Patents Represented by Attorney Maurice H. Kiltzman
  • Patent number: 5099421
    Abstract: A sequence of instructions made up of stages is executed sequentially by the processor in a first mode (stack mode) such that, the Nth stage of the Ith instruction is processed simultaneously with the N+1 stage of the I-1 instruction. Similarly the N+1 stage of the I-1 instruction is processed at the sasme time as the N+2 stage of the I-2 instruction and so on. The processing unit maintains the execution of instructions in the same sequence as they were received by the processing unit by executing all sections of an instruction. Even though a stage may not be required for execution of a particular instruction, the processor must wait (i.e., execute a null instruction) for a time equivalent to a stage before processisng the next stage. The invention provides a second mode (non-stack mode) of execution such that unneeded or null instruction stages are bypassed without the processing order of the execution sequence being disturbed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 30, 1988
    Date of Patent: March 24, 1992
    Assignee: International Business Machine Corporation
    Inventors: Daniel J. Buerkle, Ngai, Agnes Y.