Patents Represented by Attorney Bereskin & Parr LLP.S.E.N.C.R.L., s
  • Patent number: 8026846
    Abstract: A detection system and method having at least one detection unit, and a control center unit. The detection unit includes at least one sensor configured to generate sensor data correlated to sensed conditions, a locator for actively determining location data corresponding to the location of the detection unit, and a communicator configured to communicate the sensor data and location data. The control center includes a receiver for receiving the sensor data and the location data, together with a control processor which is configured to determine a threat level correlated to the sensor data.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 11, 2008
    Date of Patent: September 27, 2011
    Assignees: Mobile Detect Inc.
    Inventors: Robert Cassin McFadden, Shannon Dinesh Lal, Christopher James McInnis Clarke
  • Patent number: 8026086
    Abstract: A method for the co-production of silica and at least one other useful industrial chemical such as ethanol, comprises the steps of: pre-treating siliceous plant matter derived from plants, such as horsetail weeds from the genus Equisetum, to create a feedstock having exposed cellulose; placing the feedstock in a reactor containing a biological agent effective to break down the cellulose into at least one useful organic chemical reaction product and a silica-containing co-product; separating the at least one useful organic chemical product from the reactor; separating the silica-containing co-product from the reactor; and refining the silica-containing co-products into silica or other industrially useful silicon containing products. The biological agent may be an anaerobic thermophyllic bacteria, enzymes, or a co-mixture of enzymes and yeast.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 20, 2008
    Date of Patent: September 27, 2011
    Assignee: Ontario Inc.
    Inventor: Anthony A. Rywak
  • Patent number: 8028208
    Abstract: Various embodiments are described herein for an apparatus and method for the wireless testing of Integrated Circuits and wafers. In one embodiment, the apparatus comprises a test unit external from the wafer and at least one test circuit that is fabricated on the wafer that contains the Integrated Circuit. The test unit transmits an RF signal to power the test circuit. The test circuit, comprising configurable circuitry, performs a series of parametric tests at the normal operating frequency of the Integrated Circuit and transmits the test results to the test unit for analysis.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 26, 2007
    Date of Patent: September 27, 2011
    Assignee: Scanimetrics Inc.
    Inventor: Brian Moore
  • Patent number: 8020704
    Abstract: There is provided a storing case adapted to be disposed on top of an amplifier, an amplifier head, or an amplifier stack. The storing case is adapted to receive various accessories normally used by a musician and for storing them. The storing case has an external surface which is made of a material at least visually similar to the material of external surfaces of the amplifier, amplifier head, or amplifier stack. When the storing case is disposed on the amplifier, amplifier head, or amplifier stack, which is disposed on a stage, the storing case seems to be, for a spectator in front of the stage, an integral part of a set comprising the storing case and the amplifier, amplifier head, or amplifier stack.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 28, 2009
    Date of Patent: September 20, 2011
    Inventor: Denis Houle
  • Patent number: 8021526
    Abstract: A household appliance incorporating an electrolyzer for electrolysis of water to H2 and O2 and an electrolyzer therefor. The appliance may include a burner for the hydrogen produced and an electric conductive member to provide household current to the electrolyzer. The electrolyzer comprises an outer housing defining a chamber which houses at least one cathode and at least one anode. The electrolyzer may comprise a plurality of field electrodes and the field electrodes may comprise first and second field electrodes which are electrically connected together and spaced apart to define an intra cell gap. Field electrodes may then be spaced apart to define an inter cell gap between electrodes of adjacent field electrodes. At least one of the anode and cathode may be connected to an electrically conductive member that is molded in situ in the housing and at least some of the electrodes may be configured to dimensionally stabilize the electrodes during operation of the electrolyzer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 4, 2006
    Date of Patent: September 20, 2011
    Assignee: G.B.D. Corp
    Inventor: Wayne Ernest Conrad
  • Patent number: 8024811
    Abstract: A system and method for wirelessly exchanging an encryption key between a first device and a second device. The system generally includes: a transmitter, provided to the first device, for transmitting a signal that is strong enough to transmit over a predetermined distance while having a strength that decreases exponentially with distance, for example a magnetic field signal; a receiver, for example a Hall effect switch, provided to the second device, for receiving the signal; and a controller for determining when the first device and the second device are within the predetermined distance and controlling the transmitter to transmit the encryption key based on the determination.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 19, 2006
