Patents Represented by Attorney Frank Gao
  • Patent number: 8327958
    Abstract: Cutting elements having a substrate and a layer of superhard material sintered to the substrate are disclosed. The layer includes a working surface at a first surface. From the interface of the layer with the substrate, a reaction zone extends into the layer toward the working surface and a binder metal depletion zone extends into the substrate toward a base surface. The layer of superhard material has a composition including chromium or an alloy thereof. Also disclosed is an abrasive compact having a body with a composition including (i) a superhard material, (ii) a metal from a grain growth inhibitor or a metal from a metallic carbide other than WC, and (iii) an iron group binder metal. Cutting elements incorporating the abrasive compact, and drill bits incorporating abrasive compacts and cutting elements are also disclosed as well as methods of manufacture and methods of cutting material.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 31, 2010
    Date of Patent: December 11, 2012
    Assignee: Diamond Innovations, Inc.
    Inventors: Christian James Truemner, Suresh Vagarali