Patents by Inventor Murvel L. Smith, Jr.

Murvel L. Smith, Jr. has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 5566939
    Abstract: A chemically reactive racing game is provided on a sheet of suitable paper or other material, which sheet is provided with a series of equal length combustible tracks or paths thereon, connected to a single starting point. The paths are formed of a chemical having a relatively low combustibility, thus inhibiting the advance of combustion along the paths to provide a safe action and to prolong the game. The single starting point is provided with another chemical which is more highly combustible, and is capable of ignition solely by frictionally striking an abrasive article there across. The starting point provides sufficient heat to ignite the slow combustion process of the paths, with the player corresponding to the first path to be completely consumed, being the winner. The paths are preferably configured to terminate in a straight finish line which is perpendicular to the portions of the paths immediately adjacent thereto, whether the paths be straight or curved.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 18, 1996
    Date of Patent: October 22, 1996
    Inventors: Murvel L. Smith, Jr., W. Todd Howard