Abstract: A soft bifocal contact lens has a carrier lens of soft plastic material shaped and dimensioned to an eye of a user. A central portion of the carrier lens is formed to provide distance-vision correction for the eye of the user. An auxiliary lens smaller than the carrier lens is attached adjacent a lower edge of the carrier lens, and formed to provide near-vision correction for the eye of the user. The auxiliary lens has a contour of a lower edge thereof for contacting a lower eyelid of the user to translate the carrier lens upward when the user moves the eye downward for close vision.
Abstract: A boat trailer having a frame with a forwardly extending tongue and a paddle cradle for a boat hull has a pair of longitudinally disposed arms pivotally hinged forwardly to each side element of the frame. Each independently pivoted arm includes a float attached at its rearwardly extending distal end. An outrigger guide arm is attached to the distal end of each arm and extends outwardly and upwardly such that the floats cause each guide arm to extend above the water level during launching and recovery of a boat. A line attached to a boat bow fed over a post and hook on the tongue and aft to a slot in a guide arm permits launching and recovery of a boat by one person.