Patents Represented by Attorney Jeffrey Furr
  • Patent number: 7166072
    Abstract: The current invention consists of a device for sexual therapy that consists of a handle connected to a long tear shaped flat surface which curves downward at the largest end of the tear. On the flat inward side of the downward part of the tear there is a raised platform which is covered by pimples. The end of the handle has a flat edge which serves as a cap for a battery compartment with the cap having an on/off/speed control switch. The pimples of the raised platform are used for sexual stimulation. Within the device under the platform is a vibrating means such as a vibrating bullet.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 12, 2004
    Date of Patent: January 23, 2007
    Inventor: Irina Smith
  • Patent number: 7147860
    Abstract: Present invention relates to a method and composition for symptomatic relief of vaginitis. Until the treatment of underlying cause takes effect women suffer from unpleasant symptoms of vaginitis restricting daily routine activities. The symptoms of vaginitis may be incapacitating and are a common reason for visiting the gynecologist and can lead to frustration, embarrassment, anger, lost days from work, marital conflict and loss of ability to enjoy a normal personal, professional and social life.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 27, 2002
    Date of Patent: December 12, 2006
    Assignee: Centum Research, LLC
    Inventor: Syed Ritzi
  • Patent number: 7128174
    Abstract: The present invention describes a drilling and anchoring device for diverse application, which possess as a basic principle to provide the formation of a specific drilling and anchoring device of the most diverse products to soils, fully based on a lower penetration device in order to fully optimize both processes by directly eliminating excavations and high efforts, having as a basis a drilling and anchoring device incorporating a proprietary structure of high durability and strength possessing a properly integrated and attached main supporting body, a lower penetration device, a central rotating device and, as an option, an upper fitting device, so as to form a structure whose shape and internal and external arrangement directly adapts itself to the most diverse types of soils and products in general.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 8, 2003
    Date of Patent: October 31, 2006
    Inventor: Ivan Carta
  • Patent number: 7066697
    Abstract: The dunnage transport organizer is a device that consists of a pole with a dunnage puncture point at one end with a cover for that point, that attaches to a base which has pallet clamps to attach it to a pallet or other such transportation means. The pole is perpendicular to the adjustable base. The adjustable base is attached to an ordinary pallet with the pallet clamps and adjustment straps being adjustable to fit different sizes of pallets. The pole has to be connected to the base with the opposite end with a point to allow the puncturing of the dunnage. The dunnage puncture point has a cover for safety reasons and safe transportation of the dunnage.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 11, 2001
    Date of Patent: June 27, 2006
    Inventor: Steve Guilkey
  • Patent number: 7058055
    Abstract: The present invention comprises a method of source routing to implement device-to-device communications across a hybrid distributed device control network. The method is based in packet communications in which packets are structured so that they can be readily converted between communications protocols, and in which packets enclose routing information and parameters.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 24, 2005
    Date of Patent: June 6, 2006
    Assignee: Smartmatic Corp.
    Inventors: Antonio Mugica, Paul Babic, Lino Iglesias
  • Patent number: 7026557
    Abstract: This invention relates to an improved apparatus for measuring the weight of an object being carried by a fork lift truck. Accurate weight is obtained by combining the measurements of the tension load(s) exerted by the chain(s) used to lift and support the fork carrying carriage with a measurement of the vertical forces imposed on the carriage by the mast through the carriage guides that are used to contain carriage movement within the mast and support the moment created by the object being weighed. The weight thusly determined can be easily calibrated for both pitch and roll mast angles. The apparatus can be integrated into the mast system of the fork truck without significantly affecting the fork truck's load carrying capacity. Specifically, the scale apparatus does not increase the overturning moment created by the weight of the object as compared with that of the standard non-instrumented carriage.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 30, 2003
    Date of Patent: April 11, 2006
    Assignee: Mettler-Toledo
    Inventors: Thomas S Rice, Steven Everett Hamilton
  • Patent number: 7006454
    Abstract: This invention comprises a method to manage the efficient routing of messages in a multi-hop network. This method can be implemented using a low cost, low processing power hardware platform, whereby each network node consists of an 8-bit microcontroller and additional peripherals. The data storage unit is implemented by an external memory. This method uses four internal data buffers and an extremely efficient algorithm to manage traffic of messages and buffers within the microcontroller.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 1, 2005
    Date of Patent: February 28, 2006
    Assignee: Smartmatic, Corp.
    Inventor: Felix Missel
  • Patent number: 7003774
    Abstract: The present invention is a software architecture that provides high versatility and performance. This architecture is composed of two dimensions: the first one belongs in the application level, and the second in the multicore dimension. The application dimension is related to the different applications based in the conceptual model of abstractions exposed in this patent. The multicore dimension is related to the applications dimension instantiated several times in the same computer (multiple processors) or in several computers. All the cores within the multicore dimension are related in order to share information and integrate all the architecture''s applications. The multicore architecture avoids bottlenecks in the simultaneous execution of multiple applications on the same computer by means of a large virtual core composed of small interconnected cores.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 16, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 21, 2006
    Assignee: Smartmatic
    Inventors: Antonio Mugica, Carlos Alonso, Lino Iglesias
  • Patent number: 6980118
    Abstract: The present invention detects the squaring and feathering of an oar during rowing. The time interval between two consecutive feathers is measured, and it is used to calculate the stroke rating. It is mounted to an oar close to the grip of the oar. An enclosure houses a display, a sensor, a microcontroller, a power source and a clock which is a component of the microcontroller. The stroke rating is displayed on a display. A strap is attached to the enclosure. The strap fastens the enclosure to the oar. The direction of the rotation of the oar from the squared position to the feathered position is shown by the arrow. Because of its small size, the device does not hinder rowing while remaining in plain view of the rower, and because it does not use any external or rigidly mounted sensors it can easily be transported and used on various equipment.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 23, 2003
    Date of Patent: December 27, 2005
    Assignee: Vanja Buvac, Inc.
