Patents by Inventor Shlomo Erlich

Shlomo Erlich has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 4015769
    Abstract: The invention relates to a cigarette box or package in which a three-sided insert is provided at the top of the box which is cut away on the three sides in such manner that the tops of the cigarettes can be seized between the finger and thumb from any two of three directions for removal, thereby preventing mutilation. The lid or cover of the box is hinged to one of the narrower sides of the box and in such manner that it can be tilted to open position with the thumb of one hand while held in such hand, to expose the cutouts in the insert adjacent to the opposite narrower wall, so that the finger and thumb of the other hand can easily remove a cigarette. In one form of the invention, the box is rhomboidal in shape and a pair of diagonally opposite corners are rounded off to provide greater convenience and comfort in holding the box.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 30, 1976
    Date of Patent: April 5, 1977
    Inventor: Shlomo Erlich