Seven Sided Gold Die

The SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE, is a Tool which functions as a visual Trigger, for the user's brain's recall system, or memory, that allows them to associate any of it parts, (which include the six outsides of the cube, the one inside of the cube, the eight points where three sides come together and the twelve edges), to a particular teaching or process which aids in the Organization of Thought and its corresponding action. It can promote both team and self improvement, plus be used to accomplish almost any objective.

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Not Applicable—There are no prior filed co-pending nonprovisional applications


Not Applicable—No Federally sponsored research or development.


Not Applicable—No compact disc, computer program listing, gene sequence listing or table of data is herein submitted.


The SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE was discovered by Stanley J. Reynolds, when he recognized that a die can be used as a Tool, instead of an object of chance, that it can be utilized for the organization of human thoughts and there corresponding actions by adding processes to be followed for each of the six external sides and the one internal side, which would allow the user, to move from one point of thinking to another. This discovery of a new and useful process (or at minimum, a new useful improvement) of the die allows for the granting of a Utility patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Fields of Endeavor: This invention would be in the fields of endeavor, such as, Neurology and/or Neuro Science, the Sciences of Memory, Psychology, Self-Help, Team Training, and/or Planning & Development, plus may be applicable to several other fields of endeavor.

The SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE addresses age old problems, including but not limited to, poor decision making, disorganization, not knowing where to start, difficulty in gathering thoughts and poor productivity. This occur because of a failure to utilize a systematic approach thinking and decisions making. Therefore, many individuals and groups, make decisions in the heat of the moment, rather than looking ahead and planning. The SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE aids individuals and groups to take action in a proactive manner, rather than a reactive. It provides a systematic approach to thinking, with multiple visual trigger points. These visual triggers, will aid individuals and groups, in the taking control of circumstances, rather than allowing circumstances to control them. NOTE: This invention functions successfully utilizing any number of the triggers, which means it does not require the use of every trigger to be a valuable tool.

Reference to Specific Documents: This application for a Non-Provisional Utility patent stands firmly on the definitions and explanations found in the United States Code Title 35 and WEBSTER'S THIRD NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE UNABRIDGED, which was produced A Merriam-Webster, Editor in Chief Philip Babcock Gove, Ph.D. and published by Merriam-Webster Inc., copyright 1981.


Organized Thought: Organized Thought, is the ability of individuals or groups to arrange their thinking in such a fashion that they can move forward on those thoughts towards a predetermine outcome. All things that are created, by mankind, are created by Organized Thought, all things that are communicated, by mankind, are communicated by Organized Thought, everything that is accomplished, by mankind, is accomplished by Organized Thought, in short, we could say that, “Organized Thought Makes the World Go Round”, be it wars, or drilling for oil off the Gulf Coast, building a bird house, or saving a child from starvation, disease and wickedness. The SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE is a Tool, that provides a systematic approach to Organized Thought, which is referred to as, and trademarked as, ORGANIZED THOUGHT™.

The SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE can be used to create a common process for the accomplishment of tasks, objectives and goals between individuals or groups that speak multiple languages or have very different ethnic backgrounds.

The SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE was discovered by Stanley J. Reynolds, when he recognized, and claimed, that a die can be used as a TOOL, instead of an object of chance. Based on Neuro Science, it can be utilized, as a triggering mechanism to excite neurons in the brain which will lead to the organization of human thoughts and their corresponding actions by adding processes to be followed for each of the trigger points, including but not limited to, the one internal side, six external sides and the eight pivot points where three sides, of the six sides, come together, which would aid in the organization thoughts and their corresponding actions by helping to move the user from one point of thinking to another or from one action step to another. This discovery of a new and useful process (or at minimum, a new useful improvement) of the die allows for the granting of a Utility patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

The SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE is a Tool. This mechanism is designed to trigger the user's brain's recall system, through visual stimulation, and thereby, aid in the thinking process. The user's destiny is shaped by what he/she/they elect to do with their thoughts. Therefore, if the user wants to change their destiny they must first change their thoughts, then their thoughts will change everything else. Hence, the changing process if facilitated by the use of the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE.

Here is a summary of how the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE works: It is a visually activated trigger. A trigger is a mechanism that activates, releases, or causes an action to occur. The brain stores and recalls information in a pictorial format. Each side of the die has a certain numbers of pips that create a picture or visual impression. Each picture has a related teaching or thought process. For example, side two will teach the user that there is, “Two Sides to Every Story.” Therefore, when they see, or visually sense, side two, it will trigger the brain's recall system, by exciting some neurons, which will fire off an electrochemical signal, that will refresh the memory of the user of the related teaching, and enable them to apply those principles to their current situation or thinking.

