Patents by Inventor Wolfgang Becken

Wolfgang Becken has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 9835875
    Abstract: Method for assessing an optical property of kth order of an optical element at an evaluation point. The optical element has a boundary surface formed of a refractive base surface and a phase-modifying optical element. The method includes determining the properties of a wavefront in the local surrounding of the evaluation point by means of a local wavefront tracing, and determining the optical property at the evaluation point based on the properties of the wavefront in the local surrounding of the evaluation point, wherein the local wavefront tracing has a local wavefront tracing upon passage through the boundary surface, and the local wavefront tracing upon passage through the boundary surface is performed according to the equation for the local wavefront tracing through the refractive base surface, the equation being supplemented by an additive additional term PK(k).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 16, 2011
    Date of Patent: December 5, 2017
    Assignee: Rodenstock GmbH
    Inventors: Wolfgang Becken, Gregor Esser, Helmut Altheimer, Edda Wehner, Stephan Trumm, Rainer Sessner, Dietmar Uttenweiler
  • Publication number: 20170269377
    Abstract: Adjustment of an eyeglass lens or a pair of eyeglasses by means of an individual brightness-dependent centering of an eyeglass lens. In particular, a method for adjusting an individual eyeglass lens for at least one eye of an eyeglass wearer, including: defining an individual usage situation which comprises at least one target brightness value for the light to be captured by the at least one eye; determining a position of the pupil in at least one direction of view of the at least one eye which occurs or is expected at the at least one target brightness value; determining a reference point of the eyeglass lens, in which the eyeglass lens effects a required correction of individual refraction data for the at least one direction of view; on the basis of the determined individual value of the pupil position, providing and arranging the eyeglass lens in such a manner that the at least one reference point of the eyeglass lens is arranged in front of the at least one eye of the eyeglass wearer.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 8, 2017
    Publication date: September 21, 2017
    Inventors: Stephan Trumm, Peter Seitz, Rainer Sessner, Adam Muschielok, Helmut Altheimer, Wolfgang Becken, Andrea Welk, Anne Seidemann, Wolfgang Hauk, Gregor Esser
  • Patent number: 9733491
    Abstract: Method for calculating or optimizing a spectacle lens, including specifying at least one surface for the spectacle lens to be calculated or optimized; determining the course of a main ray through at least one visual point of the at least one surface; determining a first primary set and a second primary set of coefficients of the local aberration of a local wavefront; specifying at least one function which assigns a second secondary set of coefficients to a second primary set of coefficients, said second secondary set of coefficients defining the higher-order aberration of a propagated wavefront; determining a higher-order aberration of a local wavefront propagated starting from the at least one visual point along the main ray depending on at least the second primary set of coefficients on the basis of the specified function; and calculating or optimizing the at least one surface of the spectacle lens based on the determined higher-order aberration of the propagated local wavefront.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 29, 2012
    Date of Patent: August 15, 2017
    Assignee: Rodenstock GmbH
    Inventors: Gregor Esser, Helmut Altheimer, Wolfgang Becken, Dietmar Uttenweiler
  • Patent number: 9696563
    Abstract: Adjustment of an eyeglass lens or a pair of eyeglasses by means of an individual brightness-dependent centering of an eyeglass lens. In particular, a method for adjusting an individual eyeglass lens for at least one eye of an eyeglass wearer. The method includes defining an individual usage situation which includes at least one target brightness value for the light to be captured by the at least one eye; determining a position of the pupil in at least one direction of view of the at least one eye which occurs or is expected at the at least one target brightness value; determining a reference point of the eyeglass lens, in which the eyeglass lens effects a required correction of individual refraction data for the at least one direction of view; on the basis of the determined individual value of the pupil position, providing and arranging the eyeglass lens in such a manner that the at least one reference point of the eyeglass lens is arranged in front of the at least one eye of the eyeglass wearer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 13, 2012
    Date of Patent: July 4, 2017
    Assignee: Rodenstock GmbH
    Inventors: Stephan Trumm, Peter Seitz, Rainer Sessner, Adam Muschielok, Helmut Altheimer, Wolfgang Becken, Andrea Welk, Anne Seidemann, Wolfgang Hauk, Gregor Esser
  • Patent number: 9638935
