Patents Represented by Law Firm Gifford, Krass, Groh, Sprinkle, Patmore, Anderson & Citkowski, P. C.
  • Patent number: 5718149
    Abstract: A bifurcated rack bearing assembly for a steering system includes a bearing member having a pair of bearing surfaces and which is pivotable within a base. The bearing member has a pair of curved riding surfaces which slide on a curved saddle surface of the base to permit the bearing surfaces to pivot into alignment coaxial with an axis of translation of the rack. The bifurcated rack bearing assembly can be substituted for the rack bearings of conventional steering systems.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 21, 1995
    Date of Patent: February 17, 1998
    Assignee: Techco Corporation
    Inventor: Edward H. Phillips
  • Patent number: 5718357
    Abstract: A syringe as disclosed having an elongated cylindrical tube open at both a first and second end. The first open end of the tube provides both a filling and dispensing opening for the contents of the tube. A cylindrical piston is slidably mounted within the tube and has a first axial end facing the fill and dispensing opening and a second axial end facing the opposite or second opening. The piston has an outside diameter slightly smaller than the inside diameter of the tube so that an annular clearance space is formed between the tube and the piston. A wiper extends radially outwardly from the second end of the piston and frictionally engages the cylindrical internal surface of the tube. In practice, when the syringe is filled, air is compressed through the annular opening and deflects the wiper such that the air escapes out of the syringe tube.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 9, 1996
    Date of Patent: February 17, 1998
    Assignee: Courtaulds Aerospace
    Inventor: Nguyen Thai Dang
  • Patent number: 5711345
    Abstract: Methods and machining apparatus for indexing and forming spool and pinion shafts for use in a rotary control valve of a power steering system are disclosed. In particular, the methods include forming a contoured spool shaft extension on an end of a spool shaft and a complementary rosette on an end of a pinion shaft, and forming spool and pinion shaft holders having complementary rosettes and contoured ends, respectively, to permit accurate mounting of the spool and pinion shafts during subsequent machine operations. The machining apparatus includes a workpiece holder which rotates the spool or pinion shaft at a predetermined speed and a cutting assembly which moves a cutting tool into and out of contact with the workpiece at three times the speed of rotation of the workpiece.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 22, 1995
    Date of Patent: January 27, 1998
    Assignee: Techco Corporation
    Inventor: Edward H. Phillips
  • Patent number: 5706855
    Abstract: In a device for monitoring the valve stroke of a valve that is pneumatically or hydraulically driven and comprises a valve body that is actuated by means of a pressure spindle (16), in particular, a diaphragm valve, a control spindle (20) is effectively connected to the pressure spindle (16). A control element (38) is arranged on the control spindle (20) in order to actuate a measuring element that serves as a signal transmitter for the valve position. The control element (38) has a control surface (40) that is inclined relative to the actuating axis (z) of the control spindle (20), and a displacement transducer (36) that measures the respective distance from the control surface (40) which corresponds to the valve position is arranged on the valve.This device makes it possible to monitor continuously the valve stroke over the entire range of movement of the valve.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 28, 1996
    Date of Patent: January 13, 1998
    Assignee: Georg Fischer Rohrleitungssysteme AG
    Inventor: Martin Heiniger
  • Patent number: 5704178
    Abstract: The use of rubber fragments from discarded tires in building panels, including panels suitable for house construction. A rubber panel is constructed of metal frame members, using a metal mesh on the interior for structural strength and support, and ground up rubber fragments which may contain strands of steel or other metal or fibre reinforcing materials present in tires. These fragments are mixed with an appropriate glue and bonded together to ensure the structural integrity of the panel. Different types of panels are made wherein a window or door frame is mounted at a suitable location. The method of manufacturing a rubber panel includes the steps of preforming a metal frame with mesh covering enclosed area, mixing an appropriate glue with shredded vehicle tires to form a mixture, place the mixture over the mesh, clamping the panel and placing it under pressure by a press and maintaining the pressure until the glue has set.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 11, 1996
    Date of Patent: January 6, 1998
    Inventor: Angelo Ciao
  • Patent number: 5704483
    Abstract: A foldable shipping container or tray made of a single blank and preassembled to be unfolded into an open top tray having foldable leg structures depending from the corners of the bottom of the container to engage the outside upper corners of a like container or partition members protruding above the sides of a like container to maintain the containers in alignment with each other in their unfolded condition with the leg structures being foldable relative to the remainder of the container in either its folded or unfolded condition.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 26, 1995
    Date of Patent: January 6, 1998
    Assignee: Shoreline Container Inc.
    Inventor: Gregory I. Groh
  • Patent number: 5701782
    Abstract: A press as provided for stamping parts from a sheet of stock material. The press includes a frame having a fixed platen secured to the frame against movement. A movable platen is movably mounted to the frame between a closed position in which the movable platen is spaced from the fixed platen by a distance sufficient to receive the sheet of stock material between the platens, and a closed position in which the stock material is sandwiched between the platens to form the part. A drive wheel is rotatably mounted to the frame about an axis parallel to the axis of movement of the movable platen. A plurality of cam members on the drive wheel engage cam followers on the movable platen during rotation of the wheel in order to move the movable platen between its retracted and its closed position. Each cam member includes a dwell portion which retains the movable platen in its closed position for a predetermined angular rotation of the wheel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 11, 1996
    Date of Patent: December 30, 1997
    Inventor: Filippo D. Padula
  • Patent number: 5699730
    Abstract: A bag squeezing apparatus for breaking up bridging of material being delivered from the bag. A pair of jaws are sequentially operated to impact opposite sides of the bag.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 10, 1996
    Date of Patent: December 23, 1997
    Assignee: Chem Financial, Inc.