The technique of utilizing pictures, or visual aids, to trigger our brains, will enable the user to take control and direct their thoughts. They are literally forcing their brains to think about the thoughts they associated with the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE. This technique will naturally occur because the human brain is visually stimulated by the sight of the GOLD DIE. First on a sub-conscience level and then on a conscience level.


FIG. 1 displays, one exterior surface of the die, with a single pip on it and is called, side one. Side one has been associated with the word “one” and the word “one” triggers the user's brain to recall the idea that they should “FOCUS on One Thing at a Time.” When a word or concept is attached to a picture, (or visual aid), that picture, through the human sense of sight, will trigger the brain's recall system, to remember what the user associated with it. In the case of side one the brain is triggered to remind to “Focus on One Thing at a Time”.

FIG. 2 displays, one exterior surface of the die, with two pips on it and is called, side two. Side two has been associated with the word “two” and the word “two” triggers the user's brain to recall the idea that there are “Two Sides to the Story”. Side two, triggers the user's brain to see both sides of the story, similar to what Benjamin Franklin did when he compared the Pros to the Cons. The user should try to see both sides of everything; Good vs. Bad, Cost vs. Benefit, Risk vs. Reward, Short Term vs. Long Term, What is Known vs. What is Unknown, the User's Opinions vs. Others Opinions, etc. This will help the user to make good decisions.

FIG. 3 displays, one exterior surface of the die, with three pips on it and is called, side three. Side three has been associated with the word “three” and triggers the user's brain to recall, a Threefold Cord is not quickly broken, which means there is strength in other, there is safety in a multitude of counselors, the user is reminded to seek advice. They see themselves as the pip in the middle and others as the pips on their right and left, This reminds them to others for help and accountability. Side three is all about the user reaching outside of themselves to gain the information and support from others. This could be personal contact or from reading what someone has written.

FIG. 4 displays, one exterior surface of the die, with four pips on it and is called, side four. Side four has been associated with the word “four” and triggers the user's brain to recall the FOUR CATEGORIES that they will separate their thoughts into. Those Four Categories of thought are: 1.) the Trash Pile, 2.) the Doable Pile, 3.) the Possible Pile and 4.) the Dream Pile. By moving all thoughts into groups, or categories, it will allow the user to begin to take action on first things first. To simplify life and to increase productivity, the user must first eliminate as much of the unneeded or unwanted thoughts and influences as possible by throwing it into the Trash Pile, then they can begin to FOCUS on doing the Doable, which is anything that can be done with the resources presently have on hand, there is nothing holding back progress except the user themselves, everything in this category is Doable. There will be many things that the user wants to do, and knows that they can do it, BUT they require additional resources, which they do not presently possess, those things are all Possible, and go into the Possible Pile. As the user focuses on doing the Doable, they will come in possession of the things they lack to do the Possible. Once taking possession they can move tasks from the Possible Pile to the Doable Pile. As this cycle continues, the Possible Pile will begin to shrink. Now the user can carefully reexamine the items in the Dream Pile to see what can be moved into the Possible Pile, “if” certain conditions are fulfilled. The user understands that almost every dream is possible if . . . . By identifying the “ifs” the user can move items from the Dream Pile into the Possible Pile. This progression allows the user to complete tasks that bring them every closer to the fulfillment of their end desires.

FIG. 5 displays, one exterior surface of the die, with five pips on it and is called, side five. Side five has been associated with the word “five” and triggers the user's brain to recall “Priorities”, which represents the Top Five Priorities or “To-Dos” in the Doable Pile and the Possible Pile. This allow the user to improve their productive by staying focused on the priorities.

FIG. 6 displays, one exterior surface of the die, with six pips on it and is called, side six. Side six has been associated with the word “six” and triggers the user's brain to recall “Six Days a Week”, which means that if they are going to do their best on any one thing, they must be Focused on it six days a week. Six is all about work ethic. Six days a week is reserved for work and the seventh is for rest.

FIG. 7 displays, the interior surface of the die, it is called, side seven. Side seven has been associated with the word “Inside” and triggers the user's brain to recall, that the most important part of the die, is the invisible Inside. The inside, holds everything together, it makes up over 99.9% of the volume of the die. Likewise, who the user is on the Inside is the most important aspect of their life. When the user wants to change themselves, they must start from the inside. There is a world of resources inside of everyone. There is the imagination, ability to think, powerful emotions and some people believe a spirit being or their soul. Side seven triggers the users dreams and imagination and their ability to see the invisible forces that can change their world.

