Patents by Inventor Peter Johnson Nattrass

Peter Johnson Nattrass has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 4010784
    Abstract: A bag for transporting bulk quantities of powdered or granular material, the bag having a top and four separate lifting loops disposed around the top, each loop having a bight and two spaced legs. Each leg is secured to the fabric of the bag by folding a section of the fabric to a substantially S-shaped configuration along fold lines extending from the top towards the bottom of the bag to form three overlying thicknesses of fabric and stitching through the three thicknesses of fabric and the leg. The resulting characteristic shape of the bag provides inherent stability to the bag and the stitching technique allows high factors of safety to be obtained. In a presently preferred embodiment, the filled bag has a shape resembling that of a wide-necked bottle, with a broader base and a tapered top.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 15, 1975
    Date of Patent: March 8, 1977
    Inventors: Frank Nattrass, Peter Johnson Nattrass
  • Patent number: 3961655
    Abstract: A bag for transporting bulk material, comprising an outer bag member having a base section with an opening therein and side walls, means secured to upper parts of said side walls by way of which said bag may be lifted, an inner liner within said outer bag member, a lower end of said liner terminating in a tubular section, a retaining member normally retained at the base of said bag but capable of being released therefrom, means securing said tubular section to said retaining member, and a releasable closure means closing said tubular section.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 16, 1974
    Date of Patent: June 8, 1976
    Inventors: Frank Nattrass, Peter Johnson Nattrass