Abstract: A method and apparatus for securing two ribbed panels of composition board together to form a single panel having two outer flat surfaces. The method comprises positioning panels on opposite sides of a support member and temporarily securing them to same. An adhesive is applied to the edges of the ribs on the panel and the panels secured to the support member are stacked one over the other. One or more alignment members are placed on one of the panels between two of the ribs, another set of panels are coated with adhesive, and placed on top of the panel with the alignment members so that the alignment member is urged between two corresponding ribs of the lower panel of the set on the upper support member such that the alignment member aligns the ribs of the two juxtapositioned panels as the edges of the ribs meet and are glued together.
Abstract: An internal hydrostatic bearer for printing presses wherein ends of cylinders of the press are rotatably journaled in hydrostatic bearers in side frames of the press. The bearer comprises a sleeve having an opening extending therethrough which is formed eccentric to the outer circumference of the sleeve. The opening is adapted for circulation of fluid therethrough around the periphery of the end of the cylinder.