Log purse and/or self-defense weapon

A method of producing a log purse and/or personal self-defense weapon that is made from a natural cylindrical elongated section of a natural growing tree. The log purse and/or personal self-defense weapon is non-lethal, legal and obvious to all. It is a wood receptacle for personal items such as money, credit cards, identification or any items that one may need to keep readily available on the person. The natural hard surface of the log purse and/or personal self-defense weapon allows it to be strong enough to be used in such a manor as to swing with enormous force through the air, aiming the purse at the assailant with intention of striking the assailant to cause a moment of pain and injury as a distraction to allow the victim time to escape. It is easy to use and can be carried almost any where a person can go.

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The present invention relates to purses or handbags typically carried by women by hand or by a shoulder strap. Typically a purse is used as a receptacle that carries ones personal items, money, identification, credit card and cosmetics that one may need throughout the day. The present invention also relates to a hand-held personal self-defense weapon intended to provide injury and pain to an assailant therefore allowing time for the victim to escape.

Typically prior purse inventions have been constructed of man materials such as fabric, plastic, cardboard, and natural materials such as woven fiber, leather, and metal. They must be formed into a desirable shape that functions to open, close and secure the items inside and strong enough to withstand the everyday use that a purse is intended for. They must also be appealing and fashionable to the consumer. Women commonly own a variety of purses and change them periodically. Uniqueness and function are common qualities that are looked for in a purse. The natural strength of the wood purse allows it to be durable. The log purse and/or self-defense weapon is a recycled log. Recycled materials are becoming more popular in the production of many items and are friendly to the environment. The natural shape and beauty of a natural log is in itself appealing and unique. Minimal alterations to the natural log are necessary to make it a functioning purse. The manufacturing of the Log Purse and/or Personal Self-defense weapon is merely a recycled piece of natural wood that has been left in its natural form but yet functions as not only one useful item but as two.

Prior inventions have been developed for personal self-defense weapons that use release levers to either release a sound alarm to alert others of the attack or that release a hand-held weapon as in a baton or knife blades. During most attacks the victim stands alone whereas others may not hear the alarm. The release lever may get stuck not releasing the hidden baton or knives. The Log Purse and/or Self-defense Weapon are readily available as it is held in the hand or over the shoulder.

Victims have limited choices on legal self-defense weapons. Weapons such as guns, knives, and other sharp objects are presently banned in many buildings and public areas. A purse is legal to carry almost anywhere that a person can go. By carrying a log purse as your purse you can not only store your personnel items, you can safely and simply use it as a self-contained personal self-defense weapon that is legal to carry.


The development of the log purse and/or personal self-defense weapon is a unique invention. It allows a recycled natural log to maintain its natural beauty and function in two useful ways. The first is that of a purse or handbag and the second is that of a self-defense weapon that is legal to carry. The material used to make the log purse is not only recycled from nature but it is a natural material that is grown naturally. It is naturally strong and naturally beautiful which makes it appealing and functional to the consumer.

Women are more frequently attacked than men. The victim is usually alone and must use whatever means they have available to escape. The purse and/or self-defense weapon is contained as one unit therefore making it easy to access and to use. By merely swinging the log, purse or throwing it at an assailant the victim can create a moment of distraction to escape. The natural hard structure of the log purse can cause minor injury and momentarily extreme pain allowing the victim time to escape. By having the purse readily available and by using the log purse as a self-defense weapon by merely throwing it or swinging it at the assailant, greatly increases the chances of a victim get away.


FIG. 1 Illustrates a horizontal view of an eight-foot section of a natural log wood cylinder in its natural state that has been removed from the trunk of a tree;

FIG. 2 Illustrates a horizontal view of a natural log wood cylinder that has been cut vertically into several individual pieces that each is used separately to create the log purse and/or personal self-defense weapon;

FIG. 3 illustrates a horizontal view of one individual piece of the natural log wood cylinder purse and/or personal self defense weapon;

FIG. 4A illustrates a vertical view of one individual piece of the natural log wood cylinder purse and/or personal self defense weapon with the bark left on;

FIG. 4B illustrates a vertical view of one individual piece of the natural log wood cylinder purse and/or self defense weapon with the bark removed.

