Abstract: A reusable or disposable rodent trap, having only two discrete parts, consisting of an unstable, tiltable enclosure, upon whose exterior surface is mounted a rotating door member with elongated side panels, which is prevented from rotating whenever the entrance side of the enclosure is downwardly inclined. Contact between the elongated door side panels, and the surface upon which the downwardly inclined enclosure rests, provides the rotational impediment. A rodent traversing the length of the enclosure to reach bait at the closed end causes the enclosure to incline upwardly, allowing the door to rotate closed by gravity. The rodent's return to the entrance end causes the enclosure to again assume a downward inclination. Since the door cannot be rotated in either direction when the enclosure is downwardly inclined, the rodent cannot open the door when proximate to it. The rodent, which will die of asphyxiation within hours, may be disposed of by simply inverting the trap.
Abstract: An electrical socket bearing fixture is adapted for use on a modular wall panel having a rigid peripheral support frame enclosing a decorative compressible planar wall surface. The fixture includes an electrical socket bearing member and a molding member for carrying electrical lines. The socket bearing and molding members can be removably mounted integrally with the modular wall panel without fasteners or alteration of the panel. The socket bearing member includes a mounting plate edge and tab which are inserted between the rigid frame and the compressible surface to position the socket bearing member. The molding member interlocks with the socket bearing member and also bears mounting tabs for insertion between the rigid frame and compressible wall surface material.