Abstract: An apparatus for decreasing water vapor in a compressed gas, such as compressed air, using cooling. A pipe, tapered or not, is attached to the air inlet port of the main gas compressor tank, or in a secondary tank or other downstream device, such that the compressed gas is forced through the pipe and onto a heat conductive plate, where water vapor condenses and is drained away.
September 23, 2002
Date of Patent:
July 6, 2004
George William Doak, Kenneth William Doak
Abstract: An address display including a signboard, the signboard having defined therethrough at least three sets of punch-out holes, each set having at least one punch-out hole defined within, at least one punch-out hole of each set substantially collinear with at least one punch-out hole of each of the other sets, the punch-out holes along a line defined by the collinearity having substantially constant spacing; and a number of characters, each character to attach to respective ones of the at least three sets of holes, the characters each having a width and a height, the characters chosen from a set of characters corresponding to characters used in an address, each character in the set of characters having substantially the same overall width and substantially the same overall height as each of the other characters in the set of characters.