FIG. 5 illustrates a view of the natural log wood cylinder cut horizontally to create. two pieces, the top and the bottom of the purse and/or personal self -defense weapon;

FIG. 6 illustrates a view of the natural log wood cylinder cut vertically to create two pieces, the top and bottom of the purse and/or personal self-defense weapon;

FIG. 7 illustrates-a view of the hollowed out horizontally cut top arid bottom pieces of the natural. log wood cylinder purse and /or personal self-defense weapon;

FIG. 8 illustrates a view of the hollowed out vertically cut top and bottom pieces of the natural log wood cylinder purse and/or personal self-defense weapon;

FIG. 9 illustrates a rear view of the hollowed out, horizontally cut, top and bottom pieces of the log wood cylinder purse and/or personal self-defense weapon connected together with hinges and screws;

FIG. 10 illustrates a rear view of the hollowed out, vertically cut, top and bottom pieces of the log wood cylinder purse and /or personal self-defense weapon connected together with a hinge and screws;

FIG. 11 illustrates two frontal views of the horizontally cut log wood cylinder purse and/or personal self-defense weapon with two different options of hardware closures, and two different options of straps;

FIG. 12 illustrates two frontal views of the vertically cut log wood cylinder purse and/or personal self-defense weapon with two different options of hardware closures, and two different options of straps;

FIG. 13 illustrates a view of the log purse and/or personal self-defense weapon in its owner's hands that has been swung at an assailant and has made contact with the assailant's head.


Referring now to FIG. 1. The following process is used to come to the conclusion of the log illustrated in FIG. 1. First, using a chainsaw, cut a dead natural tree and its branches (1) away from the trunk and from its natural growing environment. Cut into large logs approximately eight foot long. The natural wood log is shaped like a cylinder (2) and may or may not have additional branches(1) that extend in any direction from its base, the log may or may not have the bark (3) in place.

Referring now to FIG. 2 The following process is used to come to the conclusion that is illustrated in FIG. 2 using a chainsaw or circular saw, cut the 8 foot long wood log into several individual pieces (4) that may range in length from 4 inches to 14 inches where these cuts have been made will now become the ends (5) of the log purse. These wood log cylinder pieces will be used as individuals (4) to make the log purse and protective self-defense weapon.

Referring now to FIG. 3 The following process is used to come to the conclusion that is illustrated in FIG. 3 using one individual piece (4) of the natural log wood cylinder, a pneumatic sander is used to smooth the cut ends (5).

Referring now to FIG. 4 The following process is used to come to the conclusion that is illustrated in FIG. 4 FIG. 4A illustrates the wood log cylinder with the bark (6) left on or as illustrated in FIG. 4B it may have the bark removed (7). If the bark is to be removed it will be done with a drawknife and a pneumatic sander.

Referring now to FIG. 5 the following process is used to come to the conclusion that is illustrated in FIG. 5 using a band saw, cut the log wood cylinder Horizontally to create a top (8) and a bottom (9); and the interior section (10) of the log purse.

Referring now to FIG. 6 the following process is used to come to the conclusion that is illustrated in FIG. 6 using a band saw, cut the log wood cylinder vertically to create a top (8) and a bottom (9) and the interior section (10) of the log purse.

Referring now to FIG. 7 the following processes are used to come to the conclusion that is illustrated in FIG. 7 Attach a forstner bit to a drill press and secure with the chuck of the drill press. The size of the forstner bit will depend on the size of the top (8) and bottom (9) interior sections. Secure the top (8) or bottom (9) to the drill press so there is no movement and the interior section (10) is in a upward position. With the drill press in the on position move the forstner bit up and down and from side to side to remove the stock from the interior section (10) center of the log purse and/or personal self-defense weapon. Each top (8) and bottom (9) piece will be left thick enough to allow the strength needed to attache the hardware that will be necessary to make the top and bottom pieces functional with each other. Using a pneumatic grinder bit called a burr, attached to the compressor hose, grind the extra stock out of the natural log wood cylinder top (8) and bottom (9) to smooth the interior sections (10) surface. Using a pneumatic sanding drum attached to the compressor hose, sand and smooth the interior section (10) surfaces of the top (8) and bottom (9) pieces of the log purse and/or personal self-defense weapon.