FIG. 8 displays, the eight exterior points of the die where three sides come together, these eight points are called, “Pivot Points”. The Pivot Points are associated with words that start with the letter “P” and triggers the user's brain to recall Powerful Pivot Points that can significantly impact the overall outcome regardless of what the objective may be. An example of Pivot Points:

1.) Paper and Pencil are Pivotal Points. When the user uses a Paper and Pencil (which includes any written format, such as computer) to write down their thinking and/or the thinking of others they give birth to what is called ORGANIZED THOUGHT™. In the moment, in time, when they begin to write, their intangible thoughts, become tangible, which is a major breakthrough in accomplishing most anything.

2.) Pain and Pleasure are Pivotal Points. As human beings we are motivated by our drive to avoid Pain or to gain Pleasure. As the user understand how these two forces impact their sub-conscience and conscience mind, and how to use them to get mental leverage on themselves and others, they will begin to enjoy major breakthroughs.

3.) Present Picture and Projected Picture are Pivotal Points. When the user has a clear Picture of both the Present situation and the Projected situation they will be able to form a clearer road map on how to get accomplished their driving desire.

4.) Partners and Payoff are Pivotal Points. Knowing who the user can Partner with, to get things done, can multiple their effectiveness. Knowing and sharing the Payoff with those Partners is a major driver for everyone involved including, the user.

FIG. 9 displays, the twelve exterior edges, each edge having two lines, one on each of the two faces that make up the edge, for a total of twenty-four lines on the die. For example: Side one and side two share a common edge, that is made up of two lines, one line is on side one, when crossed, causes the user to depart from side one, and move onto side two. Likewise, there is a line on side two and when it is crossed, the user leaves side two and find themselves on side one. It is important to remember that “things change when we cross the line”. These twenty-four lines are “Lines of Commitment.” Simply by looking at the lines the user's brain can be triggered to recall the importance of making commitments, and to carry through on those commitments. Each individual user may associated different activities or commitments to each line, based on their own direction.


The SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE was discovered by Stanley J. Reynolds, when he recognized that a die can be used as a Tool, instead of an object of chance*, that it can be utilized for the organization of human thoughts and their corresponding actions by adding processes to be followed for each of the six external sides, the one internal side, the eight pivot points and the twelve edges that equal the twenty-four lines of commitment. These processes would allow the user to move from one point of thinking to another. This discovery of a new and useful process (or at minimum, a new useful improvement) of the die allows for the granting of a Utility patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. *(SEE Paragraph #0030 for rule.)

Stanley J. Reynolds claims that the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE would be considered an “invention”, in the language of 35 U.S.C. 100 Definitions (a) “The term “invention” means invention or discovery,” because according to WEBSTER'S THIRD NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY, the word DISCOVERY means, “(1 a:) the act, process, or an instance of gaining knowledge of or ascertaining the existence of something previously unknown or unrecognized.” In over 500 presentations of the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE system of Organized Thought, it was clear that not a single individual had previously known or recognized the die as a Tool for the organization of human thoughts and there corresponding actions. This fact, plus the fact that extensive research, which includes but is not limited to, WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY and internet sites that included libraries, did not yield an earlier similar use of the die, which means that the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE would be considered a discovery and therefore, an invention under United States Code Title 35—Patents and thereby deserving of a patent.

Stanley J. Reynolds claims that the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE contains a “process”, in the language of 35 U.S.C. 100 Definitions (b) “The term “process” means process, art, or method, and includes a new use of a known process, machine, manufacture, composition of matter, or material,” because according to WEBSTER'S THIRD NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY, the word PROCESS means, “(1 a:) a progressive forward movement from one point to another on the way to completion: the action of passing through continuing development from a beginning to a contemplated end: the action of continuously going along through each of a succession of acts, events, or developmental stages: the action of being progressively advanced or progressively done: continued onward movement.” WEBSTER'S definition of “process” perfectly describes the progression of thoughts as the user moves through the instructions of each side of the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE to arrive at a point of greater organization and potential corresponding actions.

Neuroscientists study multiple aspects of the brain. Their studies show us that the human brain has roughly 100 billion neurons and that these neurons are excitable cells that process and transmit information by electrochemical signaling. They have proven that these neurons are excited by Visual Stimuli (what is seen), which triggers the electrochemical signaling. Therefore, science would support the fact that when the user sees the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE they are visually stimulated and this would trigger an electrochemical single.

The SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE is a Tool. It may be promoted under several trade names, including but not limited to, GOLD DIE™ or GOLD BLOCK™, nevertheless, the trade name is immaterial to the invention. Typically, it is cube shaped, having six equal (but not necessarily precision) outside surfaces, plus an invisible inside, which is the Seventh Side. It is not a toy or an object of chance, it is a Tool. As a Tool it is designed to help the user take control of their thoughts and direct their brain's thinking process. Each exterior side of the die acts as visual stimuli, that will literally trigger the brain's recall system. The interior side, Seventh Side, requires that the user, uses their imagination, which causes their mental capacities to be set into motion. According to WEBSTER'S THIRD NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY, the word TOOL, means “(2 a:) an implement or object used in performing an operation or carrying on work of any kind:” (in this case thinking) and “(2 b.) something that serves as a means to an end: an instrument by which something is effected or accomplished.” Based on WEBSTER'S definition of a TOOL, the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE would be considered a Tool, because it triggers an electrochemical signal, in the user's brain's to activate the recall system and to carry on the work of thinking.

Typically, the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE is gold in color. However, the invention is NOT dependent on the exterior color of the die, the principles work just as well with any color die. Therefore, the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE can be any color and any size and still be a functional Tool.

Typically, the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE will have a different number of pips on each of its exterior surfaces, representing a corresponding number for that side. However, the invention is NOT dependent on the exterior surfaces containing pips. The invention will perform its benefits using pips, numbers, letters, words, pictures or symbols. The pips, numbers, letters, words, pictures or symbols are used to explain the process that is related to each side.

This Tool provides a systematic approach for organizing and directing the user's thinking, and taking corresponding actions, which we call ORGANIZED THOUGHT™. Human destiny is shaped by what we elect to do with our thoughts. Therefore, if the user want to change their destiny, they must first change their thoughts. This Tool, helps them in the changing process, when it triggers their brain's recall system. As they learn to apply its processes, they, will learn how to take control and direct their thoughts enabling them to accomplish almost anything.

In the course of utilizing and learning the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE, there may be many methods used to develop ORGANIZED THOUGHT™, including the playing of games that may utilize dice in their normal and common usage, as an “object of chance”, notwithstanding, when the die that is being used as the “object of chance”, is the same die, that is used as the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE, this fact does instigate a reaction that causes the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE to become an “object of chance.”

Here is the short version of how the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE works as a Tool. It is a visual trigger. According to WEBSTER'S THIRD NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY, the word TRIGGER means, “(2trigger 2:) something that acts like or is felt to resemble a mechanical trigger esp. in being a sensitive means of initiating a process or reaction that produces a relatively large effect; esp.: something (as an external stimulus) that initiates a physiological or pathological process <the odor of food may be a trigger for salivation>”. Based on WEBSTER'S definition for a “trigger”, the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE would be considered a trigger, because just as “the odor of food may be a trigger for salivation,” the sight, or mental picture of the GOLD DIE™ may visually trigger the last thought that was associated with the GOLD DIE™. It is important to understand that the user's brain stores and recalls information in a pictorial format. Each side of the GOLD DIE™ has a certain numbers of pips that creates a picture. Each picture has a related teaching or process. For example, side two will teach the user that there is, “Two Sides to Every Story.” and the process is to look, or study, both sides, or multiple sides of the issue at hand. For example, the process would have the user think about: Good vs. Bad, Cost vs. Benefit, Long Term vs. Short Term, and Pros vs. Cons, The User's Opinion vs. Others Opinions, What the User Knows, vs. What the User Does Not Know, etc. Therefore, when the user sees side two it will trigger their brain's recall system and they will remember the related teachings and be able to apply those principles to their current situation or planning procedures.

The technique of utilizing pictures on each side of die, to trigger the user's brain, will enable them to take control of their thoughts. They will be literally forcing their brains to think about the thoughts they associated with each side of the die, or its picture. This technique will naturally occur as the user, uses the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE, first on a conscience level and then on a sub-conscience level.