    Abstract: Method for optimization of a progressive spectacle lens, including: defining a starting nominal astigmatism distribution for the spectacle lens; determining a transformed nominal astigmatism distribution and optimizing the spectacle lens on the basis of the transformed nominal astigmatism distribution, wherein the determination of a transformed nominal astigmatism distribution comprises multiplication of the maximum temporal nominal astigmatism of the starting nominal astigmatism distribution by a factor k as a result of which a modified maximum temporal astigmatism is obtained, wherein k is a function of a prescription value, and/or at least of one parameter of the spectacle lens or of the arrangement thereof in front of the eyes, and transformation of the starting nominal astigmatism distribution on the basis of the modified maximum temporal astigmatism.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 9, 2015
    Date of Patent: May 2, 2017
    Assignee: Rodenstock GmbH
    Inventors: Helmut Altheimer, Robert Kaster, Martin Zimmermann, Wolfgang Becken, Gregor Esser, Dietmar Uttenweiler, Andrea Welk
  • Publication number: 20170108711
    Abstract: An ophthalmic lens for presbyopia correction, having at least one diffractive structure, wherein the diffractive structure has at least one region of variable diffraction efficiency in which the diffraction efficiency of at least one diffraction order of the diffractive structure that contributes to the focal power of the lens varies depending on the visual point on the ophthalmic lens.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 19, 2015
    Publication date: April 20, 2017
    Applicant: Rodenstock GmbH
    Inventors: Adam Muschielok, Wolfgang Becken, Helmut Altheimer, Gregor Esser, Edda Wehner
  • Patent number: 9354455
    Abstract: A method and device for calculating design parameters of a design of a progressive spectacle lens on the basis of a predetermined design polygon. The design parameters are calculated by specifying a point within the design polygon, in which the specified point defines the progressive spectacle lens design, and then determining a value of each design parameter at the specified point by an interpolation of at least part of the predetermined values at the corner points and, optionally, of at least part of the predetermined values of the design parameter at the at least one additional point.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 22, 2010
    Date of Patent: May 31, 2016
    Assignee: Rodenstock GmbH
    Inventors: Helmut Altheimer, Wolfgang Becken, Gregor Esser, Dietmar Uttenweiler, Andrea Welk, Jochen Brosig, Christina Butz, Nadine Jung, Katrin Nicke, Ilka Schwarz, Robert Bichler, Martin Zimmermann, Werner Mueller, Hans Stetter
  • Patent number: 9226657
    Abstract: The determination of objective refraction data for an eye of a spectacle wearer, wherein based on measured data for the eye of the spectacle wearer, which determine at least one first set of Zernike coefficients of a wave front aberration for a long accommodation and a second set of Zernike coefficients of a wave front aberration for a short accommodation of the eye, objective refraction data for sphere (SphNcorr), cylinder (CylNcorr) and axis position (AxisNcorr) of the eye for close viewing is determined such that the objective refraction data satisfies equations Sph N corr = M N corr + ( J N , 0 corr ) 2 + ( J N , 45 corr ) 2 , ? Cyl N corr = - 2 ? ( J N , 0 corr ) 2 + ( J N , 45 corr ) 2 ? ? and Axis N corr = 1 2 ? arctan ? ( - J N , 0 corr , - J N , 45 corr ) + ? 2 for a corrected power vector PNcorr for near viewing, wherein said corrected power vector PNcorr corresponds, based on a difference
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 10, 2012
    Date of Patent: January 5, 2016
    Assignee: Rodenstock GmbH
    Inventors: Wolfgang Becken, Helmut Altheimer, Gregor Esser, Andrea Welk, Matthias Nähring, Stephan Trumm
  • Patent number: 9176330
    Abstract: A computer-implemented method and a device for optimizing an optical element comprising at least one diffraction grating, wherein at least one refractive surface contributing to the refractive light deflection and/or the at least one diffraction grating of the optical element are/is optimized in such a way as to minimize the color fringe and at least a second-order aberration of the optical element. Also, a corresponding production method and a corresponding device for producing an optical element comprising at least one diffraction grating.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 16, 2011
    Date of Patent: November 3, 2015
    Assignee: Rodenstock GmbH
    Inventors: Wolfgang Becken, Gregor Esser, Helmut Altheimer, Werner Mueller, Dietmar Uttenweiler
  • Patent number: 9176331
    Abstract: Method for optimization of a progressive spectacle lens, which method comprises: defining a starting nominal astigmatism distribution for the spectacle lens; determining a transformed nominal astigmatism distribution and optimizing the spectacle lens on the basis of the transformed nominal astigmatism distribution, wherein the determination of a transformed nominal astigmatism distribution comprises multiplication of the maximum temporal nominal astigmatism of the starting nominal astigmatism distribution by a factor k as a result of which a modified maximum temporal astigmatism is obtained, wherein k is a function of a prescription value, and/or at least of one parameter of the spectacle lens or of the arrangement thereof in front of the eyes, and transformation of the starting nominal astigmatism distribution on the basis of the modified maximum temporal astigmatism.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 13, 2011
    Date of Patent: November 3, 2015
    Assignee: Rodenstock GmbH
    Inventors: Helmut Altheimer, Robert Kaster, Martin Zimmermann, Wolfgang Becken, Gregor Esser, Dietmar Uttenweiler, Andrea Welk
