Abstract: A 3-D viewer is created by folding paper such as card stock in a predetermined manner. A first section of the viewer carries a pair of 3-D lenses and a second section, which is held normal to the plane of the first section when the viewer is in use, has a longitudinal extent substantially equal to the focal length of the lenses. In a first embodiment, a third section is foldably connected to the second section, carries a pair of 3-D scenes, and is held generally parallel to the first section when the scenes are viewed. Only one scene is provided in a second embodiment. Third and fourth embodiments add a fourth section that interconnects the free ends of the first and third sections of the first and second embodiments, respectively. That fourth section suggests to the user that the sections should be held in a square, box-like configuration. In the fourth embodiment, a foldable flap locks the viewer into the box-like configuration and serves as a septum member that facilitates viewing of the 3-D images.