    Inventor: Vanja Buvac
  • Patent number: 6972384
    Abstract: The invention disclosed consists of an Internet scale, which is comprised of a weighing platform with an integrated Internet connection/browser means. This scale will allow the connectivity and communication with the Internet or Intranet without the use of a separate Internet connection means. It will have the ability to take a weight from a weighing apparatus, update an HTML form automatically with the new weight value and obtain the new charge/cost for the specified method of shipment from an Internet server. The Internet scale will act as an Internet appliance and perform communication with the Internet and peripherals required for a small footprint shipping system.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 27, 2001
    Date of Patent: December 6, 2005
    Assignee: Mettler-Toledo, Inc.
    Inventors: Bruce Huitt, Kenneth Bauman, Christopher Gubitose, Mroz Wieslaw
  • Patent number: 6965935
    Abstract: The present invention provides a system and network architecture for a plurality of internet-enabled appliances to communicate with each other and with a plurality of users simultaneously in real time. In a preferred embodiment, a system in accordance with the present invention allows any appliance with built-in internet connectivity, or retrofitted with an interface device containing said connectivity, to communicate with a central server over the internet without human intervention. Software means is provided at the central server to enable such communication. Firmware and hardware means are provided for each appliance to connect to and disconnect from the central server on demand either through a dial-up connection or a dedicated communication line. The present invention allows for each device to send data to the central server, receive data from said server, or send data to and receive data from another device via the central server under user-programmable control means residing in the central server.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 1, 2001
    Date of Patent: November 15, 2005
    Inventor: Chong Khai Diong
  • Patent number: 6964049
    Abstract: Low processing power microprocessors are cheap and represent a great solution for automation, control, basic signal processing and other problems. A microprocessor's intelligence derives from the program it executes. The Smart Internetworking Operating System (SIOS) is a multitasking operating system capable of operating in low processing power platforms, such as 8-bit microprocessors, SIOS supports rapid development of complete applications since task programming is based on SIOS instructions, instead of on the underlying microprocessor's native language. The SIOS instruction set allows the execution of both simple and complex operations, which speed up application development since programmers need not be concerned with the microprocessor-specific details, and can concentrate on developing intelligent operation routines according to the requirements of the problem at hand.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 18, 2001
    Date of Patent: November 8, 2005
    Assignee: Smartmatic Corporation
    Inventors: Lino Iglesias, Roger Pinate, Antonio Mugica, Paul Babic, Jeffrey Naveda, Dany Farina, Rodrigo Meneses, Salvador Ponticelli, Gisela Goncalves, Yrem Caruso
  • Patent number: 6919516
    Abstract: Load cells forming one or more weighing scales are connected to each other and to a common concentrator which communicates to a master controller in the control house via RF wireless communication. The load cells are polled by and provide weight reading to concentrator to the master controller. A digital load cell is used which includes a rocker pin, guided beam, torsion ring or other counterforce, a circuit board mounted on the counterforce and an enclosure sealing the circuit board and all but the load bearing surfaces of the counterforce and a mounded antenna. The circuit board includes a microcomputer and a transceiver. RF communication is provided with the circuit board through a antenna mounted on the enclosure. One or a number of load cells may be connected to a computer or controller to form one or more weighing scales with one or more weighing scales connect to a control house through wireless RF communication.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 8, 2002
    Date of Patent: July 19, 2005
    Assignee: Mettler-Toledo
    Inventors: Craig Frye, Bruce Eldridge Huitt
  • Patent number: 6910968
    Abstract: A system and method for implementing casino junkets or casino tours to potential or return customers and tracking the acceptance of those promotions via electronic means. Data including promotions and requirements for the promotion are entered online in real-time by casino representatives into the real-time posting system and presented, based upon certain player qualifications, in real-time to qualified players. Promotions are displayed to potential customers based upon customer preference items, applicable dates of the promotion, qualification of the potential customer to maintain play and minimum play levels required to qualify for the casino tour and if displayed are able to be accepted by the potential customers, with notification back to the casino tour operator electronically via the system.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 18, 2002
    Date of Patent: June 28, 2005
    Assignee: Valet Noir, Inc.
    Inventor: George Nassef
  • Patent number: D528860
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 16, 2004
    Date of Patent: September 26, 2006
    Inventor: Daniel M. McGrath
  • Patent number: D533287
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 29, 2005
    Date of Patent: December 5, 2006
    Assignee: GM Lighting, LLC
    Inventor: Mark Anthony Pacheco
  • Patent number: D533288
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 29, 2005
    Date of Patent: December 5, 2006
    Assignee: GM Lighting, LLC
    Inventor: Mark Anthony Pacheco
  • Patent number: D534752
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 30, 2004
    Date of Patent: January 9, 2007
    Inventor: Syed Rizvi
  • Patent number: D551720
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 28, 2005
    Date of Patent: September 25, 2007
    Inventor: Ahmad Jabara
  • Patent number: D568196
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 2, 2006
    Date of Patent: May 6, 2008
    Inventor: William E. Byrne