Referring now to FIG. 8 the following processes are used to come to the conclusion that is illustrated in Fig.8 Attach a forstner bit to a drill press and secure with the chuck of the drill press. The size of the forstner bit will depend on the size of the top (8) and bottom (9) interior sections (10). Secure the top (8) or bottom (9) to the drill press so there is no movement and the interior section (10) is in a upward position. With the drill press in the on position move the forstner bit up and down and from side to side to remove the stock from the interior section (10) center of the natural log purse and/or personal self-defense weapon. Each top (8) and bottom (9) piece will be left thick enough to allow the strength needed to attaché the hardware that will be necessary to make the top and bottom pieces functional with each other. Using a pneumatic grinder bit called a burr, attached to the compressor hose, grind the extra stock out of the natural log wood cylinder top (8) and bottom (9) to smooth the interior section (10) surface. Using a pneumatic sanding drum attached to the compressor hose, sand and smooth the interior section (10) surfaces of the top (8) and bottom (9) pieces of the log purse.

Referring now to FIG. 9 the following processes are used to come to the conclusion that is illustrated in FIG. 9 using one of many finishing products that are available, apply finish product as directed in the instructions on the product container, to the interior (10) and exterior (11) of the top (8) and bottom (9) pieces of the log purse and/or personal self-defense weapon. This will help to preserve the natural look of the pieces and to make them more appealing to the buyer's eyes and to the touch. Place the top (8) and bottom (9) pieces together, using a rubber band to secure them together so the pieces won't move, attach the hinges (12) to the top (8) and bottom (9) with screws (12A) of the log purse and/or personal self-defense weapon to create one individual piece (1) that functions to open and close (13).

Referring now to FIG. 10 the following processes are used to come to the conclusion that is illustrated in FIG. 10 using one of many finishing products that are available, apply finish product as directed in the instructions on the product container, to the interior (10) exterior (11) and cut ends (5) of the top (8) and bottom (9) pieces of the log purse and/or personal self-defense weapon. This will help to preserve the natural look of the log purse and/or self-defense weapon and to make more appealing to the buyer's eyes and to the touch. Place the top (8) and bottom (9) pieces together, using a rubber band to secure them together so the pieces won't move, attach the hinges (12) to the top (8) and bottom (9) with screws (12A) to create one individual piece (1) that functions to open and close (13).

Referring now to FIG. 11 the following processes are used to come to the conclusion that is illustrated in FIG. 11 attach the closure fastener (15) with screws (12A) to the top (8) and bottom (9) of the log purse and/or personal self-defense weapon to make a functional individual piece (1) that is now the log purse and/or self defense weapon (14) that will open and close (13) and stay secured to each other in a locked position. Attach the handle (16) or strap (17) to the purse on either side of the purse using screws (12A). Attach decorative features (18) to the purse using screws (12A).

Referring now to FIG. 12 the following processes are used to come to the conclusion that is illustrated in FIG. 12 attach the closure fastener (15) with screws (12A) to the top (8) and bottom (9) of the log purse and/or personal self-defense to make a functional individual piece (1) that is now the log purse and/or self defense weapon (14) that will open and close (13) and stay secured to each other in a locked position. Attach the handle (16) or strap (17) with screws (12A) to the purse on either side of the log purse and/or self-defense weapon. Attach decorative features (18) using screws (12A).

Referring again to FIG. 11 and to FIG. 13 There are several handle (16) or strap (17) options that are available. The strap (16) or handle (17) may be made of leather, wood, metal or any composition of such materials. Only one handle or strap or combination of will be selected and will be used to create a means to carry the log purse.

