Abstract: This invention relates to a process, a plant, and butanol made of or derived from lignocellulosic feedstock. The process includes the step of depolymerizing lignocellulosic material to form pentose and a remainder. The process also includes the step of converting the pentose to butanol material and using the remainder for generation of power or further downstream conversion.
Abstract: This invention relates to a process, a plant, and a biofuel for integrated biofuel production, such as with butanol, biodiesel, and/or sugar product. The integrated process includes the step of removing hexose from a feedstock to form a lignocellulosic material. The process also includes the step of converting the hexose to butanol and/or a biodiesel material, and the step of depolymerizing lignocellulosic material to form pentose and a residue. The process also includes the step of converting the pentose to butanol and/or a biodiesel material.
Abstract: Methods and systems are provided for monitoring a solid-liquid interface, including providing a vessel configured to contain an at least partially melted material; detecting radiation reflected from a surface of a liquid portion of the at least partially melted material that is parallel with the liquid surface; measuring a disturbance on the surface; calculating at least one frequency associated with the disturbance; and determining a thickness of the liquid portion based on the at least one frequency, wherein the thickness is calculated based on L = f 2 ? w 2 g , where g is the gravitational constant, w is the horizontal width of the liquid, and f is the at least one frequency.
September 19, 2008
Date of Patent:
July 20, 2010
BP Corporation North America Inc
Nathan G. Stoddard, Roger F. Clark, Tim Kary