Abstract: A mechanism for varying the position of a band saw blade in a tilting frame band saw. The mechanism includes an actuator, a tilt arm and a tilting frame. The actuator is pivotably connected to a support, and the tilt arm is pivotably connected to both the tilting frame and the actuator. The actuator is connected to the tilt arm such that the angular movement of the frame, which results from extension and retraction of the actuator, bears a substantially linear relationship to the stroke of the actuator. The mechanism of the present invention enables the frame to be made with an exceptionally wide sweep, and may be controlled by a proportional hydraulic valve controlled on the basis of location data provided by an encoder mounted within the tilting frame.
Abstract: A fastener assembly for attaching articles to a penetrable surface such as drywall material found in the interiors of buildings. The assembly is comprised of a fastener, which fastener has a threaded shank with a pointed end and either a head or a second threaded end and an anchor member piercedly captured by the threaded shank of the fastener. The anchor member is held in a position substantially parallel to the axis of the threaded shank with the pointed end extending beyond the anchor member by a retaining means while the assembly is piercing a surface; as the assembly pierces the surface, the retaining means slips from engagement with the anchor member and, as the anchor member passes through the rear side of the surface penetrated, spring means on the anchor member urge the anchor member to a position substantially oblique to the axis of the threaded fastener.