Referring now to FIG. 13 illustrating a women as the victim (18) and a man as the assailant (19) the log purse and/or self/defense weapon (14) being swung through the air and making contact to the head of the assailant (19) allowing the victim (18) to escape as the assailant (19) tangles with the log purse and/or personal-defense weapon (14)


1. A method of producing a natural log purse and/or personal self-defense weapon comprising the steps of;

a). providing a natural cylindrical elongated section of a wood log that is from a tree;
b). cutting the log into several individual smaller log pieces, each piece to be used as individual stock;
c). cutting the stock either vertically or horizontally to produce two pieces, the top and the bottom of the purse;
d). boring out the inner sections of the top and the bottom pieces of the purse;
e). smoothing the inner and exterior sections of the top and the bottom pieces of the purse;
f). finish the exterior and interior of the top and bottom pieces of the purse making them appealing to the touch and the eye;
g). attach the top and bottom pieces together to become one purse using multiple varieties of hardware and screws;
h). attach a cosmetic mirror to the interior or the exterior using glue to secure;
i). attach strap or handle and necessary hardware to the log purse using screws;

2. the method of claim 1 wherein an elongated section. of a natural cylindrical wood log is cut from a section of a natural tree;

3. the method of claim 2 wherein the natural cylindrical wood log is cut into several smaller individual pieces;

4. the method of claim 3 wherein the natural cylindrical wood individual log piece is cut vertically or horizontally to produce two individual pieces essentially the top and the bottom of the log purse and/or personal self-defense weapon;

5. The method of claim 4 wherein a boring process is used to hollow the natural cylindrical interior sections of the top and bottom pieces to produce the receptacle comprising of a hollow top and bottom piece with desired thickness.

6. The method of claim 4 and 5 wherein the process of smoothing the interior and exterior of the natural cylindrical pieces of the top and bottom to desired smoothness using modern woodworking tools;

7. The method of claim 1 wherein the process of finishing the interior and exterior of the natural cylindrical sections of the top and bottom using available finish products that will help to preserve and make more appealing to the touch and the eye the natural structures of the log purse and/or personal self/defense weapon;

8. The method of claim 1 wherein attaching multiple fasteners to join the top and bottom pieces together as one that allows the top and bottom pieces of the natural cylindrical log purse and/or personal self-defense weapon to function to open, close, and to lock securely.

9. the method of claim 1 wherein a cosmetic mirror is attached with glue to the interior or exterior of the log purse and/or personal self/defense weapon.

10. The method of claim 1 wherein a strap or handle is attached to the log purse and/or personal self-defense weapon to allow it to be carried either over the shoulder or in the hand.

11. a log purse made from a natural wood log section of a natural tree that maintains its natural appearance that is a receptacle for personal items and functions to open, close, and locks securely.

12. a log purse and/or self-defense weapon that is made as detailed in claim 1 and claim 11.

13. a log purse and/or self-defense weapon that is made from a natural wood log section of a birch tree.

14. a log purse and/or self-defense weapon that is made from a natural wood log section of an apple tree.

15. a log purse and/or self-defense weapon that is made from a natural wood log section of an oak tree.

16. a log purse and /or self-defense weapon that is made from a natural wood log section of a maple tree.

17. a log purse and/or self-defense weapon that is made from a natural wood log section of a cedar tree.

18. a log purse and/or self-defense weapon that is made from a natural wood log section of an ash tree.

19. a log purse and/or self-defense weapon that is made from a natural wood log section of a hickory tree.

20. a log purse and/or self-defense weapon that is made from a natural wood log section of a walnut tree.

Patent History
Publication number: 20070034625
Type: Application
Filed: Aug 10, 2005
Publication Date: Feb 15, 2007
Inventor: Wendy Pacheco (Flint, MI)
Application Number: 11/200,493
Current U.S. Class: 220/4.210
International Classification: B65D 6/28 (20060101);