An elementary version of the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE may have a limited number of processes for one to learn and apply. For example a seven year old child might refer to their SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE as a “GOLD BLOCK”, which still would be a SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE, because the basic principles being taught will not change, only the depth of the teaching. Additionally, the numbers for the sides, may only reach to three or four, for the purpose of simplification. The die being used, might, or might not, have two sides with the same number, (two side one, two side two, and two side three.) or contain sides with words, symbols, or no markings at all. Further, the first side one may have a small pip and the second side one may have a large pip. The pips on the first side three may be arranged in a straight line, and in a triangle on the other side. In this example, this elementary version would be used to teach only three or four processes of the SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE, when the child grows older he or she would advance to another level of instructions and applications. NOTE: The fact that less than seven sides are taught or utilized, does not change the fact, that the die, when being used as an Instructional TOOL, is indeed a SEVEN SIDED GOLD DIE, regardless of limitations or the attached name.

For additional the details required under, “DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION”, I have attached, a copy of the “BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL VIEWS OF THE DRAWING”, because these descriptions clearly explain how the Seven Sided Gold Die is used as a Tool.

FIG. 1 displays, one exterior surface of the die, with a single pip on it and is called, side one. Side one has been associated with the word “one” and the word “one” triggers the user's brain to recall the idea that they should “FOCUS on One Thing at a Time.” When a word or concept is attached to a picture, (or visual aid), that picture, through the human sense of sight, will trigger the brain's recall system, to remember what the user associated with it. In the case of side one the brain is triggered to remind to “Focus on One Thing at a Time”.

FIG. 2 displays, one exterior surface of the die, with two pips on it and is called, side two. Side two has been associated with the word “two” and the word “two” triggers the user's brain to recall the idea that there are “Two Sides to the Story”. Side two, triggers the user's brain to see both sides of the story, similar to what Benjamin Franklin did when he compared the Pros to the Cons. The user should try to see both sides of everything; Good vs. Bad, Cost vs. Benefit, Risk vs. Reward, Short Term vs. Long Term, What is Known vs. What is Unknown, the User's Opinions vs. Others Opinions, etc. This will help the user to make good decisions.

FIG. 3 displays, one exterior surface of the die, with three pips on it and is called, side three. Side three has been associated with the word “three” and triggers the user's brain to recall, a Threefold Cord is not quickly broken, which means there is strength in other, there is safety in a multitude of counselors, the user is reminded to seek advice. They see themselves as the pip in the middle and others as the pips on their right and left, This reminds them to others for help and accountability. Side three is all about the user reaching outside of themselves to gain the information and support from others. This could be personal contact or from reading what someone has written.

FIG. 4 displays, one exterior surface of the die, with four pips on it and is called, side four. Side four has been associated with the word “four” and triggers the user's brain to recall the FOUR CATEGORIES that they will separate their thoughts into. Those Four Categories of thought are: 1.) the Trash Pile, 2.) the Doable Pile, 3.) the Possible Pile and 4.) the Dream Pile. By moving all thoughts into groups, or categories, it will allow the user to begin to take action on first things first. To simplify life and to increase productivity, the user must first eliminate as much of the unneeded or unwanted thoughts and influences as possible by throwing it into the Trash Pile, then they can begin to FOCUS on doing the Doable, which is anything that can be done with the resources presently have on hand, there is nothing holding back progress except the user themselves, everything in this category is Doable. There will be many things that the user wants to do, and knows that they can do it, BUT they require additional resources, which they do not presently possess, those things are all Possible, and go into the Possible Pile. As the user focuses on doing the Doable, they will come in possession of the things they lack to do the Possible. Once taking possession they can move tasks from the Possible Pile to the Doable Pile. As this cycle continues, the Possible Pile will begin to shrink. Now the user can carefully reexamine the items in the Dream Pile to see what can be moved into the Possible Pile, “if” certain conditions are fulfilled. The user understands that almost every dream is possible if . . . . By identifying the “ifs” the user can move items from the Dream Pile into the Possible Pile. This progression allows the user to complete tasks that bring them every closer to the fulfillment of their end desires.

FIG. 5 displays, one exterior surface of the die, with five pips on it and is called, side five. Side five has been associated with the word “five” and triggers the user's brain to recall “Priorities”, which represents the Top Five Priorities or “To-Dos” in the Doable Pile and the Possible Pile. This allow the user to improve their productive by staying focused on the priorities.

FIG. 6 displays, one exterior surface of the die, with six pips on it and is called, side six. Side six has been associated with the word “six” and triggers the user's brain to recall “Six Days a Week”, which means that if they are going to do their best on any one thing, they must be Focused on it six days a week. Six is all about work ethic. Six days a week is reserved for work and the seventh is for rest.