    Inventors: Ray Ogier, Garry O'Donnell
  • Patent number: 5697216
    Abstract: Method and apparatus for reduction of fluid borne noise in a hydraulic system are disclosed. An improved isolating hose assembly comprising first, second and third volumetrically compliant members with first and second inductive flow members providing fluidic coupling therebetween is disclosed. The improved isolating hose assembly acts similarly to an electronic low pass filter network in deterring fluid borne noise from entering portions of the hydraulic system located therebeyond. A modified isolating hose assembly comprising a resistive member introduced within the second volumetrically compliant member in order to eliminate the possibility of a deleterious resonance in the assembly is disclosed. In addition, apparatus for additionally reducing structure borne noise in hydraulic systems comprising direct hydraulic coupling of the first volumetrically compliant member to internal output ports of the hydraulic system's pump is disclosed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 10, 1996
    Date of Patent: December 16, 1997
    Assignee: Techco Corporation
    Inventor: Edward H. Phillips
  • Patent number: 5697372
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for compensating for the effects of variable attenuation in a body being scanned by an ultrasound pulse echo scanner in which a compensation signal is derived on the basis that the signal strength of the received signal at any time instant after generation is influenced by both attenuation and back scatter. The apparatus comprises an array of transducers which generate a received signal from an echo, for applying a time-dependent gain to produce a signal which is a function of the received signal, temporary storage and integrator functions operable to sum the signal values for each time instant from a commencement point, the combining of the integrated signal with the stored original signal to form a quotient, and the displaying of the signal thus generated.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 8, 1995
    Date of Patent: December 16, 1997
    Assignee: Systems Engineering & Assessment Limited
    Inventor: David Ian Hughes
  • Patent number: 5697928
    Abstract: An electrode catheter is disclosed for creating a linear lesion in heart tissue of a heart chamber in order to correct cardiac arrhythmia. The catheter is elongated in dimension such that, upon insertion of the catheter in the patient, the catheter substantially continuously contacts either the endocardial or epicardial heart tissue. The catheter includes a plurality of electrodes and the electrodes are positioned at spaced intervals along the catheter. The electrodes are then sequentially energized with a radio frequency in conjunction with a back plate attached to the patient such that the electrodes form a continuous lesion conforming in shape to the shape of the catheter on the heart tissue. This lesion, furthermore, is of sufficient depth such that the lesion interrupts electrical nodal conduction across the lesion.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 23, 1996
    Date of Patent: December 16, 1997
    Assignee: UAB Research Foundation
    Inventors: Gregory P. Walcott, Raymond E. Ideker, Jay Alan Warren
  • Patent number: 5697703
    Abstract: A drive mechanism for automatic paint stirring equipment of the type having a housing and a plurality of spaced apart and parallel shafts rotatably mounted to the housing. Each shaft is adapted for detachable driving connection with a stirring assembly associated with a lid on a paint can supported on the housing. The drive mechanism includes a gear wheel secured to an upper end of each of the shafts and an elongated rigid gear rack which meshingly engages a plurality of the gear wheels on the shafts. The gear rack is reciprocally longitudinally driven through a wheel and link assembly to simultaneously reciprocally drive the shafts in alternating rotational directions. This alternating rotational movement is, in turn, transferred to the stirring assembly associated with the paint can for each of the drive shafts.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 27, 1996
    Date of Patent: December 16, 1997
    Assignee: Dedoes Industries, Inc.
    Inventor: David Lucchetti
  • Patent number: 5694813
    Abstract: An industrial robot is disclosed having a base which is secured to a ground support surface. A robotic manipulator is pivotally mounted to the base about a predetermined axis. The base and robotic manipulator, furthermore, form a channel therebetween around at least a portion of an outer periphery of the base and the robotic manipulator. An elongated flexible tube is positioned in the channel and one end of the tube is secured to the base while the other end is secured to the robotic manipulator. The tube forms a guide for wires and/or conduits extending between the base and the robotic manipulator.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 23, 1996
    Date of Patent: December 9, 1997
    Assignee: Nachi Robotics Systems Inc.
    Inventor: Timothy James McLaughlan
  • Patent number: D387852
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 19, 1996
    Date of Patent: December 16, 1997
    Assignee: Circulair, Inc.
    Inventors: Lee Radtke, Linda M. Usher, Eric F. Junkel
  • Patent number: D388532
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 15, 1996
    Date of Patent: December 30, 1997
    Inventor: Marc H. Wander
  • Patent number: D388911
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 29, 1996
    Date of Patent: January 6, 1998
    Inventor: William R. Byxbee, Jr.
  • Patent number: D389325
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 6, 1997
    Date of Patent: January 20, 1998
    Assignee: President Tuxedo Rental, Inc.
    Inventor: Paul Kedzior
  • Patent number: D389365
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 24, 1996
    Date of Patent: January 20, 1998
    Assignee: Fun-Time International, Inc.
    Inventor: Erik Lipson
  • Patent number: D389366
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 24, 1996
    Date of Patent: January 20, 1998
    Assignee: Fun-Time International, Inc.
    Inventor: Erik Lipson
  • Patent number: D389367
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 24, 1996
    Date of Patent: January 20, 1998
    Assignee: Fun-Time International, Inc.
    Inventor: Erik Lipson