Abstract: A number of compact, high-efficiency and high-power density thermoelectric systems utilizing the advantages of thermal isolation are described. Such configurations exhibit high system efficiency and power density. Some configurations exhibit a substantial reduction in the amount of thermoelectric material required.
Abstract: In one embodiment, a system for managing semantic locks and semantic lock requests for a resource is provided. Access to the resource is controlled such that compatible lock requests can access the resource and incompatible lock requests are queued.
Abstract: A method of preventing water leakage through a concrete substrate on the ground into an inner space of an underground structure. Underground structures located adjacent water tables maybe sealed against the intrusion of water as by drilling an opening to the outer side of the concrete substrate. A pipe possessing a valve is then inserted with the valve in a cut-off position to stem the flow of water leaking through the substrate. Cement slurry is then inserted through the pipe into the opening until a portion of the cement is in place along the outer side of the concrete substrate adjacent the ground. An inner end of the pipe is then cut away with the cement slurry being allowed to dry for approximately one day. Unhardened cement is removed from the pipe from which water is still leaking. A cement powder is heaped upon the opening and is compacted into the opening via an impacting hammer.