Patents Represented by Law Firm Cohn, Powell & Hind
  • Patent number: 4210318
    Abstract: This device is for use for fan-folding and stacking a continuous web of business forms and operates as the last stage of such processing machine. The device includes a pair of rotatable paddle wheels disposed on each side of the processing machine frame and having an axis of rotation perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the frame. Each paddle wheel includes a hub rotatable in a plane parallel to the axis of the frame and a plurality of radially extending lengthwise adjustable arms pivotally attached to the hub for transverse movement out of and into the plane of rotation of the hub for selective engagement with the continuous web. The transverse movement of the arms is controlled by a circular cam fixedly attached to the frame and engageable by cam followers attached to said arms.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 24, 1978
    Date of Patent: July 1, 1980
    Assignee: Ga-Vehren Engineering Company
    Inventor: Hubert R. Ver Mehren
  • Patent number: 4209824
    Abstract: The electrically illuminated book can include a single page such as a greeting card or multiple pages such as a child's picture or story book. A pictorial illustration is provided on the page in which an illustration portion could be expected realistically to emit light, and a miniature lamp which may be a light emitting diode is disposed within this illustration portion. An electrical assembly is carried by the book, the assembly including an electric power source connected operatively to the lamp, and a digitally operated switch for selectively energizing the lamp in the illustration portion. The page has adjacent superimposed sheets, one sheet providing the front side of the page and another sheet providing the reverse side of the page. A printed circuit card or electrical conductors such as wiring is disposed between the front and reverse sheets of the page and operatively connects the power source to the lamp.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 2, 1978
    Date of Patent: June 24, 1980
    Inventor: Beverly F. Kaufman
  • Patent number: 4206914
    Abstract: A work control apparatus in a bicycle exerciser having a driven member rotatively mounted on an exerciser frame, the work control apparatus having a rotatively mounted knob connected to a brake for the driven member for selectively determining the braking pressure exerted on the driven member, the knob being drivingly connected to a rotatively mounted wheel for rotating the wheel an angular distance less than the corresponding angular distance of the knob upon rotation of the knob incident to adjusting the braking pressure. An indicator on the wheel indicates the braking pressure applied by the brake to the driven member at a particular rotatively adjusted position of the knob. The knob and wheel are interconnected to intermittently engage to rotate the wheel in stepped angular increments upon continuous angular movement of the knob. The connection between the knob and wheel is provided by a plurality of angularly spaced drive pins intermittently engaging the wheel in a plurality of angularly spaced notches.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 3, 1978
    Date of Patent: June 10, 1980
    Assignee: The Perfection Manufacturing Company
    Inventor: Cleve L. Lee
  • Patent number: 4203175
    Abstract: This slipper holder can be used with hospital beds having round or square bed rails. The holder includes a body having an upper hook portion engageable with the upper rail and a lower portion bearing on the lower rail. A slipper support means is integrally formed on the body and provides a pair of upwardly extending fingers spaced from the body for receiving the slippers. The hook portion and the bearing portion cooperate to removably attach the holder to the bed rails.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 8, 1978
    Date of Patent: May 20, 1980
    Inventor: Charles A. Heine
  • Patent number: 4200998
    Abstract: A lacing assembly for a shoe, and particularly an athletic shoe, in which the side quarters include separate lower and upper vamp sections that are secured by a single lace extending therebetween. A clamp connects the lace at the lower vamp section, while the lace is secured separately at the upper vamp section, for selectively adjusting and maintaining the fit of each vamp section independently of the other vamp section. The clamp is carried by the lace between the lower and upper vamp sections. More particularly, the clamp is slidably mounted on the lace for selectively moving down or up on the lace upon adjusting the fit of the lower vamp section, the clamp selectively fixing the lace to maintain the desired adjusted fit of the lower vamp section.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 30, 1978
    Date of Patent: May 6, 1980
    Inventor: Thomas M. Adams
  • Patent number: 4199868
    Abstract: An amusement device including a base and a support carried by the base for suspending a pendulum above a marking surface. The pendulum includes a marker for tracing figures on the marking surface which is provided by a granular material contained in a bowl carried by the base. As the pendulum swings to and fro, the bowl can be rotated to control the tracing of geometrical figures on the marking surface.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 5, 1979
    Date of Patent: April 29, 1980
    Inventor: R. James Steward
  • Patent number: 4199669
    Abstract: A coin-sensing assembly having a tube for holding a supply of coins, and a coin-sensing lever pivotally mounted on a bracket attached to the housing adjacent the tube, the lever including a coin-engaging portion extending into the tube for engagement with the coins held in the tube. A switch is mounted on the bracket and includes a resiliently actuated switch member engageable with the lever and resiliently urging the lever toward a first position upon disengagement of the coin-sensing portion with the coins in the tube for conditioning the switch for one operation. The lever is pivotally movable to a second position upon engagement of the coin-engaging portion with the coins in the tube for actuating the switch member and conditioning the switch for another operation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 21, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 22, 1980
    Assignee: Coin Acceptors, Inc.
