Abstract: An adaptor for converting the oil filtering of engines, so equipped, from internal paper-based cartridge type oil filters to automotive type spin-on oil filters is disclosed herein. The adaptor includes a mount which has screw threads at one end to allow mounting to the oil filter cavity housing in the engine. The mount has screw threads at the other end to allow the mounting of a housing as well as the spin-on oil filter. An axial hollow port in the mount allows the flow of filtered, pressurized oil from the spin-on oil filter into the main engine oil galley. The housing attached to the mount provides a sealing surface for the spin-on oil filter to mate against, thus completing the installation. The housing includes ports for the delivery of pressurized, unfiltered oil from the engine oil filter cavity to the intake ports of the spin-on oil filter.
Abstract: A beam lead diode configuration is described, employing a planar proton bombarded conversion region and a low-permittivity dielectric separator. The diode enjoys the mechanical ruggedness of the conventional planar diodes and the electrical performance of conventional mesa-type diodes. The diode structure results in the absence of N-type mesa structures on the substrate, allowing fabrication by relatively low-cost, high-yield photolithographic processes.