Abstract: A computer system for disparate windowing environments includes a server which leverages as much of one windowing environment's code as possible, and uses another windowing environment's code only in cases either to remain compliant with the other windowing Environment's protocol or where the other windowing environment's code is clearly more suited for a given task. The server according to the present invention is made up of two basic components: a front end adapted for the first windowing environment, which is a network-aware application that serves up high-level application programming interfaces (e.g., create window, draw line, draw text) to a complementary component, a translation layer, running as a daemon on a UNIX machine.
Abstract: A cooling device which utilizes an ice substitute in a shaped container which can be inserted into a sport bottle and retained in place by the straw so that the cooling device remains at the bottom of the sport bottle. The cooling device contains openings or slots at the bottom to allow the fluid to be drawn through the openings after it has flowed past the cooling device. The cooling device contains a hollow center through which the straw is placed, with retaining nibs or protrusions holding the cooling device in place and retaining it with respect to the straw. The device can be available in different sizes to fit a number of sport bottles and straws.