    Inventor: Carl L. Vogt
  • Patent number: 4199134
    Abstract: A portable winch having a drum and ratchet wheel mounted upon a frame for rotation about an axis, and a hand lever pivoted upon the frame for rotation about the axis. A tension-transmitting cable is wound upon the drum, and a releasable stop pawl is pivotally mounted upon the frame and engages the ratchet wheel for permitting unidirectional rotation of the drum. A ratchet dog is pivoted upon the hand lever for movement between an operative position engageable with the ratchet wheel and an inoperative position clearing the rachet wheel during pivoting of the hand lever about the axis. A coil spring is fixed to the hand lever and extends transversely of the dog projection, the coil spring selectively engaging one side of the dog projection for biasing the ratchet dog into the operative position, and selectively engaging the opposite side of the dog projection for biasing the ratchet dog into the inoperative position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 22, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 22, 1980
    Assignee: Seven-Eleven Patents, Inc.
    Inventors: Francis L. Kerber, George E. Durbin
  • Patent number: 4190971
    Abstract: This foot protector includes a front portion providing a protective cover for the toes and instep of the wearer and a wrap-around rear portion protecting the back and ankle portions of the foot, the protector being fully open at the bottom. The rear portion of the protector includes oppositely disposed sides extending above the front portion and the rear portion is formed into separable portions which are provided with lace openings. The upper side portions are also provided with lace openings so that the separated side portions can be laced together by a single lace which extends around the ankle to draw the sides together and secure the protector to the foot. Reinforcing strips are provided to strengthen the lace margins and the junction between the front and rear portions of the shoe.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 18, 1978
    Date of Patent: March 4, 1980
    Assignee: Pro-tect, Inc.
    Inventors: Fred H. Wren, Jr., Frank H. Babcock, III
  • Patent number: 4187829
    Abstract: A fireplace heat exchanger assembly having a conduit that includes a first passage communicating with an air inlet located outwardly of a fireplace and extending rearwardly across the top of the fireplace, and a second passage communicating with the first passage at the rear of the fireplace and extending forwardly across the top of the fireplace for communication with an air outlet located outwardly of the fireplace. A blower introduces air into the air inlet, passes the air through the first and second passages, and discharges the air through the air outlet. More particularly, the conduit includes a heat exchanger box of relatively smaller height than width and length, the box being provided with laterally spaced and enclosed slots therethrough to provide the first passage between the slots, and to provide a pair of second passages laterally outward of the slots, the slots terminating in spaced relation to the rear of the box to place the first and second passages in communication.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 27, 1978
    Date of Patent: February 12, 1980
    Inventor: Eugene E. Pauley
  • Patent number: 4184615
    Abstract: This foam dispensing device includes a flexible container for foamable liquid having a discharge opening at one end. The container is provided with a foam producing assembly which includes a passage leading to the discharge opening and at least one porous member mounted in the passage and having a foam discharging area greater than the cross-sectional area of the passage at the mounting location.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 11, 1977
    Date of Patent: January 22, 1980
    Inventor: Hershel E. Wright
  • Patent number: 4181282
    Abstract: This cassette holder is for use with a medical examination table and an X-ray camera and includes a generally horizontal base plate having a holder plate hingedly attached thereto for swinging movement of the holder plate into a selected angle of inclination relative to the base plate to suit the position of the camera. A support linkage, hingedly attached to the base plate, clamps the holder plate in the selected position and the holder plate includes adjustably spaced cassette retaining arms. A modified cassette holder includes a slotted base plate which cooperates with a tracked table to provide longitudinal and transverse adjustment relative to the table.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 22, 1977
    Date of Patent: January 1, 1980
    Inventors: George D. Oliver, Joseph T. Eisenhoffer, Joseph H. Eisenhoffer
  • Patent number: 4181605
    Abstract: The water softening system hereof employs a treatment tank containing a mineral bed of ion-exchange resin granules, a brine tank, and a valve for periodically cycling water through the mineral bed for removing hardness and other undesirable factors therefrom, then passing a diluted brine solution through the bed in an opposite direction to its normal service flow to recondition and flush the bed. The control for the system includes electrically operated solenoid diaphragm valves, and a plunger valve responsive to water pressures, for controlling and regulating the flow of water and brine through the mineral bed. A venturi aspirator is incorporated in the plunger valve, whereby a saturated brine solution is drawn and with controlled dilution is caused to flow in a direction opposite to service flow through the mineral bed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 12, 1978
    Date of Patent: January 1, 1980
    Inventor: John W. Braswell
  • Patent number: 4174942
