Patents by Inventor Krisjon G. Roberts

Krisjon G. Roberts has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 5231925
    Abstract: A process is disclosed for making a decorative, essentially planar sheet of material having a design applied to one side, with the design being viewed through the sheet from the opposite side. A foreground component of the design is produced on a first resilient roller, and the first roller is rotated about its cylindrical axis. A second resilient roller rotates adjacent to the first resilient roller to form a nip with the first cylindrical roller. The planar sheet is fed through the nip formed between the first and second resilient rollers so that the foreground component of the design on the first resilient roller is transferred to the opposite side of the planar sheet. A background component of the design is produced on a third resilient roller, and the third roller is rotated about its cylindrical axis. A fourth resilient roller rotates adjacent to the third roller to form a nip with the third roller.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 1, 1991
    Date of Patent: August 3, 1993
    Inventors: Frank W. Roberts, W. Calvin Roberts, Krisjon G. Roberts, Kyler G. Roberts, Richard A. Roberts