Abstract: An accommodating artificial ocular lens (AAOL) device including a moving lens optic portion connected to a lens plate haptic portion. Preferably, the lens optic portion is connected to the lens plate haptic portion by a pair of flexible or resilient transverse oriented lens arm portions to provide or allow for movement of the lens optic portion.
December 21, 2005
Date of Patent:
July 10, 2012
Tekia, Inc.
Larry W. Blake, William C. Huddleston, Gene Currie
Abstract: A hat device configured to visually simulate a vehicle tire. The hat device is configured so that the visually simulated tire is worn transversely relative to a user's head.
Abstract: A personal aircraft device (“PAD”) and a powered personal aircraft device (“PPAD”) configured to be ridden and/or releasably connected to a person or user. The personal aircraft device can be configured to provide a large array of maneuvers during sky diving or free fall, and perform somewhat as a lifting device requiring a parachute landing and/or alternatively can be configured to glide to a safe landing. The personal aircraft device and powered personal aircraft device according to the present invention provide for high performance, speed and/or maneuvering of a person or user during free fall, and can provide increased or significantly increased gliding capability versus free falling or deployment of a high performance parachute.