  • Patent number: 9022560
    Abstract: A method for producing a series of base lenses, which cover a predetermined power range, wherein each base lens of the series has a base power different from the base powers of the other base lenses of the series, and has at least one diffractive base grating, the method comprising: specifying the base powers of each base lens of the series and calculating the base grating of each base lens of the series so as to minimize the color fringe of the respective base lens with the specified base power in a predetermined region of the spectacle lens.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 16, 2011
    Date of Patent: May 5, 2015
    Assignee: Rodenstock GmbH
    Inventors: Wolfgang Becken, Gregor Esser, Helmut Altheimer, Edda Wehner, Stephan Trumm, Werner Mueller, Dietmar Uttenweiler
  • Publication number: 20150116657
    Abstract: Method for optimization of a progressive spectacle lens, which method comprises: defining a starting nominal astigmatism distribution for the spectacle lens; determining a transformed nominal astigmatism distribution and optimizing the spectacle lens on the basis of the transformed nominal astigmatism distribution, wherein the determination of a transformed nominal astigmatism distribution comprises multiplication of the maximum temporal nominal astigmatism of the starting nominal astigmatism distribution by a factor k as a result of which a modified maximum temporal astigmatism is obtained, wherein k is a function of a prescription value, and/or at least of one parameter of the spectacle lens or of the arrangement thereof in front of the eyes, and transformation of the starting nominal astigmatism distribution on the basis of the modified maximum temporal astigmatism.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 9, 2015
    Publication date: April 30, 2015
    Inventors: Helmut Altheimer, Robert Kaster, Martin Zimmermann, Wolfgang Becken, Gregor Esser, Dietmar Uttenweiler, Andrea Welk
  • Patent number: 8998409
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for creating a progressive spectacle lens design by transforming a starting design. The starting design is defined to include specification of a principal line, specifications for target astigmatism values A(u=0,y) along the principal line, and specifications for the course of a base target isoastigmatism line, which is described by a one-dimensional function of the form uG(y)=ƒ(y). The method and apparatus transform the starting design by modifying the course of the base target isoastigmatism line uG(y)?u?G(y), and calculating the target astigmatism values A(u,y) of the spectacle lens design by an interpolation between the target astigmatism values A(u=0,y) on the principal line and the target astigmatism values A(u?G(y),y) on the modified base target isoastigmatism line. Furthermore, the method and apparatus are provided to create the spectacle lens for the wearer on the basis of the progressive spectacle lens design.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 21, 2009
    Date of Patent: April 7, 2015
    Assignee: Rodenstock GmbH
    Inventors: Helmut Altheimer, Wolfgang Becken, Gregor Esser, Dietmar Uttenweiler
  • Patent number: 8992014
    Abstract: Optimization and production of a spectacle lens for a specific wearing situation for correcting at least one astigmatic refraction of an eye of a spectacles wearer, which in a reference viewing direction of the eye has a cylinder reference value and a cylinder reference axis, comprising: specifying an object distance for at least one evaluation point of the spectacle lens; determining a transformed astigmatic refraction for the at least one evaluation point of the spectacle lens from the cylinder reference value and the cylinder reference axis depending on the specified object distance; and optimizing the spectacle lens such that for the at least one evaluation point a correction of the transformed astigmatic refraction by the spectacle lens in the specific wearing situation is taken into consideration, wherein determining the transformed astigmatic refraction comprises determining a transformed cylinder value and/or a transformed cylinder axis depending on the specified object distance.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 6, 2011
    Date of Patent: March 31, 2015
    Assignee: Rodenstock GmbH
    Inventors: Gregor Esser, Wolfgang Becken, Helmut Altheimer, Andrea Welk, Anne Seidemann, Edda Wehner, Werner Mueller, Dietmar Uttenweiler
  • Patent number: 8960902
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for producing a first spectacle lens of a pair of spectacle lenses to be used with a second spectacle lens for a specific situation of wear, in which optical parameters for the spectacle lens are calculated to minimize the value of a target function that corresponds to the pair of spectacle lenses. The target function is the sum of a first monocular function, with a weighting factor, that depends on the values of a first monocular optical property at a plurality of monocular evaluation points, a the binocular function, with a weighting factor, that depends on the values of a second monocular optical property at the plurality of pairs of binocular evaluation points, and a remainder term.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 22, 2008
    Date of Patent: February 24, 2015
    Assignee: Rodenstock GmbH
    Inventors: Wolfgang Becken, Gregor Esser, Helmut Altheimer, Dietmar Uttenweiler
