Abstract: A three dimensional, animal-shaped archery target molded of polyurethane foam in two members consisting of a body member and a head member. The body member having a cavity therein for containing a replaceable target insert retained in place by a replaceable, sliding foam panel conforming externally to the shape of the animal located on one or both sides of the target insert thereby fully concealing the insert. A repairable clay core insert or various replaceable target inserts may be used including foam or packed cotton.
Abstract: A method and system are disclosed for moving objects, such as large potted plants, large oval shaped objects and objects of various other shapes. A user can utilize the present invention to move large potted plants and other objects without exerting a large amount of physical force thereby reducing the chance of a user suffering an injury resulting from moving large objects. A user can slide a large potted plant onto the present invention and then proceed in moving the large potted plant without exerting a large amount of force.
Abstract: A method and system are disclosed for controlling, draining, removing, and disposing of liquids and light solids. The present invention enables liquids and/or light solids to be drained centrally, such as underneath a toilet through the sewer pipe, without having to worry about sewerage gasses escaping into the location of the drain. In addition, individuals that may have problems using an ordinary shower and/or bath tub, such as the elderly, the handicapped, and/or disabled may utilize an embodiment of the present invention to simplify the bathing process by taking a shower while remaining in a wheel chair and/or by sitting on a toilet without having to get into a tub and/or shower whereby any liquids and/or light solids from the shower will be allowed to drain underneath the toilet.
January 17, 2007
Date of Patent:
November 24, 2009
Michael F. Helmstetter, Donald W Mosley