Including Clay Patents (Class 241/24.23)
  • Patent number: 7628850
    Abstract: A process for producing high grade metakaolin directly from kaolinzed sands ore body. In one embodiment, a source of kaolin ore is reduced in the size to a size distribution of between ?2 inches and 10 mesh. The ore is then dried in a dryer at a temperature of not greater than 180° C. to a moisture content of not greater than 0.5% by weight to liberate kaolin and calcined at a temperature of not greater than 875° C. to produce metakaolin.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 25, 2006
    Date of Patent: December 8, 2009
    Assignee: Whitemud Resources Inc.
    Inventors: Robin Phinney, Kelly Graham, Kevin Graham, Burl Aycock
  • Patent number: 6651914
    Abstract: A method comprising grinding a contaminated material in a pulverizing mill to inactivate parasite or microorganisms is claimed. The contaminated material is exposed to an alternating mechanical energy field. Oscillating stress and pressure amplitudes is created in a macrosonic field of mechanical energy.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 31, 2001
    Date of Patent: November 25, 2003
    Inventor: Bertwin Langenecker
  • Patent number: 6444601
    Abstract: A method for producing an Attapulgite clay (Fuller's Earth) that significantly removes other types of clays and minerals, resulting in improved performance. A unique dispersant is used that will fully disperse the individual Attapulgite particles in water such that the particles remain in suspension, and allow the non-Attapulgite clay particles to be liberated, which then can be easily separated through various techniques. The Attapulgite clay may be recovered from the dispersion and dried in such a manner to produce a finely sized powder from ore, without the need for any grinding or milling operation. The dried Attapulgite clay has a free moisture content of 2-3%. The dried Attapulgite clay with adsorbed dispersant is redispersed in water and retains thixotropic properties.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 23, 2000
    Date of Patent: September 3, 2002
    Assignee: ITC, Inc.
    Inventors: Robert Joseph Purcell, Jr., Dennis Clay Parker