  • Publication number: 20150002810
    Abstract: A computer-implemented method for calculating or optimizing a spectacle lens for at least one eye of a spectacle wearer. Refraction data of the at least one eye of the spectacle wearer is collected. An individual eye model is defined, wherein the eye model defines at least the topography of a corneal front surface of the at least one eye, position and power of a lens of the eye, and a retina position of the eye such that the eye exhibits the collected refraction data. A first surface and a second surface for the spectacle lens to be calculated or optimized is specified. The path of a main ray through at least one visual point of at least one spectacle lens surface to be calculated or optimized is determined. A spherical wavefront incident on the first surface of the spectacle lens along the main ray is specified.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 11, 2013
    Publication date: January 1, 2015
    Inventors: Helmut Altheimer, Wolfgang Becken, Gregor Esser, Anne Seidemann, Werner Mueller
  • Patent number: 8915589
    Abstract: Optimizing a spectacle lens by: obtaining prescription or refraction data VA11 and VA12 of a wearer for at least two different object distances A11 and A12 (A11?A12), comprising data relating to a spherical power Sphv, a magnitude of an astigmatism CylV, and an astigmatism axis AxisV; specifying an object distance model A1(x, y), wherein A1 designates the object distance and (x, y) designates a visual spot or visual point of the spectacle lens in a predetermined direction of sight; specifying a function PRef=ƒ(A1), which describes the dependence of a power vector P Ref = ( M Ref J 0 Ref J 45 Ref ) = ( Sph V + Cyl V 2 - Cyl V 2 ? cos ? ? 2 ? ? Axis V J 45 Ref = - Cyl V 2 ? sin ? ? 2 ? ? Axis V ) of the prescription on the object distance A1, determining the components of the power vector PRef of the prescription in a plurality of visual points (x, y) on the basis of the object distance model A1(x,
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 21, 2011
    Date of Patent: December 23, 2014
    Assignee: Rodenstock GmbH
    Inventors: Gregor Esser, Helmut Altheimer, Wolfgang Becken, Andrea Welk, Dietmar Uttenweiler
  • Publication number: 20140340637
    Abstract: Adjustment of an eyeglass lens or a pair of eyeglasses by means of an individual brightness-dependent centering of an eyeglass lens. In particular, a method for adjusting an individual eyeglass lens for at least one eye of an eyeglass wearer. The method includes defining an individual usage situation which includes at least one target brightness value for the light to be captured by the at least one eye; determining a position of the pupil in at least one direction of view of the at least one eye which occurs or is expected at the at least one target brightness value; determining a reference point of the eyeglass lens, in which the eyeglass lens effects a required correction of individual refraction data for the at least one direction of view; on the basis of the determined individual value of the pupil position, providing and arranging the eyeglass lens in such a manner that the at least one reference point of the eyeglass lens is arranged in front of the at least one eye of the eyeglass wearer.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 13, 2012
    Publication date: November 20, 2014
    Applicant: RODENSTOCK GMBH
    Inventors: Stephan Trumm, Peter Seitz, Rainer Sessner, Adam Muschielok, Helmut Altheimer, Wolfgang Becken, Andrea Welk, Anne Seidemann, Wolfgang Hauk, Gregor Esser
  • Patent number: 8888281
    Abstract: A method, a system and a computer program product are provide for optimizing a spectacle lens for a wearer with a selectable quality grade. In particular, a set of individual parameters is determined for the wearer and a desired quality grade is identified. Depending the identified quality grade, the set of individual parameters is adapted and a surface of the spectacle lens is calculated based on the adapted set of individual parameters.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 8, 2011
    Date of Patent: November 18, 2014
    Assignee: Rodenstock GmbH
    Inventors: Helmut Altheimer, Wolfgang Becken, Gregor Esser, Dietmar Uttenweiler, Martin Zimmermann
  • Patent number: 8888280
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for creating a progressive spectacle lens design by transforming a starting design. The starting design is defined to include specifications for the course of a principal line and specification of at least one base target isoastigmatism line with a constant base target astigmatism, in which the base target isoastigmatism line passes through a first predetermined control point {right arrow over (r)}1=(u1,y1). The method and apparatus transform the starting design by shifting the first control point {right arrow over (r)}1=(u1,y1) along a predetermined or predeterminable curve, taking into account the design and/or the spectacle lens wearer-specific data; modifying the course of the base target isoastigmatism line such that it passes through the shifted first control point {right arrow over (r)}?1(u?1,y?1); and calculating a target astigmatism distribution A(u,y), which exhibits the modified base target isoastigmatism line.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 9, 2009
    Date of Patent: November 18, 2014
    Assignee: Rodenstock GmbH
    Inventors: Helmut Altheimer, Wolfgang Becken, Gregor Esser, Dietmar Uttenweiler, Andrea Welk