Abstract: A method is provided for effecting improved airway ventilation of a patient during sleep which involves delivering a burst or pulse of pressurized air through the patient's nose and into the patient's airway upon the termination of each breath exhalation. The apparatus of the invention includes an expandable-contractible chamber for collecting and then delivering a bolus of air through a nasal device providing sealed entry of the patient's airway, and means responsive to the exhaled breath of the patient that triggers delivery of the bolus of air, all of the foregoing preferably being contained in a compact housing that is positionable near the head of the patient.
Abstract: A headset to accompany virtual reality units which provides a user the sensation of motion by vestibular stimulation. A fixed or adjustable device positions conductors on the forehead and mastoid regions of the user's head capable of receiving computer generated electrical currents that may be synchronized to audio or video displays to enhance the effect of virtual environments by causing dysequilibrium and a resulting sensation of motion therein.
Abstract: A method is provided for advertising within the virtual environments of games. Default images of games are replaced by alternative textures having advertisements implemented therein. An ad server coordinates the matching of ads to demographic data of the game player and properly accommodates ads in formats from game information provided by game sources. The game player is visually influenced by advertisements as he or she views the virtual world of the game, as plug-in software replaces the default images with virtual pictures and figures utilizing an advertisement. View statistics are retrieved from the game player's computer or console to rate viewing effectiveness for ad placement confirmation and billing purposes.
Abstract: A means of automatically dispensing air tubing on demand of the user, then retracting it, upon signal by the user. The spool is highly portable and conducive to use in a non-hospital environment because of its simplicity and ease of operation. As the user translates, the air tubing length between the user is increased. As the user moves toward the air supply, the tubing can be retracted.The instant invention may be fastened to a wheelchair or may be carried on the person of the user to facilitate its employment.
Abstract: A portable and covered toilet which can be easily assembled and used in a variety of remote locations that require proper waste disposal. An inexpensive flushing system maintains sanitary conditions, and, a cover, included to provide privacy, is folded onto the base, and the toilet is taken apart and situated thereon in a convenient, packaged unit.
Abstract: A pliers which allows the user to firmly hold a tack, nail, or screw for application, particularly when in use against a structure. The pliers incorporates a handle offset which allows the user to apply the fastener when working in close quarters with the point of application. The device includes longnose pliers blades with varying diameter of serrations for firmly holding a wide range of fastener sizes and applying them in hard-to-reach spaces.
Abstract: A waist pack combined with a bicycle locking device. The belt of the waist pack is removable from the waist pack when not being worn and threads through the spokes of a bicycle as a lock. The combination provides for a useful means of carrying the bicycle lock on the person while bicycling. The bicycle lock is convenient to stow and provides a bicycle lock that does not damage the bicycle as it is being carried and while not in use.
Abstract: A gun rest which aids the sighting of a gun, particularly a rifle. The gun rest allows the accurate sighting-in of a rifle or assists in long distance shooting. The gun rest accommodates a variety of rifle configurations, and adjusts to the preference of the shooter as to positioning of the gun, horizontally and with respect to elevation and azimuth of the sights. It is compact and can be easily stowed, or carried by the shooter in a pack.
Abstract: Galvanic vestibular stimulation is combined with visual stimulation to extend movement and directional cues within a virtual reality scene. The vestibular sensory system will be stimulated through the use of galvanic stimulation to induce a state of vestibular dysequilibrium. Synchronizing this inner-ear dysequilibrium with an optical reference will amplify the user's postural movement. The current state of virtual reality stimulates principally only the visual scene of the user through head mounted visual display units. However, the human body uses three different senses to resolve motion and acceleration cues like those simulated in virtual reality. Reliance on the visual scene, therefore, necessarily invites conflict between the visual system and the two remaining centers for motion sensation which remain dormant and, therefore, do not reinforce the visual sensations. This confuses the user and detracts from the experience.
Abstract: A retaining device comprising two articulating clamping portions which encompass around a gasoline pump handle frame, depressing and holding the operating handle, thereby fixedly securing the pump trigger to allow dispensing of gasoline without attendance.
Abstract: A method for the evaluation of the pattern of shot resulting from a single shotgun round for purposes of optimizing the selection of ammunition type and prediction of shot pattern, and a target for its implementation. The shooter fires a single round at the target. Then a rotating overlay allows the pattern of shot to be evaluated with respect to a center aim point and an overlay axis and kill zone. The overlay is rotated through a series of clockwise, then counterclockwise increments. At each increment, the target is scored with respect to the overlay. The number of shot striking the kill zone for each position of the overlay axis is computed and by observation the shooter can determine the optimal ammunition for use with the weapon and for a given type of game.
Abstract: A scraper is formed by an assembly of upright blades supported by a frame which is fixed over a waste receptacle. Cylindrical containers are scraped by rotation of the container over the assembly of upright blades, the waste products from the containers thereby being deposited in the waste receptacle, without handling. The mechanism may be further automated by the addition of a hand turning assembly or an electric motor assembly which rotates the assembly of upright blades within the container.
Abstract: A toilet tank cover comprises two decorative figures. Discharge from the vent orifice of a cup type float valve flows up through the primary figure and out an exterior orifice to the secondary figure. The primary figure receives water discharge from the discharge vent of a cup type float valve. The discharge then flows through the primary figure to an emission point. At the emission point, the fluid is directed toward an opening in the second figure. The discharge flows through the secondary figure and drains directly into the waste standpipe of the toilet. The operation of the flush mechanism of the toilet is thereby monitored in an aesthetically pleasing fashion.
Abstract: Disposable protective wear for persons who sun tan, providing a shield for sensitive parts of the body against exposure, while allowing for maximum coloring of the body and sanitary conditions within tanning salons. The disposable protective wear consists of separate articles of face cover, adjustable lower cover and breast covers, all with adhesive means to hold the articles in place on the wearer.
Abstract: Equipment for the raising, sunken vessels, specifically small to medium sized ships which are submerged in depths to which human descent for purposes of rigging retrieval gear to the ship is impractical or unsafe. The equipment can be employed remotely using video equipment for aligning the required underwater assemblies. The equipment involve lifting slings which are levered underneath the hull and then used to mechanically raise the vessel to the surface. It is particularly applicable to vessels which are resting on soft sand or clay ocean, sea, or lake bottoms, where interferences with the equipment as it is deployed underneath the vessel are a minimum.