FIG. 7 displays, the interior surface of the die, it is called, side seven. Side seven has been associated with the word “Inside” and triggers the user's brain to recall, that the most important part of the die, is the invisible Inside. The inside, holds everything together, it makes up over 99.9% of the volume of the die. Likewise, who the user is on the Inside is the most important aspect of their life. When the user wants to change themselves, they must start from the inside. There is a world of resources inside of everyone. There is the imagination, ability to think, powerful emotions and some people believe a spirit being or their soul. Side seven triggers the users dreams and imagination and their ability to see the invisible forces that can change their world.

FIG. 8 displays, the eight exterior points of the die where three sides come together, these eight points are called, “Pivot Points”. The Pivot Points are associated with words that start with the letter “P” and triggers the user's brain to recall Powerful Pivot Points that can significantly impact the overall outcome regardless of what the objective may be. An example of Pivot Points:

1.) Paper and Pencil are Pivotal Points. When the user uses a Paper and Pencil (which includes any written format, such as computer) to write down their thinking and/or the thinking of others they give birth to what is called ORGANIZED THOUGHT™. In the moment, in time, when they begin to write, their intangible thoughts, become tangible, which is a major breakthrough in accomplishing most anything.

2.) Pain and Pleasure are Pivotal Points. As human beings we are motivated by our drive to avoid Pain or to gain Pleasure. As the user understand how these two forces impact their sub-conscience and conscience mind, and how to use them to get mental leverage on themselves and others, they will begin to enjoy major breakthroughs.

3.) Present Picture and Projected Picture are Pivotal Points. When the user has a clear Picture of both the Present situation and the Projected situation they will be able to form a clearer road map on how to get accomplished their driving desire.

4.) Partners and Payoff are Pivotal Points. Knowing who the user can Partner with, to get things done, can multiple their effectiveness. Knowing and sharing the Payoff with those Partners is a major driver for everyone involved including, the user.

FIG. 9 displays, the twelve exterior edges, each edge having two lines, one on each of the two faces that make up the edge, for a total of twenty-four lines on the die. For example: Side one and side two share a common edge, that is made up of two lines, one line is on side one, when crossed, causes the user to depart from side one, and move onto side two. Likewise, there is a line on side two and when it is crossed, the user leaves side two and find themselves on side one. It is important to remember that “things change when we cross the line”. These twenty-four lines are “Lines of Commitment.” Simply by looking at the lines the user's brain can be triggered to recall the importance of making commitments, and to carry through on those commitments. Each individual user may associated different activities or commitments to each line, based on their own direction.


1-4. (canceled)

5. It is hereby claimed that the aforementioned invention, hereinafter referred to as “SSGD”, is a unique method, system, process and/or procedure for the training of the human mind to develop and organize thoughts, on any subject the user prefers, and that this method, system, process and/or procedure utilizes a cube shaped die, of any color or size, which functions as a mnemonic device.

6. It is hereby claimed that the die, or mnemonic device, is an intricate part of the unique method, system, process and/or procedures contained within the “SSGD” and that each side of the die, has a corresponding instructional references and provides the visual impact (or mental picture) required to trigger neurons (or excitable cells) in the user's brain to release electrochemical signals. These electro-chemical signals pass from neuron to neuron creating a repeatable chain reaction that delivers the data contained in the electrochemical signal from the previous neuron(s), thereby influencing the user's memory and/or thought processes resulting in the recall of information that has been associated with a side of the die.

7. It is hereby claimed that each side of the mnemonic device utilized by the SSGD, “the die”, represents a portion of the unique method, system, process and/or procedures contained within the SSGD and that side one represents FOCUS and that side two represents UNDERSTANDING, side three represents SEEK ADVICE, side four represents CATIGORIZATION, side five represents PRIORITZATION, side six, when viewed vertically, represents DO YOUR BEST and that side seven (which is not visible) represent the INSIDE, which further represent the mind of the user of the die.

8. It is hereby claimed that the mnemonic device utilized by the SSGD, “the die”, contains eight different points, each formed by three sides coming together to make a single point, referred to as a Pivot Point, and that these eight Pivot Points teach a specific lesson that represents a portion of the unique method, system, process and/or procedures utilized by the SSGD and that each unique lesson is referred to as a double “P” Lesson.

Patent History
Publication number: 20110304097
Type: Application
Filed: Jun 12, 2010
Publication Date: Dec 15, 2011
Inventor: Stanley Jay Reynolds (Plant City, FL)
Application Number: 12/814,446
Current U.S. Class: Dice (273/146)
International Classification: A63F 9/04 (20060101);