    Abstract: This flue control assembly is for use with a combustion chamber, such as an oven, having a thermostatically controlled burner valve circuit and includes a damper pivotally mounted in the oven flue for rotation between open and closed positions by an air actuated, movable arm assembly. The air actuated arm assembly is supplied with air from a valve controlled air pump and the valve includes a movable valve element which is resiliently connected to the movable arm and the movable valve element is moved into position to condition the supply of air from the pump by movement of the damper. An electrical switching system connected to the burner valve circuit ensures that the burner valve cannot be actuated unless the damper is in the open position in the flue.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 25, 1977
    Date of Patent: November 20, 1979
    Inventor: Donald A. McArthur
  • Patent number: 4171078
    Abstract: This adjustable storage rack is mounted within the interior of an automobile trunk and includes front and rear hanger assemblies each comprising a pair of transversely spaced bracket members attached to the trunk upper wall and interconnected by strap members. The hanger assemblies provide support for longitudinally disposed, telescopically related rail members providing bearing surfaces for stored articles. The rack is adjustable lengthwise, widthwise and can also be adjusted with respect to the elevation of the rail members.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 13, 1978
    Date of Patent: October 16, 1979
    Inventor: Kent D. Morgan
  • Patent number: 4170253
    Abstract: This dispensing device is for use with a mixing bowl having a discharge port. The device is connected to the bowl below the discharge port to receive mix from the bowl and includes a horizontal dispensing chamber having a discharge port at one end. A plunger mounted within the chamber includes a one-way valve passing the mix through the plunger head when the plunger moves away from the dispensing port and urging the mix out of the dispensing port when the plunger moves toward the dispensing port. The plunger is actuated by a piston and cylinder assembly which includes an adjustable stop predetermining the travel of the plunger and hence determining the quantity of mix dispensed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 19, 1976
    Date of Patent: October 9, 1979
    Inventor: Donald A. McArthur
  • Patent number: 4168584
    Abstract: This foot protector includes a front portion providing a protective cover for the toes and instep of the wearer and a wrap-around rear portion protecting the back and ankle portions of the foot, the protector being fully open at the bottom. The rear portion of the protector includes oppositely disposed sides and is formed into separable portions which are provided with lace openings so that they can be laced together by a single lace. The lace includes a side lace portion which draws the sides together, and a transverse portion which extends under the foot and cooperates with the side lacing to secure the protector to the foot. Reinforcing strips are provided to strengthen the lace margins and the junction between the front and rear portions of the shoe.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 18, 1978
    Date of Patent: September 25, 1979
    Assignee: Pro-Tect, Inc.
    Inventors: Fred H. Wren, Jr., Frank H. Babcock, III
  • Patent number: 4166273
    Abstract: An intrusion detector system for detecting the presence of moving targets in one or more surveillance zones and activated either by the presence of the moving target or directly by some positive action for transmitting an alarm signal causing the provision of a predetermined number of pulses having predetermined time periods. A tone generator and control circuitry receiving the timed pulses, generates a combination of multiple tones of discreetly different frequencies during the timed pulses, the combination of multiple tones of each timed pulse being of different frequencies than the combination of multiple tones of each other timed pulse, to provide a tone-coded message that is transmitted to a receiver.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 19, 1977
    Date of Patent: August 28, 1979
    Assignee: Diversified Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Robert E. Riley, Jr., Barrie McArthur
  • Patent number: 4162764
    Abstract: This air cooling device includes a waist belt worn under the clothing of the wearer and having an apertured, waist-encircling air tube attached thereto. The air tube is connected to an air supply by means of an extension air line having an air pressure reducing regulator valve at one end. The device also includes an apertured neck-encircling air tube attached to the waist-encircling air tube. The ends of the waist tube are separable to facilitate removal from the wearer with the waist belt.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 18, 1977
    Date of Patent: July 31, 1979
    Inventor: Robert K. Millsap
  • Patent number: 4160500
    Abstract: This turn conveyor apparatus is disposed between two conveyors having angularly related travel axes for the purpose of transporting articles, such as envelopes, from one conveyor to the other. The turn conveyor includes drive and idler sprockets having horizontal, angularly related axes of rotation, said sprockets being connected by an endless belt traversing a rotating corner disc assembly having a vertical axis of rotation and being disposed between the sprockets. The disc assembly includes upper and lower discs receiving the endless belt and said endless belt includes spaced friction pads on the outer surface. The disc assembly also includes a base disc located below the lower disc and having an annular surface disposed adjacent the endless belt and cooperating with the friction pads to grip the envelopes and transport them in an arcuate path from one angularly related conveyor to the other.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 12, 1977
    Date of Patent: July 10, 1979
    Assignee: Ga-Vehren Engineering Company
    Inventor: Hubert R. VerMehren