    Date of Patent: September 20, 2011
    Assignee: Research In Motion Limited
    Inventor: Vahid Moosavi
  • Patent number: 8023656
    Abstract: A system and method for automatic key and certificate management is disclosed. In particular, a key store in a base computer contains both new and previously viewed cryptographic keys. In one embodiment, for each new key, if a corresponding certificate matches an existing certificate, the new certificate may be automatically downloaded to a mobile communications device without prompting a user.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 16, 2009
    Date of Patent: September 20, 2011
    Assignee: Research In Motion Limited
    Inventors: Neil P. Adams, Michael S. Brown, Herbert A. Little
  • Patent number: 8019081
    Abstract: Systems and methods for processing encoded messages at a message receiver. A received encoded message is decoded and stored in a memory. The stored decoded message can subsequently be displayed or otherwise processed without repeating the decoding operations. Decoding operations may include signature verification, decryption, other types of decoding, or some combination thereof.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 6, 2002
    Date of Patent: September 13, 2011
    Assignee: Research In Motion Limited
    Inventors: Herbert A. Little, Michael S. Brown
  • Patent number: 8016309
    Abstract: A running board assembly for mounting to a vehicle such as a truck includes an extruded running board body and a cover member. Advantageously the extruded running board body is made from an extrudable plastic and the cover member is advantageously made of a material having the desired exterior finish. The cover member may be metallic and have the appearance of a chrome or polished finish. The cover extends over the upper and outboard surface of the running board body to provide the desired appearance characteristics. The running board assembly is affixed to the vehicle by a plurality of mounting brackets.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 20, 2007
    Date of Patent: September 13, 2011
    Assignee: Salflex Polymers Ltd.
    Inventors: David Flajnik, Timothy W. Chapman, Rimas Ciplijauskas, Changize Sadr
  • Patent number: 8015659
    Abstract: A vacuum cleaner is provided having improved pressure loss characteristics. A fluid supply conduit in flow communication with an inlet to a cyclone is integrally formed as part of a cyclone bin. The present invention may be adapted for use with cyclonic separation devices of all types, including single- and multi-stage cyclonic separators.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 26, 2008
    Date of Patent: September 13, 2011
    Assignee: GBD Corporation
    Inventors: Wayne Ernest Conrad, Helmut Gerhard Conrad, Ted Szylowiec
  • Patent number: 8019085
    Abstract: A system and method for sending encrypted messages to a distribution list that facilitates the sending of such messages only to individuals or other entities associated with the distribution list that will be able to read the message.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 2, 2009
    Date of Patent: September 13, 2011
    Assignee: Research In Motion Limited
    Inventors: Neil P. Adams, Michael S. Brown, Michael K. Brown
  • Patent number: 8015400
    Abstract: A method and system for Certificate management and transfer between messaging clients are disclosed. When communications are established between a first messaging client and a second messaging client, one or more Certificates stored on the first messaging client may be selected and transferred to the second messaging client. Messaging clients may thereby share Certificates. Certificate management functions such as Certificate deletions, Certificate updates and Certificate status checks may also be provided.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 9, 2009
    Date of Patent: September 6, 2011
    Assignee: Research In Motion Limited
    Inventors: Herbert A. Little, Neil P. Adams, David F. Tapuska, Michael S. Brown, Michael G. Kirkup, James A. Godfrey
  • Patent number: 8006694
    Abstract: A respiratory etiquette device in the form of a mask that can be held in a compacted configuration within the pocket or purse of a user. When released, the mask springs open to its erected configuration and can be quickly placed over the mouth and nose of a wearer to contain a cough or sneeze. Rapid springing open of the mask is achieved by using a plastic core having an array of external bubbles that rapidly regain their shape when the mask is released, thereby forcing the entire mask into its fully erected configuration.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 17, 2009
    Date of Patent: August 30, 2011
    Inventor: Gustav David Marx
  • Patent number: 8010670
    Abstract: A system and method for caching data and verifying cached data using a client-server model and meta-data. In particular, a client proxy and a server proxy are in communication with each other and with the client and the server, respectively; client proxy meta-data and server proxy meta-data related to the data cached by the client proxy and server proxy, respectively, are calculated and communicated between the client proxy and the server proxy; and the client proxy meta-data and the server proxy meta-data are compared to determine a cache hit or miss.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 22, 2004
    Date of Patent: August 30, 2011
    Assignee: SlipStream Data Inc.
