Patents Represented by Attorney, Agent or Law Firm Edward Landger, Pat. Atty.
  • Patent number: 6655795
    Abstract: A method for eliminating reflected waves from a vibrating diaphragm surface within an acoustic chamber of an inkjet printer piezo-crystal driver. The first step involves generating an electro-acoustical driven pressure waveform from the piezo-crystal driver, the diaphragm initially acting on ink to release it, wherein the waveform is reflected from a nozzle plate disposed remotely from the diaphragm. Further steps include determining an instant when the reflected pressure waveform returns to the diaphragm surface and producing a matched pulse waveform causing a reverse motion in the diaphragm exactly at that instant, whereby the reverse motion reverses the initial diaphragm action, such that the matched pulse waveform absorbs and eliminates the reflected pressure waveform at the exact instant.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 29, 2002
    Date of Patent: December 2, 2003
    Assignee: Aprion Digital Ltd.
    Inventor: Jonathan Wachtel