information; for each respective broadcast of the plurality, storing the informational content of the respective broadcast within the mobile device for presentation to a person using the mobile device, wherein the informational content is stored in association with the broadcast-identifying information for the respective broadcast; receiving, through a user interface of the mobile device, input from a person using the mobile device; identifying informational content to present to the person using the mobile device as a function of the received input and the broadcast-identifying information associated with the stored informational content; and presenting the selected informational content to the person using the mobile device.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 1, 2004
    Publication date: May 5, 2005
    Inventors: William Haberman, John Ivsan, Chad Tillman, Brian MacDonald
  • Publication number: 20050096036
    Abstract: A method for presenting informational content to a person using a mobile device that is within transmission range of the wireless transmitters includes the steps of: receiving with the mobile device a plurality of transmissions from the wireless transmitters, wherein each transmission includes a broadcast including informational content for presentation to a person using the mobile device; determining proximity of the wireless transmitter of each transmission that is received; scanning, for preselected types of informational content, each respective broadcast of the received transmissions that are transmitted from a transmitter determined to be within a predefined proximity to the mobile device at the time of reception; and presenting to a person using the mobile device a list representative of the informational content of those broadcasts found in scanning to match the preselected types of informational content.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 1, 2004
    Publication date: May 5, 2005
    Inventors: William Haberman, John Ivsan, Chad Tillman, Brian MacDonald
  • Publication number: 20050096040
    Abstract: A method for presenting informational content of selected broadcasts to a person using a mobile device that is within transmission range of the wireless transmitters includes the steps of: receiving with the mobile device a plurality of transmissions from the wireless transmitters, wherein each transmission includes a broadcast including informational content for presentation to a person; determining proximity of the wireless transmitter of each transmission that is received; and, using the mobile device, presenting the informational content to the person for the respective broadcast that is transmitted from a transmitter determined to be within a predetermined proximity to the mobile device at the time of presentation.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 1, 2004
    Publication date: May 5, 2005
    Inventors: William Haberman, John Ivsan, Chad Tillman, Brian MacDonald
  • Publication number: 20050096042
    Abstract: A method for distributing informational content pertaining to specific locations for presentation to a person using a mobile device includes the steps of receiving by a first party from each of a plurality of second parties informational content pertaining to a specific location and location-identifying information for the specific location; maintaining by the first party in a database the received informational content pertaining to the specific locations in association with the received location-identifying information for the specific locations; and transmitting with a wireless transmitter a transmission, the transmission including a broadcast having the received informational content and the received location-identifying information as maintained in the database for a plurality of specific locations.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 1, 2004
    Publication date: May 5, 2005
    Inventors: William Habeman, John Ivsan, Chad Tillman, Brian MacDonald
  • Publication number: 20050095999
    Abstract: A method for presenting audio content to a person using a mobile device that is within transmission range of the wireless transmitters includes the steps of: receiving with the mobile device a plurality of transmissions from the wireless transmitters, wherein each transmission includes a broadcast including audio content for presentation to a person using the mobile device; scanning each respective broadcast for preselected audio content; and presenting to a person using the mobile device a list representative of the audio content of those broadcasts found in scanning to match the preselected audio content.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 1, 2004
    Publication date: May 5, 2005
    Inventors: William Haberman, John Ivsan, Chad Tillman, Brian MacDonald
  • Publication number: 20050096041
    Abstract: A system for presenting informational content to a person using a mobile device includes: a wireless transmitter that transmits a transmission containing a broadcast; and a mobile device configured to receive the transmission from the wireless transmitter when the mobile device is within a transmission range of the transmitter. In this respect, the transmitter unilaterally transmits the transmission without regard to whether the mobile device actually is within the transmission range of the transmitter. Additionally, the broadcast contained within the transmission includes both informational content for presentation to a person and broadcast-identifying information. Moreover, the mobile device is configured to store therein the informational content for presentation to a person using the mobile device, wherein the informational content is stored in association with the broadcast-identifying information.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 1, 2004
    Publication date: May 5, 2005
    Inventors: William Haberman, John Ivsan, Chad Tillman, Brian MacDonald
  • Publication number: 20050096043
    Abstract: A method of receiving and storing within a mobile device certain broadcasts to the exclusion of other broadcasts includes the steps of: storing a preferences profile from a person using the mobile device, wherein the preferences profile represents the types of informational content with which the person using the mobile device desires to be presented; receiving a plurality of broadcasts, wherein each broadcast includes both informational content for presentation to a person and broadcast-identifying information; and for each respective broadcast that is received, screening the broadcast against the received preferences profile to determine whether the respective informational content of the respective broadcast is to be stored within the mobile device
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 1, 2004
    Publication date: May 5, 2005
    Inventors: William Haberman, John Ivsan, Chad Tillman, Brian MacDonald
  • Publication number: 20050096038
    Abstract: A method determining the broadcasts to be included in a transmission includes the steps of: receiving by a first party from a second party informational content of the second party to be contained in a broadcast; receiving by the first party from the second party a selection of one or more wireless transmitters of the network for transmitting a transmission including the broadcast containing the received informational content; and assembling by the first party a plurality of broadcasts for inclusion in a transmission from a wireless transmitter selected by the second party, a broadcast of the transmission containing the informational content received by the first party from the second party.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 1, 2004
    Publication date: May 5, 2005
    Inventors: William Haberman, John Ivsan, Chad Tillman, Brian MacDonald
  • Publication number: 20050096035
    Abstract: A method for storing informational content of selected broadcasts for later presentation to a person using a mobile device that is within transmission range of the wireless transmitters includes the steps of: receiving with the mobile device a plurality of transmissions from the wireless transmitters, wherein each transmission includes a broadcast including informational content for presentation to a person; determining proximity of the wireless transmitter of each transmission that is received; and storing within the mobile device, for later presentation to a person using the mobile device, the informational content of each respective broadcast that is transmitted from a transmitter determined to be within a predefined proximity to the mobile device at the time of reception
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 1, 2004
    Publication date: May 5, 2005
    Inventors: William Haberman, John Ivsan, Chad Tillman, Brian MacDonald
  • Publication number: 20050096039
    Abstract: A method for identifying broadcasts for acquisition and storage within a mobile device includes the steps of receiving a plurality of broadcasts, wherein each broadcast includes both informational content for presentation to a person and broadcast-identifying information; and, for each respective broadcast that is received, determining whether the respective broadcast has previously been received by comparing the broadcast-identifying information of the respective broadcast with broadcast-identifying information of previously received broadcasts. The method further may include the step of storing within the mobile device the informational content of a broadcast that has not previously been received, wherein the informational content of the broadcast is stored in association with the broadcast-identifying information thereof.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 1, 2004
    Publication date: May 5, 2005
    Inventors: William Haberman, John Ivsan, Chad Tillman, Brian MacDonald