    Inventors: Ajit Singh, Salmaan Ahmed
  • Patent number: 8010098
    Abstract: A device and method for generating user notifications associated with tasks that are pending completion on a mobile device. When additional input is required from a user of the mobile device to complete performance of a task and is not being received from the user within a predefined time period, at least one form of user notification is generated. The particular form or forms of user notification are defined by a user profile associated with the user. User notifications may comprise visual, audible, and/or vibratory alerts, and different forms of these user notifications may be generated in a sequence. The volume of audible alerts or the period between periodic user notifications may vary over time.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 12, 2010
    Date of Patent: August 30, 2011
    Assignee: Research In Motion Limited
    Inventors: Michael K. Brown, Michael S. Brown, Michael G. Kirkup
  • Patent number: 8005223
    Abstract: Embodiments of a system and method for providing additional security for data being transmitted across a wireless connection that has been established using a known wireless protocol (e.g. Bluetooth) are described. An encryption key is exchanged between a computing device (e.g. a mobile device) and a wireless peripheral device (e.g. a keyboard, a printer). In exemplary embodiments, the encryption key is generated at one of the two devices. Data associated with the encryption key is output at the one device, which can be input by the user at the other device. The encryption key is then recovered at the other device from the input, thereby completing the key exchange. The encryption key can then be used to encrypt and decrypt data transmitted over the established wireless connection, providing additional security.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 12, 2006
    Date of Patent: August 23, 2011
    Assignee: Research In Motion Limited
    Inventors: Michael G. Kirkup, Michael K. Brown, Michael S. Brown
  • Patent number: 8005434
    Abstract: Embodiments relate to a mobile device comprising: a processor; a display responsive to the processor; a plurality of wireless communication subsystems responsive to the processor; and a memory. The memory is accessible to the processor and stores program code executable by the processor for executing a user interface application. The user interface application is configured to determine a first connection status of the mobile device with respect to a cellular network and a second connection status with respect to a wireless local area network (WLAN). The user interface application, when executed by the processor, is further configured to cause the display to display a selected combination of icons in three display fields in a banner area of the display. The combination of icons is selected from a plurality of icon combinations based on the determined first connection status and the second connection status.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 12, 2010
    Date of Patent: August 23, 2011
    Assignee: Research in Motion Limited
    Inventors: Julian Paas, Joel Paul Steele, Giang Manh La, Sherryl Lee Lorraine Scott
  • Patent number: 8000547
    Abstract: A method, system and computer program product for progressively encoding a digitized color image with M distinct colors by assigning each of the M distinct colors to an associated subset of pixels in the image, is provided. This involves: (a) initializing a tree structure with at least one starting leaf node comprising a subset of the M distinct colors; (b) determining at least one representative color for each starting leaf node; and (c) growing the tree structure by (i) selecting a leaf node n to become a non-leaf node based on the combined distortion and entropy rate resulting from turning the leaf node into the non-leaf node; (ii) allocating each color in leaf node n to one of the two new leaf nodes; (iii) determining a representative color for each new leaf node; and (iv) encoding the resulting index information, representative color information, and pixel information.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 25, 2006
    Date of Patent: August 16, 2011
    Assignee: Slipstream Data Inc.
    Inventors: En-Hui Yang, Longji Wang
  • Patent number: 8000748
    Abstract: The described embodiments involve use of a mobile communication device in the context of facilitating contact from within a telephone application. The described embodiments are primarily concerned with enabling quick and efficient access to contact methods other than by telephone from within the telephone application. This is done by generating a contact list, which may have one or more contacts, using an integrated dialing field provided by the telephone application and then displaying all available contact types or methods available for contacting a particular contact selected from the list.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 23, 2007
    Date of Patent: August 16, 2011
    Assignee: Research In Motion Limited
    Inventors: Matthew Richard Lee, Sherryl Lee Lorraine Scott, Keizo Marui, Lawrence Edward Kuhl
  • Patent number: 7992362
    Abstract: A kit of parts for a column assembly includes a sleeve having a first end portion, and a second opposed end portion. The kit further includes a collar having a collar aperture therethrough for receiving the first end portion of the sleeve in sliding fit. The kit further includes a skirt having skirt a first end and a skirt second end opposed to the skirt first end. A skirt aperture extends through the skirt for receiving the first end portion of the sleeve in sliding fit to position the skirt second end is adjacent the collar. A base is positionable adjacent the first end portion. The collar is selectively securable to the either the base or the skirt second end, and the skirt first end is selectively securable to the base, such that the column assembly is selectively assemblable with or without the skirt.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 5, 2009
    Date of Patent: August 9, 2011
    Assignee: Alpa Lumber Inc.
    Inventor: Gabriel Petta